COME USE THE CRAFT CENTERI GENERAL INFORMATION The LMU Craft Center is a comprehensive Arts Program offering well equipp'd facilities and workshops in most areas of the Visual Arts. I he program is both educational and recreational and encourages all levels ol interest, from beginning hobbyist to serious artist. II you have an interest in art or a favorite hobby, the I.VH Craft Center at the University ol Oregon is lor you! You'll find us in the Krh Memorial I nion (I.Mh and . t University i on the lower level, east wing. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Cralt Center membership entitles you to use- the fae dines and tools in the Cralt Center • anytime we’re open. Membership is always available lor the entire l Ocommunity, UO alumni and current ICC students. The general public may purchase a Cralt Center membe rship w ith enrollment in a Cralt Center workshop costing S Hi or more. Day use passcs are available lor current UO community and UO alumni. I D. is required. Memberships are valid lor the term in which they arc purchased, and are not refundable. Membership fees I per term) S5 UO students, faculty, staff, and spouses SI2 UO alumni, and current LCC students SI 2 General public w ith enrollment in Craft Center workshop costing S10 or more V ••Discounts: Memberships are SX for UO alumni, LCC students and general public with enrollment in workshop costing $20 or more. . Day I se fees: SI UO students, faculty and staff $2 UO alumni Membership is required lor workshops that use Cralt Center lac ilities and equipment. Workshops requiring memberships are starred (*). STUDIO FACILITIES fcVIU Cralt Center facilities available for use include a ceramics area with high fire capabilities, darkrooms equipped lor both black-and-white and color print ing. a jewelry lab with casting and soldering equipment, a woodshop, and lacililtes lor silkscrecn. bank, stained and fused glass, lapidary, bike repair, sees ing. and numerous liber techniques. The Cralt Center has hand lixils, btxrks and periodicals lor member use within the Center. Various supplies are available lor sale; lockers are available to members tor's 1 (small) or S> 1.75 (large) per term. WORKSHOP REGISTRATION Registration is on a lirst-ccxne-first-serve basis, continuing throughout the term until classes begin or arc filled. Prcrcgisiration is strongly recommended to ensure your place in a class. Workshop registration can be done in person or by mail, and must be accompanied with lull payment. Members ol the University , community purchasing Craft Center memberships will be required to present University I.D. REFUND POLICY Workshops will be refunded 100%, 72 hours prior to the first meeting, 0% thereafter “Intro Special” workshops are not refundable. If a workshop is cancelled, a full refund will be given. Workshops which do not meet the minimum requirements w ill be cancelled on or before the lirst class meeting. . Memberships are not refundable. II a membership was purchased lor 1/2 price w ith a workshop, the full membership fee wall be charged in the event the student withdraws from the class. « » 1 i ... i ... , i i i. . — ■ 1 INTRO SPECIALS BIKK DOCTOR I im Kaiser Just ilh' presc riplion to peri. up your bike anil help you avoid wear, tear and repair bills Insiruetinn will cover lubric alion, lire trouble, brake and gear serv ice, and trouble-shooting I earning these c are and main ten,ance skills will help you keep your bike rolling smoothly and safely Bring your bike toclass J hours of instruction Wednesday, January 10 h: JO-9: V) pin « i Sf UK l)VI INC Kathy Kale I urn your tee shirts, shorts and sinks into wiId and bright tie dyed items. I earn how to create a variety of patterns using different l\ing and dyeing techniques. Bring up to three pre washed I00fv cotton items to dye. f hours of instruction. I wo sessions offered: I Wednesday, January It) 2:00-5:00 pm »< : S5 2. Thursday. January II 2:00 5:00 pm »■ ) S5 (IK Wilt Ml <;s AM) BOWKS I rank (iosar fired of lupperwarc? Think you’d rather starve before eating another meal off of styrofoam 1 Youcan artistically handbuild your own mugs, tumblers and small Kiwis m this workshop Clay and gla/es provided. I hours of instruction friday.January 12 2:(X) 5:00pm * i SJ 35MM CAMKRA l SK Rebecca I hornpson I earn the "secret” meaning of all those numbers and letters! Short lecture including how your camera works. Includes discussion of film selection and composition lor better pictures. Bring empty bnini camera to class. 1 hours of instruction. I riday, January 12 2:00-5:00 pm tins SJ - • ♦ »• * ^ -VALENTINE'S DAY SPECIALS^ \ AI I N I INK’S DAY SI AIM I) CLASSSPECIAL Mark Keefer Mrs romantics, make a personalized gilt of stained glass for >otit sweetheart Nocxperience necessary, |usl bring your ideas All materials and tools supplied. 3 hours of instruction. Thursday, I eh 1 6:00-9:00 pm to'i, S|() PORCELAIN V AKIM INKS frank (iosar It's a gilt I rum the heart to your heart's desire: a porcelain valentine, handmade by you lor that special someone. Km boss it with lace, paint it with brightly colored clays, make it unique, original, special, lust like the one you love. All materials prosided. t hours ol instruction. Additional glazing session w ill l\‘ arranged by consent ol class. Saturday. Keb. 3 1:00-4:00 pm »n'7 $9 PAPER KLOWKRS l isa Tirtasaputra A dozen reds lor your sweetheart! Here’s a bouquet within your budget. Learn to make crepe pa|vr roses, carnations, tulips, and more, and have lots ol lun. All materials provided. 2 hours of instruction. Wednesday, Koh. 7 6:30-8:30 pm »07g S3 »—-f—~-—r'— REGISTER BY JANUARY 8 FOR ANY WORKSHOP OVER $20 AND RECEIVE A 1/2 PRICE MEMBERSHIP* * S2.50 Current University Community; So.00 UO Alumni & General Public Registration Form: 1 I WORKSHOP leor ADOAFS3 CITY STATE TIP" PhOnE Cl ASS • (PLU)_ TUITION_ Ml MBERSHIP TEE .. J TOTAL Please fill out both sides I ■ • WORKSHOP NAME REFUND POLICY Wrwkahupa unll hr ic/uoded 100% 72 houn price Ualhr fun mncung. 0% Ihoufte “Utro Special" aeor htlaope an Mi refundable (ancdkd wcrtahnpe will be fully itfuadd Miwhftilupi an Ml refund ablt. 11 mrmhci ship vu purr, heard at 1/2 pncc. full mcmhcxahip fee will hr charged in ever* that mutant withdraw! freer claaa CLASS 9 (PLU)____ TUITION FEE_ MEMBERSHIP FEE {« •) TOTAL FEES_ JAPANESE CARD MAKINC Ka/ui‘ Masuvama Send a handmade card to your loved ones this Valentine’s Day. Dus class will present traditional Japanese designs such as the Wedding Card, Kissing Card and more for students to create using the methods of Origami (paper folding) and Kirigami (paper culling). All materials provided, hours of instruction. Monday, February 5 f>:(30-F>:(K) pm #079 $8 FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS ( hrystal McOuigan Remember your friends with gills that will remind them of you Create beautiful wrist and ankle bracelets of colorful cotton yam and beads using half-hitch, square knot and beading tec hniques. Materials for several bracelets will be provided. 2 hours of instruction. Tuesday, February 6 7:00-9:00 pm «oeo $5 COMING EVENTS h1 VISITING ARTISTS Don Reitz, Ceramic Artist, whose world renowned ceramic sculptures are vigorous and full of color, will present a two day workshop on January 26-27. A free slide lecture will he presented the evening of January 26. David I .a Plant/., Metalsmith will prcsenla free slide lecture show ing exotic colors of aluminum achieved with the ever exciting technique of anodizing. Thursday, Feb ruary X,7:(X)pm. 110 Willamette Hall. Workshop follows on February 0-10. FAMILY ALBUM SHOW I lie KM l (raft Center's 10th annual gallery of talent w ill exhibit l-ebruary 17-25, with an opening reception on Friday, February 16, 7-9 pm. in the F'MU Fir Room. . |-J SUPPLIES FOR SALE E-, BIKES: Tire Tubes. Patches, Patch Kits, Bearings , CERAMICS: Stoneware, Porcelain, Trim Tools, Tool Kits UBERS: Dyes, Silk, Silk Scarves CLASS: Solder, Copper Foil, Lead Came, Glass Cutlers * GRAPHICS: Silkscrcen Silk, Poster Board METALS: Silver, Wax, Saw Blades, Saw Frames PHOTO: Chemicals, Film, Paper WOOD: Hardwood. Sandpaper, Plywood, Dowels REGISTER NOW! Workshops fill faster than you may think. Send mail-in registration to: EMU Craft Center, U of O, Eugene, OR 97403 University ID reqwed lor purchase ol -student rale" membership