WEIGHTY ISSUES Women's Weight Workout UH 6:30pm EsI 36 UH 9:30pm ESL 36 \ 11 11.isms lu^in Hu \mk of l.inii.u \ l>. lontiniir foi riglu »n k\. .it ii I .nr lion in dil. ( .ill 41 I ' in 6Xf» 4121 lot <1*l.tils. uo RECREATION & INTRAMURALS V.ikmu Himss Iiiii! Class Registration — 103 Gerlmqer Registration —$15 Jan 9 11:30am I 30pm Jan 10.2 4pm Jan 11 3 30 9 30pm Late Registration — S16 Jan 15 26. 8am 5pm SKIP CUSS Aerobics MW -t 35pm Ge.rX 35? UH A 35pm GpiX 220 MW (5 35pm Gi‘rX 220 UH 6 35pm Gt fX c .’ MW 7 35pm G<-rX 320 MW 7 35pm GerX ‘.52 MW 8 35pm G.‘iX220 MW 8 38pm GcrX 352 Ml < I.ISM S luxiii lilt Wnk of 1.11iti.11 \ 15, t nitlilitu for t l^lll ""ks- .mil .11, mm I mill ( all t,Ht, 41 13 m l>S(, 4121 I'm il. i.nK UO RECREATION 8c INTRAMURALS \fokiiif! nines’, Inn! Class Registration—103 Ger11nqer Registration —S15 Jan 9. 11 30am 1 30pm Jan 10. 2 4pm; Jan 11,3:30 5:30pm Late Regislialion —S16 Jan 15 26. 8am 5pm Water Aerobics MW 4 00pm Ger Pool MW 6 30pm UH 4 00pm Ger Pool UH 6 30pm Ger Pool Ger Pool Ml i lasses Ihiiiii I lit neck < >1 l.iiiti.irs 15. lonlimn fur eiulil rucks, and .li t nun c r i-ilil. ( all Xl»X 4113 m 6X6-4121 tui details. uo RECREATION 8c INTRAMURALS Making fitness tun! Class Registration —103 Gerlmqer Registration —SIS Jan 9. 11 30am 1:30pm. Jan 10. 2 4pm. Jan 11.3 30 5 30pm Late Registration — S16 Jan 15 26. 8am 5pm ..Community I'hiHii n\ •• l .11 il I hr I i rrilum ( .ir.n.m lupins outsiilr Si)nni;Hrli ,il 14m eminent ufti 1 mis anil institutions and to fight against prejudice and ha lied w hertn ei Ihe\ Imd it The anniversan of Kind's liirtlldax should lie lelelnaled In families mending liroken re lalinnsliips In 1 nmmunities breaking dow n barriers that di vide them and In nations seek mg non violent solutions lo their problems. (.oleinan said Peat e is no dream, it is a possibility . even il only lor one day ' he said (Children from the Honoring Our New Kthlilt Youth ( ilioii joined members of the I’e.n e ( lion in singing "We Shall ( )\ en nine ' and oilier songs fulgent- Mavoi Jell Miller was st hethiled to speak at the 1 ere mom hut was unable lo attend I lie dedication 1 eremom was pret.eded by a "freedom ( ar.n an w hit II assembled in limit ol Sj 11 mgtield ( 11\ I (all lor iiiusn and spew lies In-fore nun mg lo I ample Helh Israel I llgi-ne s i elehr.ltion of Mai III! I.nlller king |i Week is the lorn to Renewal, Page 17 Complete list of King events \ 11 events during Min fin Luther k mg Jr V\ eek lire tn-e and open In the pilblil Ian in The (hispid Lnsemhle ( ompused ot memliers ol the St Marks (ilioir and the Gospel Memorial t Iniii will perlorm in the Lane < louiity ( inmmunitv t aillege i ateleria Irom 1 t 10 a m In I p in Awards lor winners in the -t | Si liool I listi i( I s poster t oiliest u ill be pie senled at 7: tl) p in .it Jim N Monroe St Winning posters Irom elemental! and middle si liool stn dents on the theme Keep tin- Die.Ill) Alive’ uill he displiinid in the I loll ( enlei lobby Ian I 1i All elill les uill lie e\hib ileil beginning Ian 11> al the Liigillie I’uhlu I i bran Itlll \\ I till SI Turn to King, Page 17 | Are You Looking for Good Health | I Insurance that Won’t Strain Your Wallet? \ S A j | A INSURE-U offers you Quality Major < i Medical Coverage for as Little as I I $3100 per month*! I ! | A Insure-G a subsidiary of G-Lane-O i | Credit Union, offers a wide array of Health | $ and Dental Insurance Plans to fit j I everyone's needs. i | Call A Insure-G at 687-2347 or stop by | * our office located inside G-Lane-O Credit j j Union (E. 11th & Ferry) j * This premium based on a non-smoker under 30 yrs old. j