Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 08, 1990, Page 18, Image 17

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.Monday In-Depth_
( ontinurd from Past' 1
into the final prut- Warren
said I mm llu' publisher's per
spei Iivi■. book i osls have been
tii'lil reasonably low i (insider
ing tin- amount of timr and
work that go into creating a
good book
"You have to look at the val
ill' of the hook 111 terms of the
overall i ost of your eiim at ion.
Warren said If .1 book is com
monk used the pru e is not
unreasonable but a good val
To 1 reate a wortlm bile text
book authors and publishers
must go through a pror ess that
could take anywhere from nine
months to tour years Warren
Hook proposals must be sub
milted to the publishers b\ the
author, and those proposals are
reviewed and 1 arefulk select
ed I'here is .1 1 (instant review
of the book throughout the pro
jei t to guarantee that the mlor
maticin is pertinent and up to
date to i her k the a< i urai v of
the f.u Is and to maintain good
readabilit> and presentation of
the overall text throughout the
projei t Warren said
The technical aspects of the
textbook business make it von
expensive to publish textbooks,
Williams said
In i omparison to publishing
a million i opies of a best seller,
the numbers of published text
books are considerably less be
i arise of the limited aueliene e
in the range of book topir s,
Williams said.
I seel books up the ante
Although publishing .1 book
is expensive, pric es go up even
further because of the used
book market W illiams said
I here is generally not a
high unit of selling time when
the book c an lie out on the shelf
bee ansi- of the used book lll.il
ket Williams said
"The publishers now have to
make their money within the
first year the book is on the
shelf.” Bauman said "So
prii es get hiked up. hut the
publisher makes no more mon
ex than hi' usually does. The
author makes less bet ause there
is less time to sell the books,
and the used book dealers make
the monev because there are no
handling costs "
I or this reason book prices
start up higher than normal to
recover profits for the publish
To i ombal the rising i osts ol
textbooks, the I 'Diversity Book
store has a number of benefits
for students.
"It's frustrating for us at the
Bookstore because hook prices
are high for explainable rea
sons, but students become criti
cal of us and we re Irving all
Turn to Costs, Page 14
( onlinued from Paso f
authored llic text fur his 100 level ( hiss in bio
logii ill psvt linings
Textbook iiulustr\ statistii s indicate that
•uilhors ini lading professors. don't receive
muir III,in .ilxitif 1-4 percent nl the book's price
in royalties according to (lone Warren. Book
slur** smici1 manager lor tint |olm Wilt's It
Sons Publishing ( a) I or <i $25 book. lb.it tr.ms
I,tins In S.i 50 .it most
"Ihdess you have ,i liest sutler or your
book is u idols .idopled in ( lasses. no one real
Is makes lb<il much off ol a book used primari
ly in classes as a text,’' agreed sociology pro
fessor Miriam Inhnsnn. svhose Strong Mothers.
I teak Hives 7Vu? Scan h for (lender Equality
ss ill be retpiired in Johnson's class ibis term
"The only big money in lexis might be foi
large, nationally offered introductory courses
ol high school classes." Kimble said
While most prolessors aren't making a
killing svriting lexis some are still sensitive
about requiring them for their own classes.
Johnson worked out an arrangement ssilli
hei publisher to provide tier book to her stu
dents at a reduced prit e through a local femi
mst bookstore Ibis lowered the price from
$25 to Sin r»o
And Mark Phelps an adjunct business lass
professor who wrote a studs guide to accom
pans the required text lor one of bis i lasses
ssas so com erned about requiring bis students
to bus it that be dei ided to make it optional
.iml plan: copies on reserve .it the librarx
besides the lark of a monetan reward
I’lielps also rejected the notion that professors
write textbooks for the prospect of advam e
menl and a higher salary at the l niversiu
I have the impression that in i omparison
to doing research and writing articles in pro
lessional academic journals, writing for text
book publishers doesn't earn a whole lot of
weight." be said.
Provost Norman Wessells. whose office
makes the final decisions on advancement and
tenure at the University, agreed
"Writing textbooks is not encouraged am
where in the research universities." Wessells
said, ' ll may be a valuable contribution to
higher education, but it's not something any
body ought to do earh in their career
"When you consider someone for tenure,
the essence is whether their work is an origi
nal intellectual contribution to an academe
discipline.” Wessells said, "(ieneralh text
books don't fall into that categorv "
for journalism associate professors l.auren
Kessler and Duncan McDonald w ho have col
lalrorated on three textbooks the motivation to
write stems from the belief that journalism
teaching methods could he improved
"We felt ven strongly that there was a
belter w j\ to organize the tear liing o! journal
ism that was more in tune with what people
ai lualiv did in their lives." Kessler said
The only authorized ALPINE dealer in Eugene
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