K) Alt Of Clf • *c!kh you .1 Mi*»ty ( f- nimns uini .1 Happy Nr»*v f»om R«v WAl t Y If I *»l on ynu» l*t{ 411 my om« i'u<*'’ You piOtrcl me (HHtl lo-«> »| •> easy • ■ - t Ni A hrtvo in* !.«•',* fi-.ji.d.iy I \tu>tv is lo say* AruJ I lino* *0*1 , • u -«• Qfllting* mil YARD Hi )uM (,AN(. . .J VV«*'- !y **.«*»fu . " Mfl f , *•*' • f-'‘ . * ! H.»I ( , N«>* Y«».v' T no! going to Shfevttport UtRNADCTTf ARNOi i 1 Hu', M»»f»y I f’fivff SM I i Y Oon and Ten b Mtonlh*. o* titles anrt countino H<>h{Ji|y», Tug«lfl©» f rw,.„r. I • gt^ V"u' H M«*ffy l*m i |vwh JHH)h p! do’ • •<>»«? you .v' J i m Qomg to m.\-> »o«. TAW *, to lX'«*n«»*¥ foMifig T( A , MV I 141 { N[>* *"i for !wme w.r S MJPf M ROB0II You '»• the greatest chunk,-' Have a *u« * M r i f N«*a ti-.v ,i j - . >.»• love you tons ,»nd bunches' You* Goofy Ch.( , .1 mtm w« w^s A M Mf RRV •<( MA *i)»» Wl II get annth*f at .<»♦*, Chris vv t • An l {>•#')•«• yf> you( i«iiv>ng g*> I |f ■> | 9p4>Afc t.,r <•, tu*0 It s in |h«. pj»*,l Bui fhe ftwmofir, *as* li'»p '►t»»pn A-- 1 K‘M Jl N A MIC Ml ILF Ml RRY CHRIST MAS' YOU ARI THI GREATEST' LUV JANET Happ' M < H| i | NoPtlAy S Hf'is * lo 4/U)lh«M f a! ' *' ‘ "y' '" i1 • i*e\ » , V.. * R » !>(j. M h«- . : tun, (»n» eir>e \ name I may ta» !o«g«?Minyr Happy S.asi • light t hope , a Joyous time1 tovr l-4%i<>i WARM ARlNi, MAt I '.Otr»e ufKH*' IN* ■■*■ «i!h me HOT IR STUDENT .timw I M HEAD V«.*u S;iCh a ! 1 hop© Sa<'ld dO€5« I t>nny you any Pnnyler. anti I ho(*t- B'. >|»e'>rv the vacuum hay on , ui tM'.l M«- , i f*ri* o* i WensJer DIM A TAVl yi-ut *,v at ion* tong lot* of #fX*! Ch(«ii Hava a great Christmas W»• *» *,<»<> ya nawt rear l A l DOC, f OOD l LOVE to ♦*.*! >t h*. sijv " DCXiPil jM .foe . Ctrvvti^ ro BIG BUTT1 Happy ' »!• • M.1-- !• <1 V*j«r ROM * ;-t. to A’ Wtrv. «i the I jost Kitntml !*. say than* *. to* ir «• late nigM ampos t<>u»» highi.ghting Pl.C Stairwells smile for th* amera an of course May^artj f *".j wrestling .•• »i so much ’ r H ».g K. ’.g night•• All the Merry C'fv.trria*. The N »••! MIW Ho'Mo Me That s Hey Ho1 to yen. .inrj Mav*- .« . M- , i ' ! *« • * *' '• ' i'-t' Aj K \n MARY S A Happy v B5JuA «n*cfc on this and I laugh right’ l ■■»*• and B*m t. VA; MlM E’RS ANNf PAUI A and everyone 1*1 MERRY ChrisTM as RACHAEi MUR BLUR Th * Chr.stma*. ! wui '■' AO *ha' we wan*' Let s do it Beoki SARA 0 Hey *'• t Stuff Thanhs for the wonder tut stocking'* I ' .in t wad to see Santa ■ n Seans- Love You- Big So. SPRING BUT t K m< GAGER < ,i4tt . .* the world and hun/y beo* . M M-. ‘Hi., Merry 1 hnjtmas to the fK*st friends EVER1 I II miss you' TOP Wf .*1 rt *.jnderfuf year wa vt* shared1 I lOwC you »efy much Mt'oy C-M'iM" Daflmy1 TKWnr; (3KVV-IIK5 f>«arpj.t M«Kjg>» Holidays are Supposed lo t») a joyful \ *« * diion but h a «m t! be when ac : will be separated from one another ! I if miftS you CjReeraiqg To my Snuggiebunny ILOVl YOU We re gonna have an AWESOME Christmas Love Sweet Pe a ~.Xicnxt CARRIE T Good luck on finals week I hope you do 't*aiiy well Have a Merry Christmas too And a Now Year that 5 swell' Love Your Secret Santa V, TOGO TOO bad you can t even open ' "te o* your presents early ’ By the way *hat ■, in store tor New Yea-' s ’ Merry Chr.slmas Love Anne Happy 19th1 Thanks for being our mov u* chauffeur1 You re Iht* greatest1 t. *e Kharmie and Anson Leslie The Love of M, Life1 He that !c ves that rosy cheek Of a coral hp admires O* from star like eyes to seek Fuel to maintain his foes To Roommates past present and fu tore. Christmas fr. Error* re tolling from unclear interlion order or handwriting will not be compen aaled r ODE POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOF OF F 1C I S 300 I MU UO BOOKS TORf STAMP COUNT I'R t MlJ MAIN 0( SF PAY Ml NT • mem Has be*n enut HATFS Thie* line minimum charge i% S4 SO lot lh® lir%l insertion and S3 00 lo« additional insertion* $1 50 pe« line 'of the tir$| t.,, .,nd $lQ0pt Ime t, - additional -J.i.s Too CONNECTIONS VVMiT( AND Tf i t me !fir !*{>*- ' man you *ouU1 mjiiy and slant ,i family *»ilh I rnny {»#• him1 Responses fiom small a*Hl |>«r I«I «r preferred S<»od to ti gif)i«p PO B**« 1!911 |'g ios PERSONALS LOOK OUT WORLD HERE COMES GERARD & ADRIAN CONGAATUl AT IONS GUVS PLANNED PARENTHOOD 1 A > ounscttfiQ Days A nv^nmfls Call T44 94 11 105 PERSONALS VI'W PLEDGES II was a cold Fri night and all through the streets there were ATOs in flight and many DG shrieks tee blocking cold and had lot* ol mud yet the A TO guy* Wf RF JUST PLAIN STUDS" Thank* 4 a super time M PLEDGES BRENDA ami KIM BE B Here s to avoiding the duds DO ants I ? eh «. M' » .I* -tn«~ Wet THANK YOU WALLY KEMPE Our composite looks great and we still can t believe that it is here m less than 60 days' Thank you DELTA UPSILON |Q5PERSONALS EUGENE PREGNANCY HOTLINE ; I4S 0400 336 E 1 ttn Eug«*n» GREEKS* ' ■ ,, . W All. Y PICK UP YOUR J SCHOOL T-SHIRT TUES DAY AND WEDNESDAY JOURNALISM OFFICE. PRIVATE HELP f ROM FRIENDS Fr*e Pregnancy Telling BIRTHRIGHT M7 8bS1 SB & GOOCH G‘< J nj; K with tin«*K and Merry P S Ooh C»jmp no LOST & FOUND FOUND a gold ring the EV; .im a.-*- . -.4* ns TYPING SERVICES CYA TYPING SERVICES High Quality Typing and Editing f ,»*! 24 Hour Service Call Ann 346 9941 JO THE TYPING PRO 683 6068 *BM WORD PROCESSING EDITING FAS’ >n ASONABl [ ON Si. ! S'u., LASER WORO PROCESSING 19 years eipenenc* Editing IBM Grad school approved Near iftipu1-, Robin 344 0759 WOMI> l-HCX USSINtl wjf t»irr , rr, APhl.E CP. M IBM MACINTOSH AS PR PRINT INC 132 E Broadway Suite 102 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU MARJLOU' UHOmAU, iHose srmee PfOfU-lNOUR LIVING ROOM* MARK’S QXtfGt FRJtNPS Hl’G HAVING AN 9CH> revival fwrrv ITDLPW ABOUT n Wf&HE> AGO WHAT THE HELL IS AN 805 REVIVAL PARTY* WELL. DEAR. I IMAGINE ITS SOME SORT OR OlEBRAWNOR THE WELT PELADE MARK INGOING AG A DOMINO. A DOMINO? EASTERN HOMAN I A *'*>*;'“** /Sw \ NeXT7 Htxj 7lJ£Saaly PIHHHMIMWMWWWmiiiiim. Great Haircuts $7 just f -PRECISION HAIRWORKS 29th & Willamette 343-1182 no appointments . Moi: -Fn 4-b* Sat 9-5 Wed & T•:ur-, open ill 7 7th haircut Free with cafd—..hmJ .••HUUMIIIIIIIIIIVIJHNHIM i;