Monday In-Depth_ Costs_ Continued from Page IH »i' i an It) keep tile prii es low er '’ \\ illi.mis said The t heapest hooks around liy disi minting hooks in t reasing the number ol avail able used books and ottering the Guaranteed Hook Program students are able to get books at a i ho.ipei prit e than the\ might find at other t anipuses Currents we sell books .it an It pen ent (list mint. and last gear that totaled Stilt.Otto." said Chris Stan dish, textbook manager at the t 'Diversity Bookstore ()t bookstores m the country, less than at) give ills counts to students Iteiause the Bookstore is not owned In the limersily. there is a little more flexibility w hu b enables them to provide sui h a substantial discount. Williams said "We are solid financiallv and tisi allv responsible and we i an offer a good discount.' Wil liams said "But many people do not really have .1 perspec live ol how signilii ant that is "It's .1 fact. books are expen sive.” Stand ish said "But main people still think we gouge them, but this isn't true "We don't mark up the book before the discount It is based on the initial price ot the book.'’ he said By increasing the number of used books available, the Hook store allow s students to get the books they need at a substan tially lower price. Standish HuvinK bar k is a service Hook buv-backs .il tin- end ut till' term is uni' wav lilt' Hunk store nets used books that fu tore students need also gives students monev ba< k for books they no longei i an use. Standish said "You have a book we have a need We don't make a profit but vv e otlei a ser\ lie." V\ 11 liams said 'IH ext hanging vimr book foi monev we tan have more used hooks available to students There is a higher margin ol profit through used books and students < an gel.the hooks thev need tin less monev Standish said "The monev we make goes hat k to btiv other hooks that will serve other student needs he said In the hist 711 years, the Hook _ I'hutn Honk buy-bai ks are an im/iorlanl sen he ottered In the I m xersils Hookstore hut Ihr used bunk market also times i//> the i nst nl new tests sidle been rei ogtli/.ed ,|s one ol the most progressive stores in the i minlr\ whit li is highlighted l)\ till' student bd.tnl ill ilirei tins Williams s.llll Hn* unique strut tine nl the sliident nl directors Ini the lintikstiire .issures stutieiil protection .uni helps the slnre see .itwl respond III the sin dents needs Williams s.inl The stutieiil iliret tors are nun pelled anil obligated In protei t the students, and thev are vur\ sincere and serious abotil rosponsihililv . he added Another problem the linuk store has to t ope vv ith is a bunk shortage Sometimes professors do not order enough, the bonks don't come in time nr more stn dents than antic ipated register for a class, making the availa bilitv ol bonks scarce The Guaranteed Monk I’ro gram states that it the instruc tin orders the hooks m time the bookstore will be responsible lor getting the books or making photocopies ol the material available at no expense to the student Ibis service also in creases the llovv ol used books at the end ol the term and the bus hack c vc le continues. Stan dish said The I niversitv bookstore is a non profit organization do signed to serve the students and the monel earned goes bai k into overhead and product bus ing. W dlianis said ' We're all one store and He ic in it ail logoi her 1 In greeting cards and other do pertinents help to subsidize the textbooks allowing ns to be more ol a serv ice to students Williams said _Alpine Import Service The VOLVO Spec idlists 12th & Main Winter Fitness Ananlysis • Oil change, genuine' VOLVO tiller and 4 quarts of oil • Complete maintenance check of major c omponents ~~ • Inspection of brjltetk exh^ml, MMpfdfcinn, u terns,cool xtarf%**l«nVht*linK cooling systems, tires, wipers and all fluid levels For Appointment call 726-1808 YOUR VOLVO Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUND in the classified section. lici .itlsi* (lit- llonkstiur is (Ii'siuncd to servi' stiidrilts ,H|(I is held iliii'i 11 \ ii'spunsilili' I >\ tin- sludfiil I dl diii'( tors (listmini prnip.ims i ,m I><• dl li'd'il .nul bddk prices i .m hr kept dim n ,i lilllf linin' w ithoul Inning in vviirrx .i lot .iboul prulil ' W illi.ims s.iid Engine Service 1000 S Bcrtelscn Rd *8 [ uqrnc OR 9740? One Block North of W Hth Nolan Ind Pla/a voikssvagonbervice f-or .v sears 342-3952 10% Student Discount i \l( )\l) \> s ||1K( )t ( ,H I Kll ) \> s Luncheon Specials Dim Sum Special Steamed Rice w/Curry Chicken 2.75 3.00 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT I fisl.Ws \t \l h i l lift) fit H sf( >M' tri» I ith Mi-JH12 0 Don't give up the search! Try L05T AMD FOUND in the classified section Domino's l’i//.i will ilelivrr .1 hoi. Irrsli mailr lo-onlc r |M//,i to sum (Iimii in ;?(> niiiiiiii's or less (.ii.ii .mlroil I )hii l let an\ onr loll \ou (lilliTeiills < ..ill I )omino s I’l/./a NoIhmK DcIimts Dcllri"'1 Campus Store Only! 343-3030 Hours: 4 p m.1 a m Mon Thurs 4 p m. 2 a m. Fri. 11 a m. 2 a m. Sal 11 ami a m Sun