Letters Offensive The other da\ when I was making mv usual trek around campus. I saw a comert poslei that renIK stria k me It was an advertisement fin the (hem I’oppin' Daddies Does this name seem partii ularl\ offen sive to am of von’? It is true, there have been and still are groups in this world whose names I don't find par ticularly appeasing (i e Suici da I Tendem ies. Meat Puppies), some I Imd downright tasteless lie I )ead kennedr s. \ omit Launch.) I do understand the importance of shock value, hut never before have I heard of .1 group with such a direct solici tat ion to abuse Keallv. is there am other wa\ to interpret Cherrv Poppin' Daddies? Does tills not suggest 1 liild molestation incest and general overall pain and abuse? Does having your "cherry popped" h\ a “daddv" sound appealing to am of you? Don't gel me wrong here I understand the Constitution I'm not suggesting tfi.it names like this should lie forbidden In law I'm just a hit disturbed that a hand would want this BMBM ® Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs & Try Oui Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs M Th M 00 i On f Stf 1 l IK) -I U) Closed Sundays Hours: Upstairs M I h 4 tO 10 ( Hi f SnSOO 10 30 image. It seems lii ini' th.it this lil.i t.mt advoi acv would and should lif unthinkable Wh.it would voui ri'.ii lion )>•' to .1 1*11)1111 1.illi-d lap Mass.11 re Xigger Hashers" in in'.! out right I'll*; Rapists'' these names ,m- mi obviously often sive it's hard for mo to believe .iiivouo would i liooso them M.ivho I'm missing somo kind ot weird inside joke As .1 worn.in 11111 moslh gust .is .1 Ini 111.111 being. I .1111 \er\ olfondod In this u.imo and I uant to 1111 dorsland win it's out there Kli/ibeth ( oris.no Student Turned away The I )ec 4 artu le Roll inn up the ueli ome mat regard ing the rodU( lion ot overall en rollment In increasing adims sion requirements, tails to e\ amine the most important rea son behind enrollment reiliu turn to alleviate overt limiting thereby increasing tile standard ot education here at the l 'mvei si!\ Indeed, some foreign slu Avoid long lines al the post office Buy stamps at the UO Bookstore. ■ _L THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON • '-'***■ dents will !>«• turned avv.n b\ ,m tlit rt'.w' hi admission rr ijuiromeuts Iml tlii'' is in nn v\,i\ dis< riimn.ilurn for an ripmiilcnl iiiimlirr of l oiled Stall's ri-slilrtils ulirthi'i from Oregon in nut nl slah- will In luriii-ii au as In trims nt total enrollment at tin- I im mill tins artu le st-i-ms in l.ivur nl uvi-ii rmsdinu anil thi-ri'furi- a reduced li-w-l nl i-iIiii alinil in order to .11 i mu moil.ill- tllll-Ktll sliulinits I In- |iur|iosi“ nl i-iiriillini-nl reduction is not mlriulril In ilisi riminati- against ,1114 m rr lim i- tin- niimlii-rs ut InreiRii stmii’iils it is mi-ant In dr i rrasr i row 111-tI i i mil it unis ihori'ln ini iimmub tin- 1111.1111 \ nl i-iIiii .it li 1II (Jliviunslv a multi rai nil si 11 ill-lit pi >pil lut i on is rxtrrmels important. Iml a hi^h degree nl fitui iitiini is nt utmost iin|iiii lam i- to all stuili-nts ins-olsed foreigners ui not Drlilnr ( ampin-II t on- arts __ >\ ' I m Peter* M I'K Y •• News { ditor Sports i ditor Supplements f ditor Night F ditor hrtslophwr BUt" Darla Ja< ksor [V'ifw ( i*fti•( Managing Editor Editorial Editor Graphics ( ditor l ncore Editor Associate Editors Community m ..Student Government Ac tivities l « H; Higher Fducation;Administration ' H Features Reporters •• A i- * !• * v > >”.!< IVi.-- < «*" A- ' * (l ' | i 4th*’f,r>«‘ Mawioy Stophj m.-i .fiit I.m*-. ' l .lyne l abolish ( .»••• Sivesind Aii e Thornton Photographers id h i- * Advertising M.i • * B* i •• t '■ '* r « • H.i ,• • * -»* ! M 1 ,tt M- A. , An-. M.!!•• •■ MmIt M. i *.• . »*■* * • V , ■ .1 1 f .«■ %h » Kn-.l •vt.'th»'> F (tw.if.J W**’ ► Production • ’• A ’• K.if • . B.irt- '• • B ) ! ' i»b A •• • n,,(, [ . (*hiUj ('.iro! Popp Jim F inch Yvette (»•" Jennifer Huey t. md.-i r ,.v.t.»d f •• • l • ,l M i W •, M A- • M . i • Pause* . ; Ann.i Ftnrrvt*-. Jo Janet Sohotw-r It’d *'.nt.pi».f Jennifer Smith '• oil Smith Cuithn StarW Jennifer Thom,r. Jtmnif#-■ Via •• Ingr.d Whit** Kelly W'Hiarns General Staff Advertising Director ‘ Assistant lo the Publisher Production Manager M ’ Advertising Coordinator Classified Manager ' h .s ?' Accounts Receivable Circulalion Newsroom Classified Adve Using Display Advertising Production Graphic Services Ow'bey Pallor 686 5611 686 434 3 686 3712 686 4381 There’s a PS/2 that’s right for you. New/ Ask about the IBM PS/2 Loan for Learning And right on the money, too V> in.ttIrr wli.it Muir m.ijiir (or Mini IiiiiI"iI ), tlirrt - .in I ItM IVrsnn.it Mi-iii J tli.il I .ill m.ikr Mill lixik "rr.it III M ImhiI .iihI .iltrr Mill "r.nlii.ilr \ml mm Mill i .in i In HIM- friHti tin- nmiplrtr |M' kap-- nl li.inlw.irv ami |irrln.iilril snltwarr. .it -|iri ul low -.hull nt |irn rs U li.it's ninrr. wlim Mm lim nun IV.1,1 Mill w ill "i t .1 MMnisr [Mil. .1 l.'i in h iliski ttr Imliirr. ami a |nmrMi* oil llm 1*1101 >M ‘ nTVMf \sn|r Iruni all till', tlirrr nl tin- iini'l |ni|iiilar HIM 1‘rojirililrrs ' an- .nail.ililr mm it smi ial low prill's i*. I*ni|irmlrr III »/< "I4r (tJOl/IMM) S.I'M Hi l‘rii|iriiili r \_’ll wAlalili- ($."> V> * IVii|irint. r\l _*U aMr (L’OK/IHIJ) $M« Mart out tin* nr* \»*ar right. t Im« k < Kit all 11»«—< * "[mmi.iI '.iviiip U fon- ilV t«m» latr'* < Mfrr «ml> Irhmars I ». I**HI. Ilcm're von going to do it? PS/2 it! Microcomputer Support I,ah Room 202 Computing Center Mondav-Fridav 9am-5pm 6X6-4402 6dfu3tmg fee added to each ofdet •Tr**. new iMtfTvtodtc -.iixJuf. '*uHy and s*a* *»- w .v HMf“ *A ' <*-' ■ i f>»e. » *ith **** rotituior* r^ja/tfrny ifvpsr > .ittpr ■ >■■ n« h•■»■■••< -My f- • .«'»• * • ?• *'■*’ ' t*r« MnfflOut wfsllfcf "M» ro-w ■*! .»«! f « *•• VC '»«*• A. aderr*c frj.1, * • onw»*<>,.rf^OCConn>ul«f» j*ix**iKjrt 80366SX antiBOJAt o»f i*<*ie**»jr*» ? •'•• o»p«*»»■■■* *'*•' '*1 ’’ flHfei r»w x/tfrt - ,*y »S <990 fyndM.j i*H}/0* p»v* i^wxj cr.tr«»vi wv* e mark .v* A< ? * M.v »j« ' •. «W ■ .% ■! a 969