Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 08, 1990, Page 14 and 15, Image 14

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hkci.nnim; ceramics*
Peter Meyer Frank Gosar
This workshop is everything you need for .1 thorough ground
ing in c or amines Wheel throwing, handhuilding, and glazing
techniques w ill he covered, w ith individualized instruction for
beginners and those w ith some previous experience. Glazes
and 25 Ills, of day Included. 18 hours of instruction
Three sessions offered
1 Tuesdays TOO 6:00 pm Meyer
January 16 February 20 eooi *$38
2 Thursdays 6:30-9:30 pm Gosar
January 18 March 1 (except Feb. 22) •on.’ * 5 38
3. Sundays 5 (8) 8(8) pm Gosar
January 14 February 18 *001 *S38
Peter Meyer
For the adventurous spirit who has had some previous clay
experience Hxpand your foundation skills ami personal ex
pression w ith clay. Increase your throwing and handhuilding
skills, make specialized tools, ami refine your glazing techniques
25 ll»s. of clay and glares provided. 18 hours of instruction.
Wednesdays 3 (8) 0 (8) pm
January 24 February 28 »oot *$38
Frank Gosar
Fxplore your own imaginative process through playing with
clay, l.earn ancient methods of clay construction coil build
mg, slab building, carving, additive and subtractive techniques.
Class provides troth directed and self directed opportunities.
25 lbs. of clay and glares provided. 12 hours of instruction.
Mondays 0 30 9:30 pm
January 22 February 12 •oov *S29
Frank < Iosar
Raku spans the centuries from 15th century tea howls to 21st
century metallic lusters. Exciting effects for sculptural and
decorative pieces are achieved in this dramatic process, in
which pieces are pulled red hot from the kiln anil plunged into
barrels of combustibles. Instruction includes techniques for
handbuilding small pieces Beginning and continuing students
welcome. < 'lay and glazes Included. 18 hours of instruction.
Tuesdays h:'() 9:30 pm
January 16 February 6 *<x*. *S38
Saturday, February 10, 12 6 pm (6 hr firing)
,1... 1. .
Frank Oosar
From ihe prehistoric pueblo to modem day cralt galleries,
"primitive" smoke fired ceramics enjoy a colorful history.
I.earn die secrets of polished black ware pottery and apply them
to your own decorative or sculptural work (’lay, terra slgil
lata and instructional handbook included. 12 hours of in
Fridays 2:00 5:00 pm
January 2(> February lb
aoo7 •S2l>
Peter Meyer
Handbuild Ix-autiful cups and bowls with colored porcelain.
We will use white, shades of grey and a few accent colors.
Colored slips will be available. Porcelain, mason stains and
»ook »S56
Charline Durchanek
Design and weave a Navajo rug Using a frame l<x>m, students
w nh or w about experience will set a loom, design, and weave
a small project. Advanced students will learn more compli
cated techniques and designs Cost includes frame loom
which Is yours to keep and first warp yarns. You will need
to allow extra time and money for materials. IS hours of
Mondays 6:(X> 9:00 pm *012 $38 members
January 15 February 19 eon $41 non members
Chrystal McGutgan
Design, tic dye, and weave your own unique cotton cloth. Ikat
is a tie and dye technique used prior to weaving w hich produces
patterns w ith blurred edges. Instruction in ancient precision
and contemporary chance effects of tying will be given. Stu
dents with or without experience will learn the basic prepara
lion of the loom for weaving. Cost includes all materials.
Thursdays 6 (X) 9:(X) pm
January 18 February 22 «ou *$34
Chrystal McCuigan
Explore the possibilities of yam design while creating your
own handspun wool. Start on the drop spindle and move
rapidly to the spinning wheel. All phases of wool preparation
will be covered Natural and chemical dyeing will be intro
duced Cost Includes fleece for you to dye your favorite
color. 18 hours of instruction.
Wednesdays b:(X) 9:(X) pm
January 24 February 28 *015 *$35
Have you always wanted to leant how to knit? Knitting is a
perfect way to relax while creating beautiful garments After
learning basic knitting techniques, each student will select a
simple project such as a hat or scarf. This class is for students
w iih little or no experience. Cost Includes needles and some
yarn for you to keep. 10 hours of instruction.
Mondays 6:30 8:30 pm «0I6 $20 members
January 15-February 12 »0!7 $23 non members
Do you already know how to knit but would like more guidance
for working on a sweater or afghan? This class will provide
just that plus introduce more advanced stitches such as the
cable stitch and the use of multi colors Bring needles and
practice yam or a current project to the first class. 10 hours of
Thursdays 6:30 8:30 »ois $18 members
January IK February 15 »019 $21 nonmembers
llinky Brown Takahashi
Classic quilt patterns and mtxlular piecing techniques combine
to produce a traditional quality quilt in a fraction of the usual
time. Select one of the following patterns: Bla/ing Star, Irish
Chain, Around the World, or Tog Cabin. The first class
meeting will include discussions of patterns, color and fabric
requirements am) selections. All levels of experience wel
come. Out of class sewing time may be necessary. 12 l/2hours
of instruction.
Tuesdays 6:30 9:00 pm (0>o $23 members
January 16 February 13 (021 $26 non members
Mark Keefer
Croak* your own beautiful stained glues window! Turn your
ideas into a work of art Design principles and the foil wrap con
struct ion method will lx- taught. Beginning as well as expert
enced students are welcome. Tools and some materials pro
sided. Allow extra money for glass IS hours of instruction.
Tuesdays 6 (X) 9:(X) pm
January 16 February 20 »ow *$34
Mark Keefer
Rediscover the ancient Egyptian artform of glass fusing. This
two session class will cover primary glass fusing techniques
and allow students to create a few small pieces of jewelry,
such as pins and earrings. Tools and some glass provided.
5 hours of instruction.
Mondays 6:30-9:00 #oto $16 members
•on S19 non members
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January 29 & February 5
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Ardis lattey
Make an egg, berry, key or potato basket in the Appalachian |
tradition, with rattan reed, branch handles, and any other
fibers, plant parts, feathers or whatever you might want to ,
add Beginning and experienced students are welcome. All
materials for one basket Included. 4 hours of instruction h
Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 pm #022 S12 members *
January 24 & 31 #023 S15 non-members |
Ardis I,etey
Move from traditional to sculptural form, using the same
basic structure. Materials will be provided for three has
kets, and you may want to add other fibers-plant parts,
feathers, etc. Beginning and experienced students are wel
come. 9 hours of instruction.
Wednesdays 6:30-9:30 *024 $25 members
February 7-21 #025 $28 non-members
Wilma Crowe
This workshop will introduce you to Native American bead
ing techniques, including the peyote stitch. Make earrings,
bracelets, necklaces, leather pouches, hair pieces, and key
rings. Ltxnn beading will also be covered. Cost includes a
bead loom for you to keep, warp thread and needles. 14
hours of instruction.
Mondays 1:00-3:00 pm #026 $10 members
January 15 February 26 #027 $ 13 nonmembers
Jane Reyer
Paint your own silk fashion accessories, art objects and
clothing using beautiful, high quality French silk dyes
Students will leam the “Gutla Serli” resist method and
design their own projects. One-half yard of silk and dyes
provided. Bring water color brushes. 12 hours ol instruc
Mondays 6:00-9:00 pm
January 22-Fcbruary 12 #028 *S30
Rya <*''
Batik is an ancient method of drawing, painting and stamp &
ing hot wax on cotton fabric before dyeing to create unique jfl
and beautiful patterns and designs. In this class you will L
leam several batik techniques including resist dyeing tech ||
niques of West Africa Yoruba peoples. Students will have ^
the opportunity to work on fabric and clothing of their own, s
in and out of class. One-half yard of batik material, dyes |
and wax provided. 12 hours of instruction.
Tuesdays 6:00-9:00 pm 8
January 16-February 6 *°2V ’ ^;i 11C
Gary Dawson
An overview of jewelry making techniques including both
fabrication and casting. Demonstrations include design,
design transfer, cutting, filing, piercing, soldering, finish
ing, textures, wax model making, spruing & investing,
casting & cleanup. One or more projects can be completed
during class time. Practice materials provided. 21 hours
of instruction.
Wednesdays 6:30-9:30
January 17-Fcbruary 28 *030 *$39
£ Gary Dawson
• A three hour seminar for the advanced metalworker who
3 could use help in resolving specific problems in jewelry
• technique and application. Questions involving any aspect
| of fabrication or casting will be entertained. Feedback will
| be provided on all questions through demonstrations and/or
', discussions as time permits. 3 hours of instruction,
s, Thursday 6:30-9:30 *031 $10 members
fc; January 25 #032 $13 non-members
. _ ■ . . u ». 1 i ■ i . . .***
* Starred Classes Require
Craft Center Membership.
Monday-Thursday 10:00 am-9:30 pm
Friday & Saturday 10:00 am-5:30 pm
Sunday 12:30-5:30 pm
Schedules will be available after the
first week of the term.
♦ »
Klalna Jamieson
Perhaps you have looked ai books such as "The Natural Way
to Draw,"or “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain." but feel
the need for additional structure and instruction. In this class,
we will explore various ways of seeing and drawing We will
also look at and learn from the drawings of master artists All
materials provided. 15 hours of instruction.
Thursdays 6:00-8:30 pm #031 $27 members
January 18-March 1 (except Feb 22) »oi« $30 non-members
Julia O’Reilly
Pastel doesn’t mean "pink!” Looking for pizza/ and control
in your pastel drawings—wanting to explore this rich me
dium? Our one day workshop will give you the perceptual
tools to expand your awareness and understanding of color,
and the basics for using soft pastel slicks. Cost includes a set
of pastels and paper. 7 hours of instruction.
Saturday 9:30-5:00 pm (1/2 hour lunch) #035 $23 members
January 27 #0 36 $26 non members
Peter Meyer
Spend a day drawing the human form. We will use techniques
that simplify the Figure and help you visualize the relationships
between form ami background. Previous drawing experience
required. Paper, drawing media, charcoal and pencils will
be provided. 7 hours of instruction Bring a lunch or food is
available in the EMU.
Saturday 9:30-5:00pm #037 $22 member
February 3 #03n $25 non member
Li Shuang
Would you like to paint something in a very special way?
Sumi-e is a traditional Chinese painting technique you can use
to create a “color” world with Chinese brushes anil black ink.
We w ill learn to paint mountains, flow ers, bambini and more,
step by step. Come join us—you w ill gam lots of skill w ith
fun. Cost includes three brushes which are yours to keep,
paper and ink. 18 hours of instruction.
Tuesdays 6:00-9:00 pm #rm $39 members
January 23-February 27 #<mo $42 non members
Diane Sontag
Learn to write beautifully! This is an introductory course in the
art and fun of writing. Students will learn basic Italic and
Bookhaml letterforms. Final project will lx- to create a piece
of writing suitable for framing F’en, ink, and some paper
provided. 15 hours of instruction.
Wednesdays 6:30 9:00 iimi $29 members
January 17 February 21 #042 $32 non members
Almee Yogi
Winter is the traditional time for paper making We'll
have a short sink- presentation on the history. process, and
plants used lor papermaking Then we’ll make papers
using four mcthixls Tapa, Himalayan, European, and
Japanese All materials provided aixi a source list will
he handed out 6 hours of instruction
Saturdays 10:30 am 12:30pm »<ut $l4members
January 20 February 3 »oaa S17 non members
Aimee Yogi
We start cookin' in this class! After an introductory walk
around campus to see the different plants used for paper
making, students w ill ctxik ami share pulps gathered from
the fields. All materials pros ided. b hours of instruction.
Saturdays 10:30 am 12:30 pm »oas $14 members
February 10 February 24 $17 non members
Marilyn Mohr
L.cam to make the decorated papers traditionally used in
btxtkbinding Using oil colors on a paste si/c, many inter
esting patterns can lx- created. Marbled papers can he
used for many craft items or collages. Paper and some
paints will be provided. Wear old clothes and bring a
tube of artist's oil paint to share 1 hours ol instruction.
Saturday 1 :(X) 4:00 pm mm $10members
January 27 »oan $1 1 non members
Marilyn Mohr
Make your own hardbound journal or sketchlxxik basic
txxikbinding techniques will he taught focusing on the
hardbound Ixxik. Smaller projects demonstrating Japa
nese and pamphlet sew mg will lx- included as time allow s
The first class will feature oil marbling on pajx-rs that can
be used for future projects Cost includes most materi
als. IK hours ol instruction
Mondays 6:30 9:30 pm eoav $36 members
January 1$ February 19 »oso $39 non members
Peter Meyer
Want to print your own T shirt, poster, cards, etc.? Leant
silkscrecn methods, including glue blockout anil photo
emulsion. We'll discuss various inks, stencil meih<xls,
papers and fabrics. Allow $6 10 if you want your own
screen Ink and some stencil material provided. IK
hours of instruction.
Thursdays 6:30 9:30 pm
January IK February 22
»(»l *$.39
1 . . .. « -r
‘if ~ ■ ■ T ■ ..-r
Susie Morrill/Rebecca Thompson
Learn how to use your camera, develop B&W film, and
make B&W prints and enlargements. Photographic com
position, the camera, and darkroom techniques will be
covered. Film, chemicals and some paper will be pro
vided. 18 hours of instruction.
Three sessions offered:
1. Mondays 6:00-9:00 pm Thompson
January 15-Fcbruary 19 *052 *$39
2. Tuesdays 2:00-5:00 pm Thompson
January 16-February 20 #053 *S39
3. Wednesdays 6:30-9:30 pm Morrill
January 17-February 21 *054 *$39
Susie Morrill
This course is designed for the photographer who is ac
quainted with general darkroom procedure and has an
interest in fine-tuning the process of exposure control.
Learn aspects of the Zone System and use a variety of
papers, developers, and enlargers to produce prints with
desired contrast and deplft Aesthetic considerations, sub
ject matter, composition, and camera use will lx* included.
Chemicals will be provided. 18 hours of instruction.
Sundays 5:00-8:00 pm
January 14 February 18 *os.s *S39
Regina Rubin
Add color lo your BAW photographs. In this two week
workshop, we will explore traditional and contemporary
methods of handcoloring prints. The in-class studio lime will
help you perfect your techniques. Previous photographic
experience not required. You will need BAW photographs
printed on matte surface paper (RC paper will not work).
Color pencils, oils and practice prints will be available. 5
hours of instruction.
Thursdays 6:30-9:00 pm #056 Si 3 members
February 8 A 15 #057 $ 16 non members
Rebecca Thompson
Responding to photographs is largely a matter of personal
taste. The elements of a photograph somehow combine and
strike a chord for one person, but not for another. Y et some
pictures have a quality that everyone can recognize and ap
preciate. This class will identify some of these qualities
through a discussion of composition and light. Basic know I
edge of camera use required. Slide film will be provided for
students to shoot, process and bring to second class. 4
hours of instruction.
Tuesdays 6.30 8:30 pm #058 Si 1 member
January 30 A February 6 #05v S14 non member
Tile University of (>«*«> iffinil the tight of .11 individuals to equal opportunity u> eduiatiun and employment. »nhoul regard to rat*, cole. national origin. mental uni. <mm'i
•Him..ex age handicap religion or any other e.trancoua cMtudetaieuia aot directly and sutisiantie.ly related to effective prtl.wmamr Ifni pin ay ait|nemena all .ppln.hlc fod
real, state aU beat laws regulation and executive orders Direct related mqutnea t» the Director, Alfirmanve Action flflnc. (hagm Hall, l-mvres.ts i-IDreg . i Sm i l+r. t If t
M;m Il.illri k Joel Andersen Itrad Nik
Materialize sour ideas in the wocsl shop, Create a project while
■ learning power tool use and safety Instruction will cover project
, design, wood properties, hand and power tool use, and joinery.
You may want to allow a little extra time and money lor your
| project 17-1/2 hours ol'instruction
| Three sessions offered
«j I Wednesdays 6 JO'TOO pm
; January 10 February 21
| 2 Thursday s V45 6 1 5 pm
| January I 1 Tebruary 22
| ' Saturdays 10 (HI am 12:10 pm
January 1 ' Tebruary 24
Hal leek
•Ora) *$12
•or.i *$12
•tv,.’ * S12
Torn 1 rh.m
Seven evenings of o|vn shop ssith an experienced woodworker.
I Txplore new techniques, get help and advice on your pet project,
I or finish that project from a previous class Includes demonstra
1 lions and discussions on design, router work, dovetails, anil
i mortise and tenons I he shop is still open during this lime
I Tuesdays 6 K) 'TOO pm * Free w ith
| January 16 March 6 (except Jan 10) membership
?! John Jones
Interested m working with hand tools and learning traditional
; woodworking techniques ’ Using tools such as hand saws, hand
\ planes, sciilvrs, brace and hits, chisels, and moulding planes
I yields a level o( detail not possible with machines. Hus class will
cover mortise and tenon, and coping joints, as well assist students
in making some ol their own hand tools, including a bow saw,
j marking knife, and handplane. No previous woodworking expc
| nonce necessary. 15 hours of instruction,
t I hursdays 6 10 *J. 10 pm
I January IS February 15 »<*>l *$27
4 Scotty Sleeves
a 1 his process oriented class will cover design, woods, tools and
!j finishes Whether beginner or advanced, utilitarian or sculptural,
| your ideas and skills can t>e advanced and problems tackled!
Some tools and scrap wood provided; other tools and carving
% woods are available lor purchase. Nonetheless, bring your own
| il possible, and come prepared to work! 4 1/2 hours of inslruc
I non.
j Sunday 12:30-5:00 pm »om $12 members
1 January 2H *065 $15 non-members
| Alan Ilalleck
i Architecture and art majors s|xmd three Sunday evenings making
the ultimate light table. A new and improved design incorporates
your Mayline and Rorco into a shape that Tils studio desks in
| Lawrence Lockable, portable, anil functional, this table is a must
lor your studio space Wood and screws provided. 9 hours of
I instruction.
] J wo sessions offered:
1. Sundays 5:00 8.00 pm
January 14 28 »0h6 *$25
2. Sundays 5:00 8:00 pm
February 4 18 **.7 *$25
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Tim Kaiser
Is it Zen? Is it magic? Learn to overhaul bearing sets, adjust gears
and brakes, and true your wheels. Proper fit and efficient bike use
will be discussed. Allow $5 for replacement bearings. 15 hours
of instruction.
Wednesday 7:00-9:30 pm **>* $27 members
January 17 Feb 28 (except Feb 21) *** S30 non members
Craig Smith
You know as well as anybody else that you can't go another
season without fixing the bases of your skis At the first session
the good doctor will demonstrate base- repair, edge sharpening and
hot waxing. At the next session, participants will work on their
own skis under the w alchful eye of the gitled doctor of ski abuse.
Bring skis (alpine or nordic) to the second session 4 hours of
Mondays 7:00 9:00 pm
January 15 & 22 *070 $5
• V