THE BIG ONE! j 8 1 _„ ^ i a «* ««««/% i yy ■ Our 1st Annual X ^ .—.. & ^ J % 14K Lavalier Sale t Vi r. 4K gold large; letter lavaliers are a i* J great gift for someone special or just a treat for Yourself. k,k.s52"» SALE $29"i *1 ' mi Iihji ■ i j.*rt*\ vrlvrf })iinn box i (’AMR S (OWK NON 344-3439 \ Wu prj.v fur IU ) unJrr^ruJuutf and graduate \tudrnts Humanities Center Essay Prizes 1990 Theme: The Natural Environment & Human Values Tin* University of Oregon Humanities C enter announces new annual essay prizes lor UO undergraduatosand gradu ate students. All students are invited to submit an original essay or other piece of work on the annual theme The I lumanities ( enter expects to award one prize for the K'st essay bv an undergraduate and one prize tor the Ix'st essay bv a graduatestudent Theprizeseaih will provii.leS250.Q0. and the awards will lx- announced in the University com mcncement program and the Humanities C enter Newslet ter In addition, the Humanities C enter will assist prize recipients w ho want to pursue publication of their essays. further information about theannual theme, and guidelines and a reuuired cover sheet lor submissions arc a callable now in the I lumanities ( enter, interested students should pu C up this information os sw os possible. The deadline for the 1W0 I lumanities ( enter I ss.iv Prizes is 1 March 1W0 final de visions will lxi announced by 2 April 1 WO. THE ARMY HAS THE FIERCEST HELICOPTER IN THE WORLD... It l .III SIT ID till- <1.11 k NihI .It t .IV k W Ittl (Hit tx-mn M-rii It i .in Miikr like- lightnmK It's fast. smart ,nu! iihmii Hu! tin \ll t*l \|mi lw Ih-Ih ujiti-i dm-sn't ll\ In it-s-lt It m i lls traim-rl avia torsi apabk' lit h.mdlmi: its iwi snmr tiihnoki^y Warrant Ottii i t l-'linht Training takt-s alHlitv, ik-ili* atmil ami * ntimiitmriit It’s an intensiw It) work training program (k-sl^HSl to taki- tin- vrtv Im-sI |k u|iIi-ami maki- tht-ni pilots U uhi .1 tui;li n» t«H '1 11}>)< »m.i. j>r«*!fi .itHS Hsu wars ot inth-^r .iikI i .in i mniikii' Ii.tminn, w just minlit have a flight suit your si/e lu find nut if hi .j::.ilit\ I. ■: W.u Mill ( Mtk ri I liylil Iraming ei viHirk».il \irm Ko nntri tnda\ SfC Curt Mitchell, 345-38 7 7 ...AND WE WANT TO TEACH YOU HOW TO FLY IT. Community rholo In Kali |nusi dreg H.miilton. .1 minis mi sis nr. .mil hen Collins. president ot llm Injurs Sursi snr’s ( mini il nl Oregon, .ire selling trees this season to benefit injurs s ii tints. Tree sales to benefit injury victims B\ Boh V\.1 i1 I mcr«ilri ( ontributor With such .in abundance- of < hnstmas trrr Inis I his lime* of \ t*.»i win find .« lire* or w Truth -if oiii' of the* two Orison InjuiA loundations lol s ’ ( )ur motto for thr fund r.tisri is fir .m An grl 1 his ( hi istmas’ \V»* want people* to hr an an y»e*l and while* thry ir getting a ^rrat (ihristmas tirr foi thru own happy season. they are* also hrlpiny; somobodx rise have a meiiv srasun, an sums Marx Bunch rvrrutivr dime .tot of thr (till! arid mot hr r of a hr. id injurs vie tun The ('llrisiniiis lice sale is planned and stalled In the members nt the Head Inj11r\ Sim i vor's I mini d of (fregort. a group of ..pie read lusting lo bead injuries sustained in accidents The lundraisei olfers them a chance to partii t pale in then own lei overs and to be produi live Bunch said lie- (Hill and IllSt t) are kindled organi/a lions that will evenK divide the Christmas sale priK ceils l be groups ai livilies ini lude disseim Hating inlormation. organizing support groups lor vii toils and their families, maintaining .1 lend 1 uni lo Injury, Page ** BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR BOOKS... CHECK OUT THE PRICES AT SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE. WE BUY USED TEXTBOOKS, PAPERBACKS AND CLIFFNOTES ALL THE TIME SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th • 345-1651