Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 11, 1989, Page 7, Image 7

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    Monday In-Depth
( ontinued Irom
nppenranc es tor Iho convicted Springfield moth
cl \tlcr she esi aped front the (fregon Stale Pent
tent itir\ for eleven days in early M.i\ putt. Diane
Downs was transferred to a New |erse\ prison
where she still grants interviews to racy lelevi
sion programs sm h as t < urrrnl All.in
H. Hiring questions prompt law si hunt dean to
resign. Law si hoot dean Uerric k Hell nnnnnm ed
his resignation I eh 7. 198'., citing c onllicts ovri
law school hiring practices .is the reason Hell
claimed the last straw to an ongoing contliit
c ame when the law school faculty committee re
jected a qualified Asian woman applic ant altei
hearing opposition h\ some tacullv mouthers I
was faced w it It having to rejec 1 a person I thought
was v ery weil-qualified on the basis ol a proc e
dure I couldn't go along with, lie 11 said alter an
iiouitc ing his resignation.
Hell's resignation was effective |une tl)
1*185. a full year earlier than he had planned
when he bee .line clean in t’Ut I Hell was replaced
by current dean Maurice Holland in PIBb Al
though Hell continued .it the law school lor an
other year as a full prolessor, he has sine e left the
l'Diversity The law school's affirmative ac tion
hiring practices remain a controversy as ev
idem ed bv student protests as ret cut as Mav Lit>
tl. Students take to the streets Wmtei and spring
terms 198*1 brought 1 'Diversity students into the
streets and the Lugene Police Department into
riot gear An unexpec ted snowfall hitting right at
the peak of winter midterm frustration coaxed
more than LOU dorm residents into a rowdv snow
ha 11 light outside Hamilton complex the night ol
pel) I. 1989 Helore long the students began pelt
iug motorists .ind bn vi lists with snow and u e
'I'hi' stress breaker. whu h began ut tun. i ulmm.it
ed in |itilu e inter\entmu .unt hundreds ul dollars
ill damage to i .ir w indou s .mil dormitoi les
Allll oil \i,|\ > 1*1,HO i lose to »tltt people took
to the streets this time at I till .ind I errv to crush
the l nun de \l,ivo‘ p.lilies in progress in the
are,i the crowd liegall pit* lung lieet bottles and
assaulting intervening police oftii ers prompting
two shills o! polue ofliters to doll lint gear and
(dear tile street In tone Three t nnersitv stu
dents were arrested on noting ( barges Main
people attribute the i urrcnl itu reused presem e ot
polue ottu ers on t ampus to these two past ( on
flu t s
HI ()l(( era ( ks down On \pril t' > I * *t ■ ■ the
Oregon I i<|uoi Control Commission annouru ed
its plans to tight the Cniversity s \mmal Hotisr
parts tradition In (lacking down on minors
drinking ah uliol
I bis was the i ulminulion ot a long series ot
i rat kdowns targeting the greek svstem and dorm
parties that began w lilt the busting ot an t )SI fra
tertiitv parts in I'tH ' and patrols ot Aul/.eii Ntudi
utn lailgaters that tall In Mas 1'itttt (tie l nnersitv
outlawed kegs a! 1 nnersitv alt 11 luted events and
told fraternities thin < ould no longer use i liaptei
hinds to Inn ale ohol
Apalhetu ' Superlu lal ’ i're apo( alvptii
Although most i ritii s si bolars and analysts
complete their Top Ten lists with a grand sum
Illation ot the de< ade the I liwruhl del hied tll.lt to
make some profound statement about tile l'lHlts
m the immortal words ot President t .eorge Hush
just wouldn't be prudent
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