.Community State AIDS cases ud 25 percent PORT!.AM) (AP) The number (if new AIDS cases re ported in Oregon lest \e.ir jumped 25 percent to 220. health officials sav Steve Vlodesitt of the Oregon Health Division said that since 1‘1H1. when the state first began tracking instances of acquired immune defir ien< v syndrome fi'17 (,ises and t’18 deaths have been reported in the state He said 170 AIDS rases were reported in lltHH “These i asrs < ontinue to be people who were infected in the early 1000s." Modesitt s.iid Friday, adding the increase in 1080 was “ss ithin the projet ted range " He said state and national projections ol the number ot new AIDS { uses have been fair l\ .a i.urate. partis be< atise ot the long incubation period be fore symptoms appear It (an lake a dei ade lor the \IDS in lei turn to cause symptoms. Modesitt said I losvcvei. he said the ov erall rate ol ini reuse has showed signs of slowing down, which doctors believe mas be due to better drugs like A XT and a change in sexual behavior due to increased awareness of the dangers ot infei lion Modesitt said 117 AIDS deaths were reported in 1‘IH‘I alone The increase in AIDS School of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E. 18th Ave EDWARD KAMMERER Faculty Artist Series •The Horn 0!d Age S New Age" Mon., Jan. 3 8 p.m. $4 General Admission $2 Students'Semor Citizens LAFAYETTE STRING QUARTET with Victor Steinhardt, piano Chamber Music Senes Thurs., Jan. 11 8 p.m. Reserved Seat tickets: $13 50, $10.50. $5 50 Student tickets $5, $3 (Available in advance at the Hull Center Box Office) FREE lecture prior to the concert in Room 198 For more information, call 686*3761 (Music School) You can buy STAMPS at the UO Bookstore! Commission recommends activism was mirrored l)\ .in increase in other sexuiilly transmitted tlis eases, including syphilis. he said Modcsitt s.m) ‘12 pert etil of the c ases reported in 1'lH‘l were among whites, with 2 percent among lilac ks t pc'rc ent among Hispanic s. and 2 perc ent among Asians and Native Americ .ins Meanwhile members of a na ticmal commission studying \ 11 )S rec ommended Friday that all levels of government start taking ac tivist roles in the hat tie against the disease I'lie three membei working group, c haired by Ramsey (lountv Minn (simmissioner Diane Ahrens, is a siihc cinimil lee lit the 1"> niember national commission The commission was (rented b\ Congress to .nl vise law makers and President Hush on the development of i o ordmated putdu pole \ on AIDS In a letter to Hush dated I tei >. the commission estimated that AIDS i mild claim nearlv 2t)0.(H>ll lives over the nest loin years and In 1001 will he among the top III leading t noses ot death in the l ulled States AIDS disables the immune s\ stem *ipeniug the \\ a\ ha in lei lions that e\ entualiv i lain) the lives ot v u tuns I -.sports sav the disease is most often lians untied through sexual i ontai t and sharing of dirlv needles In intrav enous drug usn s Congress plan calls for giant redwood logging (AIM A portion ot Oregon's last remaining giant red wood trot s is to In' sold and logged tinder the Pacific North nest litnlier compromise approved last year by Congress law ironmenl.disls have objected to the Siskiyou National I ore.sl s 147 at re C.r.ipcvme sale near the (tregon ( aliform,i holder We think it is an outrage lor the I'oresl Servite to con sitler logging these last leu redwoods in Oregon, said |ohn Dewitt direr lor ol the Save the Redwoods l eague in San l i.iiir ist it This is a great tragerh lot .1 slate as progressive and heaul did as l tregon I tiis again is one more thing that deiuonslrates that the I ou st Sen ii e is not protecting old growth it lllev believe II lev have lo log ( hrgon s only ill l( lent red win ills said Wen dell Wood, spokesman in laigene tin the (logon Naim.d He soon es ( uiiih il Devvill and Wood have written letters ol protest to t' N I oresl St iv tie 11II11 nils ami to Sen Mark llallield K-Oie in ging them to I nil I the logging ol red woods in (Iregrm UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CONTINUATION CENTER Community Microcomputer Program STUDENTS WELCOME Introduction to Computers One weekend section: Saturday and Sunday, January 27 and 28, 8:30 a m.-2:00 p in. Fee ia $48 Introduction to the IBM-PC Two sections ofTered: Tuesday* and Thursdays, January 9-18, 9:30 a m -12.00 Noon; or Wednesday*, January 10-31, 6:30-9:00 p m. Fee i* $48. Introduction to the Macintosh Two unction* ofTored: Monday*, January 8-29, 6:30-93)0 pm; or Saturday and Sunday, January 13 and 14, 8:30 a in.-2:00 p m. Fee i* $48. MS-DOS: Level I (IBM) One two-week section: Mondays, January 8 and IS, 1 30-4:00 p m. Fee is $35. Hard Disk Management (IBM) One two-week section Wednesdays, January 10 and 17 , 1:30 4:00 p m. Fee is $35. HyperCard (Macintosh) One four-week section: Thursdays, January 11 February 1, 1:30 4:00 p.m. Fee is $48. PageMaker: Level I (Macintosh) One weekend section: Saturday and Sunday, February 3 and 4, 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Fee is $48. Ventura Publisher (IBM) One weekend section: Saturday and Sunday, February 3 nnd 4, 8.30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Fee is $-18. WordPerfect 5.0: Level I (IBM) One two-week section: Monday* and Wednesday*, January H-17, 9:30 a m -12:00 Noon. Fee is $48. Microsoft Word 4.0: Level I (Macintosh) One four-week section: Tuesday* und Thursdays, January 9-18, 9:30 a.m.-12:00 Noon. Fee is $48. Lotus 1-2-3: Level I (IBM) One two-wcck section: Tuesdays and Thursdays, January 9-18, 1:30-4:00 p.m. Fee is $48. Microsoft Excel: Level I (Macintosh) One four-week section: Fridays, January 12-February 2, 9:30 «.m.-123)ONuon. Fee is $48. dBase III Plus: Level I (IBM) One weekend section: Saturday and Sunday, January 20 and 21, 8:30 a m.-2:00 p.m. Fee is $48. Borland Paradox (IBM) One four-week section: Mondays, Januii$?8-29, 6:30-93)0 p.m. Fee is $48. _ MacDraw II: Level I (Macintosh) One four-week section: Mondays, January 8*29, 1:30 4:00 p m Fee is $48 Aldus Freelland 2.0 (Macintosh) One four w»>ck mttion: Wednesday*. January 10-HI, 1 H0 4 00 p.m. Fee is $48. Adobe Illustrator 88 (Macintosh) One weekend section: Saturday and Sunday, January 20 and 21, 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Fee is $48. • 10 Hours of Hands-On Instruction • One Credit Special Project Option • Ten Pages of Free Laser Printing • Open Lab Throughout Term • Convenient Four-Week Classes • Extended End-Of-Term Lab Hours • Cost Is Only $35-$48 Advanced Courses MS-DOS: Level II (IBM) One two-week aeetion: Monday*. .January 22 and 29. 1:30-4:00 p.m. Fee i» $35. Microsoft Works: Level II (Macintosh) One two-week flection: Tuesdays and Thurfldnyn, January 23 February 1, 9:30 a m.-12:00 Noon. Fee i* $48. PageMaker: Level II (Macintosh) One four-week section: Tuefldnys, January 9-30, 6:30-9:00 p m Fee i» $48. WordPerfect 5.0: Level II (IBM) One four-week flection. Thursday*, January 11-February 1,6:30 9:00 p.m. Fee i» $48. Lotus 1-2-3: Level II (IBM) One four-week section: Tuesdays, January 9-30, 6:30-9:00 p m. Fee is $48. Microsoft Excel: Level II (Macintosh) One four-week section: Tuesdays, January 9-.'10, 1:30-4:00 p.m. Fee is $48. _ To register or obtain more information, call 686 - 3537 Sponsored by the University of Oregon Continuation Center 1553 Moss Street, Eugene OR 97403