Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 11, 1989, Page 5, Image 5

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    Monday In-I)epth—
( ontinucd from I
strike un \ov 1 1 mi students
eould sit ill .it the st.ite tmard's
iiih arnpus meeting More th.iu
fioo administrators. Intultv and
students attended th.il meeting
to fiht for tin’ president who
Haiti led the I 'ni\ ersit\ -.ini e
1'IHl However, the hoard re
mnmed unmoved and it an
noimi ed during a \ov 18 < on
fereni e t all that Ohnn would
lie joreed to retire The decision
never was full\ explained Al
though lai ultv and students
persisted in efforts to reverse
the hoard's dei is ion (Hum was
retired on June to 10811
2 I miersil\ i utli.k ks alfei t
one and aft Tie 1 ■ ’ ■ > . t :
t niversilv during the 1080s
Iras heeu a vvoetul tale ot lai k ot
hinds I .u ultv salaries have re
maiued rock hottom throughout
the decade prompting worries
irom 1082 onward about the
I niversilv s ahilitv to attr.u t
high-qualitv educ.itors
To boost these failing salaries
(iov Neil (ioldschmidt recoin
mended in spring 1088 that the
stale schools trim tile lat oil
their programs At the 1 hiiver
sitv. this "fat" amounted to a
total ot SI 4 million over two
vears and pailii ensued as ad
ministrators pondered for nine
months over which programs
would go and whit li ones
would si.iv
Although budget i ills vv ere
i (insistent trout page material
Irom fall 1080 onward, on June
1 1080 the administration an
nounced what seemed the se
vnrst i uls v<‘t 1 hrsr ( utb*u ks
would have i loscil thf s>eriin
tologv 'Hitl sl.illslii s depart
infills t ompletelv and eluninat
cd J I I.it.11 Itv positions I lowt’v
fi ihe legislature ( handl’d its
mind and allot sited funds to tin*
stall- system later III lull!' sax
inyt total df|iaiiiiifuls Iroin t'X
Inn turn However many (at ill
l\ positions .mil t ourst* sot lions
still disappeared in (all Bti
And stndfiits wore i.ut trom
tlif I im i-rsitx as xx rlI Alter
fiirollmfiit t liuilifil to mori'
than IB. 500 students at tall
tel ill 1‘tHB the t 'nix ersity an
nminced it would t ut enroll
ment In .it least 1.00(1 fix tall
term ‘til \ml loi the lust time
ever. (|iialifietl Orison tresli
nil'll were tleiiied admission to
the i niversilx in 108(1
:t President Hind throws in the
towel alter athletit department
st andal \ftei I ive ve.u it tin
1 nix ei sitx President William
Boyd annum)! ed his resigna
tta 111 Nl.iv It. 1980 I hr resit/.n«i
turn, w hit li w ,is effet 11v i■ julv
1 IMHO, followed his i omti'i
lion with .1 football rinruitirig
s< .uni.il that im hull'd several
otliei schools nationwide The
m-imcl.il involved the adminis
(ration's abuse of football re
i noting privileges Ifnvd was
lepliU eil bs Paul ( Hum in April
I \ anilnlx rails.ii k si iem e
labs C)u Oi l a o a, a p
railing ilsell the Animal Libera
lion Front broke into two sci
eni e buildings, destroyed \alu
able si iem e ci|uipmelit. and
stole dozens of laboratorv am
Inals, afft'i ting 20 experiments
l ive days latei foul of the sto
I in rabbits were touiid abau
iloned in the Knseburg area and
returned to the I 'niveixitv Sev
eral other animals vveie term
ered ill the weeks to t illin'
I he I 'niv ei sit v ai him ed na
tionwide attention from the
All In eak i ns and the ai I ion
still is mentioned in national
articles discussing the enritro
\ers\ over the ethii s of si lentif
ir animal researr h I Ins new
political movement of the '(tits
has gained strength in Kugene
w itll the lormation of lot al
i liapters of Peiiple for the Ft hi
cal Treatineiit of \nimals and
Students for the I Itiit al I real
ment ol Animals and protests
of I he I hiiversitv s animal re
scan Ii have oci lined as rei enl
U as the ( )i I ! i I9H9 si iem i
buildings protest
"> Ihe HH toolii.i 11 season ( )h
surf it vyas llie 1'IH't season
where the Dinks finally liroke
away from meilun 111\ posted a
decent 7- I record and gut un it
ed (for tile firs! lime III .Mi
years) to the (test howl money
could buy Hut d was the sen
son the year before that peoplr
w dl remenibei
It has the makings id grand
tragedy (In the arm ol <|uarlrr
hack Hill Vlusgruve the Dinks
colled out to an mi redihle (i 1
start a national ranking and a
seemingly assured howl hid
lugene was going nuts the e\
< ilemeut w as |ial|iahle
then poof! \ week alter the
(lame ot the Decade (Oregon's
collie hum behind 1714 win
oyer arc In i \ a I W ashington)
Musgraye broke his collarbone
Oc t J'l against Ari/.on.i Stale
and was out lor the season The
Ducks victory marc h became a
funeral proc ession They lost
li\e straight and stayed home
I'llis \ imi I In- I )m ks li.nl
limit inuiiifiits |.i 1 i ti drubbing
ut low it) .111(1 ( (lll.ipst'S I.Ill
1 a 17 loss lu Stanford) The\
li.ii ked into .i bowl liitl .liiimsl
■ lilt) I 11lli.it l< .11 i V .illrl ll .ill
sfcliifil done Hill in '88. 11 m\
itlninsl did it lilt' old-fashioned
w.n In carii111(4 ll
(> Karr fronts research i oil
troversv Hi.iii.-ni. -I
v\ ill) philosopliv and politii s -is
plans lor the Riverfront Re
search I'.nk weir tiev i1 loped
Sim e the initial HiHt proposal
opposition to budding a private
rcsenn.il park on t'mversilx
land lias taken the Ini ill ot pro
tests in 1087 and legal appeals
in tonand 1*181) 1 main nil
worries arose earlier this rear
when the ( arlev Capital (level
oper dropped out ol pro|c( t nr
gotitllKills to lie lepl.ned li\ a
I tali-based til in
(atl/clls in 1087 began to pe
tition against tampering with
the Ii7 at re riveitrout site bill
then efforts were tor the most
part uiisui i esstnl rlunigll tile
piojei I is two \ ears tic hind
si liedtile ground is scheduled
to break next spring When the
J(lwear project is ( omplrtcd
the park will provide more than
1,000 jobs and will house tell
ants engaged in activities sm h
as industrial rescan ll and i om
pllter software development
l lie tv|it! ol researi h |dalllled
lias draw n i orn erns about i on
lamination ol the U illametle
River, and the pi'ojei t has not
seen the end ot legal ( ballenges
from its opponents
/ Downs uikrs int*
stai;*- (in I «li 'ii. I'm i I li/.i
hi lli Hi.mi- Downs u.is .irifstfil
nil l ll.irgfs III 1111111 il -1 ilttl'lllpl
ml murili i .mil first ilfgim- .is
s.iult. riiiliriK .i nitir month in
vi-stig.ition into tin- tlf.itl» nl
mu* nl lift i liililn-n .mil gun
shut iiijvii 11-ul thr two othi'i s
Downs snlisi-i|Ut'nl tri.il mil
i mu ii I ion. inllutini ml In tut
|imt.int tost i tunny limn hci
thru illni- vi'.n ulil il.iuglitfr
,ii Ini-veil n.itimi.il tit I fii t ini i
I In* I km ns i ,isf li.is s|inw nml
two hunks .i ifi flit tflfi i-sitin
inovif .mil fnillfss I■ *'k show
lorn to litis f’.igf 7
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