Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 11, 1989, Page 6, Image 6

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    Gifts from Afar
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Ihn>ui»hJanuary d.yi>u can saw
hundreds ol ck>ILus on a \ aricty
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Without sjvnditU’ a It>t more mone\
Hie Macintosh Sale.
Now thnHigliJanuary 31.
Gays, lesbians criticize
task force draft plans
B\ Stephanie [)i( ke\
l mer.ild ( ontrihutor
I rustration this l)ri*n voiced
about the President's bask
I or< e on I .esbian and (Ja\ ( on
cents. organized by t’niversitv
offic i.iIs ,is .1 result id ass.mils
on ASl’O candidates during
last \|>riI's ele< lions
Former I 'm\ rrsilv President
I’aul (Hum made die commit
muiit In sot up the lask fun t' at
Iit candidate Maurt'rn kirk
i l.iimi’d she; was plivsii ally .is
saullrd while handing out eler
lion information outside the
IAH .uni candidate Tim
Hughes lei eived death threats
Last summer (iernrd Muse
le\. vit i* provost for student at
tails hired Hughes and student
llarbara K\an to i ompile si ope
and membership information
Irom similai task ton es at otllei
illll\ ersllles
However according to
Hughes. Moselev s 1111.11 (trail
ol tin? task forte u.is v.isth (lit
lerent from tile ret ommenii.i
lions proposed In Hughes .inti
Hughes s.ml one important
ret ommendiition madt! to
Moselin was lli.il halt ol the
i ommiltee memhersliip he slu
dents and the other hall l.n tdl\
and stall Moselin appointed
111 e students and I 1 I 'lliversitv
\ It hough the task fort e ini
ti.illv iv,is planned In begin bill
term. Ihe I 'niversilv committed
.1 "major flaw " b\ not hav ing
any meetings bill term, accord
ing to I,.mre! Sharp, io ilireelor
ot ( lay and l.eshian Alliam e
Sharp I eels that Ihe timeline
is so stringent there won t he
enough time to ,u < omplish
anything other than resean h
She said she is frustrated In
the slow par e the 1 'niversilv
has taken in setting up the task
force and feels there are some
basic actions that could take
plat e before the task Ion e re
ports its findings.
Sharp said homophobia
training lor administrators and
professors, as well as ‘’ac
knowledging gn\s. lesbians
and bisexuals in academics
are essential in eliminating
I 'nis ersits affairs i oordinator
Kirk Hailes was appointed to
the task Inn r However. Hailes
ami A SI'() vi< r president Si utl
VVsckoff will resign from the
committee in order to alloss
someone more qualified to re
plai e them
Doing .1 "white, heterosexual
male." Hades said he does not
feid he is the best represonta
I is e for the task force I le said
he and \\ st koff ss dI make re<
ommendations to Moseles foi
better qual il ied ASl '( ) re pro
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