Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 11, 1989, Page 2, Image 2

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Don't make finals
harder for teachers
Tin. cnil ol l.ill term is upon us This work ill I in
mi sits students will bin kin down lot finals trv big to
survive the l.isl low si bool il.ivs
()u Sulimiav . vvhon liu.ils .in done <ind thiough
I hr Dm ks will i not'| I hr I u Is.i (addon 11 u 11 i < .mo in thr
Indrpendoiu e Howl I i ii I hr f 11 s| I imr in .'(> vr.irs ()i e
gull will pliiv ill .1 post season football gatin’
1'vi*11 though most proplr h.ivi1 supported Oregon s
.a ( cplniit.<■ ol thr bowl bid. it has (rralrd a iiiiii|iir i t
ill problems Hi t aiiso thr gaino comes at thr end of It
mils wr.'k nirmliris of thr football train choci loading
sipiad and mart lung band will noss thr last thror days
ol 11ti.iis
\thlolrs missing i lasses is nothing new I oat hors
tegulat'lv irst hrdulr tests lor tlloiii It is a( ( rptotl and
iarch drbalrd
Hut l»i'( ausr it s born n vr.ns sinrr the las! bowl
game novci has thr i ummt administration had to deal
with so mam students missing final exams, on masse
In a memo dated \ov ill Hrovosl Xoiman Wes
sells sent a note to I Diversity fat uItx mcmbeis. detail
mg how tliov could help the bond members tootball
players and cheerleaders take then exams Wrssrlls
outlined several options, including take home tests
early or make up exams and allow ing students to lake
tests m Shreveport the dev be!ore the game
However. Wrssrlls said in the interest ot I.unless
II a lake home ol rerlv exam Was SI lledllled tol a toot
hall pl.iyet hand menibei oi i heerleadet the option
had to be made available lo all the students III the
i lass
Wrssrlls' i out em Ini fairness is admilable bill Ills
sol ii t ion i ■- mi win k able
(Mining early exams to all class mumbeis t n-ates .i
logislii al nigbtinare Ini an already overworked Ini ulu
stall who have lo make extra versions ol tests ami ai
lunge lie looms Professors dislike linals almost as
much as students do It seems uuluii to I.k iillv to lull
den them with more work at their most diflir lilt lime ol
I 111' tt'l 111
Wessells' solution doesn't go t.u enough in making
things lair tor ever\lioil\ What <il>out large (lasses
with multiple set lions some ot which have athletes
and hand members, and some ot whii h don I 'i ou
( an I gel around the issue.
When you consider it. the hand, team and cheer
leaders onh make up t ut students out of a I’niversiU
population of more than I7.tl()t) It’s simph not worth
it to disrupt the entire I hiiversitv for that tew a mini
her Because only a small percentage ot the students
will he affected, don't make professors lives harder
than they alreadv are
Teachers should assist the hand mernhers. loothall
players and t heerleaders in their i lasses in finding a
reasonahle time to t.ike their finals Then the\ should
administer the final exam to the rest of the ( lass as it
nothing v\ as out ot tin* ordinary
J^LSdrrlg i
•a bike... a TV set., new skis... Oh. and another thing: increase the limit on
my parents credit cards."
Initiative wraps up packaging problems
List week the1 (begun Sti»tt• Public Intel
est Kesean li (I roup and members oj the
L'gislntine announced an initiative i,nn
paign that would enai t stm I new rei vi ling
standards for pai kaging materials sold in
It approved, this law would lie the most
extensive rei yr ling law in am state
As landfills across the nation reach
i a|iai it\ and mam stall's look .a ross their
borders to find planes to dump their gar
bage the need for a more extensive rei v< I
itig programs has grown
And as more and more state legislatures
enai t toughei rei m ling laws. Oregon,
wlm h was in the lecyi ling lorelront when it
passed the nation's lust bottle lull in lo t.
has fallen tar behind othei states in progres
sive rei vi ling laws
Hie initiative, it passed would require
pai kaging to meet one ot these three require
ments IIV |dll 1 loo t
• Par kaging must be made ol at least >0 per
i ent (b\ weightl rei Vi led inateiials
• i ontainers must be able to he reused for
the same purpose at least live times
• Pat kaging must be inr luded in an effer tive
11a vi ling program, or must lie made ol mate
rials that are being eliei 11 v el v rei vi led |a re
i vi ling rate ol I "> peri ent In loo t and in
< leasing In .1 (it) pen nil rale by 2(H)—)
Ibis law linalK would begin In deal
with the American "throw away" attitude
Mam food products are packaged in plas
tics plastic loam and aluminum foil These
products, like microwave meals, snack foods
and i a rd bun id drink containers, usuallv are
designed for immediate consumption, and
the containers and parkaging are thrown
away after use. "Disposable" containers are
rarely rer v< led and make up a good portin'
ol our garbage
I bis new initiative is looked upon with
much relief Oregonians ret. vole more the
main olliei state hut there are not enough
options available for consumers who want to
rer vi le ( ousumeis need to her nine more in
volved and use their buying power to influ
ent e manufacturers
If consumers onh purchase products
that am pat kaged m reusable ( nntainers ami
avoid ovei packaged and non reusable t,nn
tainers. it will entourage manulacturers to
produce eiiviromiieiit.illv sound packagin'-'
that is reusable and perhaps made out ol re
t \ cled prndiu ts
Supporters want to place tin* initiative
on the November, 1 *»<it» ballot, which means
tliev will need to gathei Ci t.T»7H signatures
bv |u 1 v t>. l'l’Mi Tliev believe tliev t an do it.
let 's hope for our sake tliev t an
I Ins luttur is in ri'spnnsu to
tin1 Irlti'i I liltri-ti is hatiud
I>i 11111■<I in tho Imcnilil on \o\
rills Is 1 OIK urning till' .Itllios
pln*rr ol )i.«tiimI .ind bus upon
your (.linpiis I li.itu you .mil
von Imlr mr t man .mil holler
it .it tin- top ol muii lungs "I
It.ili' bugs!" That's right, bugs
1 ut i' is lot i' ()K It s not
ball' to sat "Opi'n I hi* rolrignra
tm door now' I nuud to detrost
tin' Iriilgt*! Hut trail wlicn a
ir.it but sa\s run taslur. ton'll
tali h tbu bug I sat Muzzlo
mu bi'toii' I rant " You know
who vou an'1 Wht don't ton
sat "I bain ton. dumb hug!"
and gut it i ill t our i bus!
rnini'on. holpiess lummtngs,
lot's not Iw wimpy and dent
oursi'lvus All I hour is "puatu
man. veah!" and I know that is
all a bum li ot inumbo jumbo
Imm ausn I’m arrogant and all
know ing.
1 verume halt's everyone es
Ium i.i11\ mi- '> mi Ii.iIi' ini' .uni I
li.itc me Ituys s.n il luml The
i ii ail.is .nr humming all
around I laic is ()li (aid I ni
i nnim)4 I've uni In ship wi ll
inn I ■'11|ii\ h.tlicil Inn nun Ii
i-Vi'ii hetlei ill.in drugs
Trent \\ mill
In response In |on Wnllauder
l()l)h: Dei 1|
Win iln um msisi upon ai
going an unrt’solvahlt' i onflii I'
Non i an armin' ilhoul abortion
until tlic sun explodes. and
people slill won I agree I’copli'
arc different liisiilt* uat.h per
son's mind is a whole universe
ol Iwliels and nmiepts ahoul
What makes you think \our
lieliefs are am lietter than
someone else si* Have you linen
talking ilirnt ll\ with some del
tv unknown to the rest ol us:’
Making a l.iw that applies to
people villi don't even know is
not H"int; to solve the problem
I here are always going to be
women who want and need
abortions we need to make it
sale for them I bis is not pro
kill it s proa bon e
I! you and your wile think,
abortion is wrong. that's fine,
but it's none ol your business d
someone else needs one I don’t
see am pro i lion e people at
vour dot tor s otfii e. si reaming
at vour wife to abort
As lot all the vulval signs
Ho the\ sound burly appropri
ate to me and I am bardlv a
'radii al feminist
Mark l ink
I'elei iimnumii alums and
True definition
The I'mcruld is probably the
worst paper I have ever read ll
is mi biased, and I don't believe
I have ever read an article on
the tirs! three pages whir h has
not put someone else down,
whether it he Kit h Brooks or
President Bush
Honestly, it you feel you rail
do ii heller job from t oat liing
lootball to running our country
I suggest vou go out and do
it bet ause running a paper lias
proved to he one of your weak
When I think of liberals. 1
tend to think of people who
represent themselves as those
who discourage prejudice and
as those who tare lor others
Thr word hypocrite also c.unit's
to mind, as tlit* llmrntld is ob\ i
tnisly very liberal. ami il is also
very prejudiced against am
conservative off it ia 1 or t au.se
Wlit'ii I lirst t amt* to lliis uni
versitv. I foil that I was .tl least
a littlf bit liberal Ntm I realize
I am not. II being liberal is put
ling everyone else down, with
out looking a! m\ self til's!, then
I don't want any pari of i!
Thank you for helping me re
alt/.e what seems to he the true
definition of liberal hypo
t risv and intolerant e
Marianne (iabrielsen
-Letters Policy_
Letters to the editor must he limited to no more than
2 »0 words, legible, signed and the identification ot
the writer must be verified when the letter is submit
ted .
1 he Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for
length or style.