AGENCY RENT-A-CAR 342-3177 1601 W 7th, Suite D Eugene • Low Daily Rates • Unlimited Free Milage • Free Pickup and Delivery $59.95 Student Weekend Rental Special! It's Coming MENDING THE HURT RESOURCES FOR HAPPIER & HEAI EHIER IIVINC Sat Feb 3, 1990 EMU Ballroom 8:30 am-4:30 pm A Crisis Prevention Workshop Open to .ill U of O Students & the community Topics will include: s’ ( ultural Differences ^ Anger Management ^ Family Issue's ^ Intimacy in Relationships ^ Depressions ^ Eating Disorders s’ Adult Children of Ale oholic s and muc h muc h more i L Undergraduate CPSY 199 TLN #1799 Graduate CPSY 408G TLN *5108 Instruc tor Consent Required For more info. x448H r «• _ 27^ — _.— -:—_ Mud bath Residents of Walton Comities celebrate their return to the I ’nivcnht\ unit the re him dI I, Oregon r.iin In i>l,i\iiin in the mini Sunday. Torrential rain i.s e\ pm lml In i ontinue hxi.n as ,i luiye. nasty u father system rolls across tlic Xortlnvrst Photo by Andre Ranieri _University_ AIM begins with rally; OSPIRG meets MKKTINCS OSPIKC I .or ail Ho,ml Moot iltg will lie liflil toni){li! ill a ill l-.Ml' (a-ntnrv Kooin I) Thf> l.atin American Support Committee is hnlrliiiK ,i Kciu-ral _Et als i iiu-i-lmK loiii^lil . o lo 7: III |i in in l-AII: (rnturv Koi i in K • |an 1(1 I S Marine ( aunt table al the I Ml from III a in lo 1 p in [*'<•!• 11 StihuiU I'iifm aiw h* ii^i \hiiuh \rrvm uhii It print tics uiHHrtt with o \uti itlht ihilixi lit walkim> ultnii ni an;lit ,inJ ii\kinv fuiwthh< iiwnull PROJECT SAFERIDE A Women's Concern Women Volunteer Drivers Needed! Permanent drivers: One 2 hour shift per week Alternate drivers: On Call Opportunity to earn 1 to 5 Women's Studies Credits If interested drop bx the ASUO Worn cn \ Center. Suite J EMU or cull 6X6 42.W. Sajerutc miii\ run nn;hll\ from fynn hi mitlm^hl ill sliuhnls iii,i\ /hirtu i/miIc in till Safe rule pro i;nnn in to p m m the I Alt1 (anirtyard. faking AIM" \ rl and AIDS hxhibition and Reception v\ ill bo held In the KMl' ( Jallerx from 5:20 to R: 10 p ill A Summer Kmployment Ori entation Session will bo hold today at 2:10 in Room 12 Hon drinks Hall. A workshop for pre-medinal students on how to prepare toi the \UIAT will ho hold loda\ .it :t: It) in Room 104 Oregon Hall Deadline for submitting I t • ils to the Kmorald front desk li\tl ' Suite tilt), is noon the tla\ before /nihlit .ition hit als run the da\ ol the event unless the event tutors before noon Please submit hit a/s the da\ be fore they are to run only Xotiies ot events with a tin nation nr admission t harge will not he at t efitetl t.aminis events anti those sthetluletl ne.irest the fiuhlit alum ilatt will be gi\en i>rit'rit\ I'lte I in orald lesenes the right to edit noth es for grammar and style twfEi mm Restaurant and Lounge J (iybmcsc nub *(/ftticricnti (^J'Oob I i i ORDERS TO GO 343-4480 M47 I rjnklin Blul. Mon.-Thur.—11:00 am to 10:10 p.m fri.—11:00 a.m. to Midnight Sal.—NiMin to Midnight Sun — Noon to 10: it) p.m. J l projict’ SAflRIM