Fire_s ontmiifd from P.^e 1 n.ui \ i-ms the Physical Plant olct tru lan said lie lias rei eived a i <>|)\ nl Uoosingei '* report and i\ working on the violations in eai h building as they in ( in in tin- report lie said In was work inH on page seven of the -!1 page report Although manv repairs .ire needed the I in \ersily look a step Uednesda\ in attempting to li\ its problems Muriel |ai kson assistant ' u e president loi administration said Wednesday's pre proposal meeting with prosper live engineers was held to ask the engineers to evaluate the systems and ad \ ise the I Diversity of possible modifir alions About 1 i eompanies sent representatives to tbe meeting, she said I he I'Diversity exper ts to iim eive .ill proposals b\ jan U r ie sort ol poised on the brink ol the whole mallei she said, adding that she i mild neither estimate the rust to renovate the system nor predir t the time to i ompleb the work Buostngei said he estimated more than Si million and from three to fne years is needed to bring the I 'im ei sit\ to i ode Jackson said the rumpus rail boxes direr tly cornier t speakers to the dispute her at the safety offic e are in i omplete working ordei However Boosinger said it the system was working properly, malftnu lions with equipment sin h as fire exits deflators and Im/./.ers would send trouble signals to tile public safely offir e advising I tie olfii e ol the need tor repail ( ail Ihl’aolo. lormei Physical Plant elei Iri i ian and alarm lei Iiiik i.m said he tried for three years to r onvilli e the t 'Diversity to r nrrei I the tin sate status rit the lire alarm sy stems Dil'aolo. who owns an alarm company, re signed this lull He said the administration would riot authorize new repairs lor the systems and. in stead wanted him to install illegal systems Out ill five systems two .ire worth .1 damn .ind lliri'i' don I meet the 1 odes." he said I he five systems connect to the putilic salt'll office ire the (..miewell the motel hoard the system, the Simples and the two-sys terns gauge The digital. Simples and two systems gauge are approved systems. Dil’aolo said Dil’aolu and Housiuger both agree the (tame well and the motel hoard are outdated and are not appros ed s\ stems file (tame well. whic h reieives the fire alar m signal from Mar Dourt. was installed in the l'lldls. Itd’aolo said. This system only reports fire and does not report malfmn lions of alarms or tie ter tors in buildings It pull stations or sprinklers were damaged in Mar. ( ourt or in other buildings < miner led to the (ia mew el I. no one would know ol the problem until the lire marshal made an inspection or until a fire started When the (lamewell which sits underneath III)' dispatr hei s desk, rec fives a signal Iron) one ol its lire alarms, the message produces a series ot holes punched into the papei that runs through the mat bine. Ilil'aolo said lie said one of the dangers ol this system is it the dispatr hei is away Irnm his desk, the papei prim lung sound ol the mat.bine would not lie heart! and would not notify anyone ol a lire Dil’aolo said tire motel hoard, which is an unapproved system was designed to prolet 1 mo tel television sets from thfll The hoard contains 7a separate lights to identity problems, hut nu merous false alarms render it 1 in pi at lit al The motel hoard is installed in the l'niversity Inn hut Dil’aolo saitl he refused the I Diversity's orders to install it in Riley Hall, whit li now ton tains the digital s\stern Up to 60 University of Oregon students may already have the AIDS virus Thousands more are putting themselves at risk by ignoring the truth AIDS is something that affects us all Practice safe sex, and make it an issue about life. For more information, call the Health Education line at 686 4466 Sponsored by the Student Health Center. I’IioIm l>\ \iuift' Kaim-ri tin- iiliirms in mnn\ l'ni\t-rsit\ strut tuns art- Inn nltl nr art m.nlrtpi.itr tn propt-rh w.irn nt t up.ints In ri.uu.ilr in tin t-\ t-nt nt ,i tirr. .111 ttrdinii tn «-< II 12 13 Onl) Take Out Available Wc have Coors Parly Balls! 344.447 l I