_Community C tmlinuetl from P.igc H mg libr.irx prtidut 11114 ;iinl 111.tiling .1 newslettci •inti lobbying the ()r«gon Legislature Hunch said thr number of victims is urmvtm; ve.irk bill pnbltt knowledge of tlit1 problem is nut Victims m.i\ experience short term niemun loss m.i\ be subjei t to ext itahilitx ami mav have dit fit ult\ 1 out enlr.11 i ng. she said Kveii sophistii .lied metiii .d let limtpies sut h .is ( iA 1 si .ins < .111 fail to octet I injuries that, d untreated, max ruin .01 oltieru ise flap pv and protiui lir e life she said I nking prntei live measures sut h as wearing a seatbelt in a 1 at 01 “The fundraiser offers them (people re ad just ini’ to head injuries) a chance to participate in their own recovery and tit he productive. " — Mary Munch. ,1 helmet when bitwling or moton vt Imt; v\iil 11 ♦ * 11 > | > i * * v * • 11! iimiv people from bet nmini; victims. Hum h explained ( 11 rr<*! 11i\ no state agencies deal spec i11< allv with the problem-^ related to head injuries. Bunch said loi this reason the ()t Hi lob hies tin* si.do legislature rath year l.arliei this \ * *.»i thr lr14isi.1t uiv agreed to establish .1 tusk tour to stud\ further thr issues and rr percussions to sot irt\ . stir s.iid Support groups dir important. hr< atisr the mrdi.m age nt victim is pi. .111 age wlirrr parents havr let gn slm s.iid \ vit tun mav 1 rtju 1 rr full timr parental care Support groups lirlp those invfilvrd find emotional support and share wavs ot toping with the pn»h lems involved The ()l II1 is ,111 ailvocat v . in tor unit ion and reterral service that nrrds funds to t (>ntin 111 * to provide srrvit rs. Hunt It s.ml I hr Hr an Angr!" Christmas trrr salr is out’ ol several annual (untiraisrts tliat supplrmrut dirrt t donations and .1 voluntrri stall The trrrs are being sold at Wilsons Hidden \ alley lire farm, auuon \\ Demining Road (oft Irnitorial llighvvav math <>t Klmu.o and .it the (iarclrn Wav Tree I arm. 1(H) N Harden Wav loll ( rntru nial Boulevard east nt Autzen Stadium) Ihr ()IIII otters wreaths anil other Christmas det orations as well as varieties ranging trom Douglas I n to exotics such .is Noble I 11 Scotch Pine Norway Sptnt r Shasta lie Holorudo Sprut r or (.rand I n All pun liases are ta\ dedut tihle Interested volunteers f an t ont.it t Bunt h at the ( Hill off it e (tittO I 1H2I ★ Christmas Break Car Care Tire$tone W AMERICAS HOME FOR CAR SERVICE Lu"Bi7OIL_& FILTER Who can you depend on for their in depth training computerized equip rnent and work backed by long term warranties9 The Masters of Master Care, of course 6 MONTHS/6.000 MILE LIMITEO WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS & LABOR1 RADIATOR SERVICE Drain radiator and add up to 1 gallon of cool ant. Inspect belts, hoses, water pump. s2688 Chemical Treatment, Power Flush S4988 tun“e"ups T rained Technicians Solve Over 2.000 Eng Problems Every Day' *•.»• , >g system • ir '.pr- t »ey eogme* systems 4 parts 4 Cylinder s39” DIAGNOSTIC TUNE-UP...$59.77 All (he at Pius M.iMerm 'I f mpulft .’rd «*' , »' ■» »*.'* * Q • '» trol printout V -It e'r <*'■-; .»'% 6 4 8 ; y ■ ghtiv m r T• averse V •> »• ; 4 1 oertere- .** e«tra __ No Appointment Necessary Downtown Eugene—East 11th store only 345-1593 _ Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUND in the classified section. PRt Sf NTEO BY THE FAMILY, JEWELS WHAT S THE ONLY THING HAPDCB THAN A O'AMONO IGHT OUT Of ONLY ONI r Sale Priced Items! ! i yCOUPON COUPON COUPONj I HOPE NOBODY CUTS OFF MY f'NC.ltf'. OUR WARMEST WISHES Traditional Holiday Coffees from the P.D. Boyd Family. l (»i 11 ill in irs in I uropi lamilics have delighted llien Ik >lula\ guests w iih spi'i i.il i oltce drinks ni.uli' lioni rei ipcs passed ilow n ovct general mils I 11 >m t.imiK h> taniiU trirml to 11 lend. tlii'si' old w odd 11 >tli-f in ipcs liavi- haonii' a trail it ion o! I hr I ml id a \ s lli'ii' in llir nr w world, spin ul I ml iila \ eol tees arc <|tm k In-coming .1 tradition as \s i'll \ncl 11 kmc s no liner eottee lo make them wilh than our Rial Wagon < 1 our met (lot tee lire win t me si ot the world's pri/e col lee I km ns, hand ch< >sen hy t Ik.’ | B< rvii tamih <>1 experts Prrmtum for tour generation (mam h bean SAVE 50c ^ " / \ :.\i ;► i *r • ,:\\ i:;e!\ ’ -,\ .1 Z~ , Red Wa^on (k‘ mvH "n ■» ; • und ' ff—, mininum puruiase aquiree mj