Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 11, 1989, Page 13, Image 13

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Ducks wake just in time to win
Kv C am Sivesind
Emerald Sports Reporter
A tired bunch of Orison has
ketball placers pulled out an
uglv K2H I victory In defeating
Portland Salurdav night it
Mi Arthur ( ourt
in a name that had tire i mud
vaw ning in the first li.ilt .md on
tire edge of its seat at itie end of
the set ond half. a well traveled
I tin k basketball squad avoided
an upset and kept their w in
streak .it Mai (iourt aliv •
The I )uc ks hav e won their
first four home games equaling
a 11(85 ttli streak i'lie i ontest
against Portland was the team s
third game tills week and the
strain showed on all
Well, let's sa\ I'm glad that
game is over and I’m glad the
week's over.” Oregon ...
I ton Munson said \nd I in
glad we won These kids make
,m old man older We gist
didn’t plav verv w ell
Oregon started the game m
style with .1 dunk trom senior
i enter Krit Ilunn junior Ini;
null] Kichard I .in .is followed
witli .1 lull hook .Hid junior
transfer guard Kevin Mixon
nailed <i three-pointer to give
the 1 )(i< ks a 7-0 lead
The I lui ks kept that margin
.it 'i 7 before the I’ilols made a
run Portland ( limbed bai k into
the game behind the play ot se
nior guard josh l.ower\ taking
their tirst lead <tt 1 1 17
Both teams remained even
lor the next four minutes, knot
ting the score at 70 with 17 00
remaining in the half.
(iregoti then made a run ol
its own. outseoring the Pilots
17 7 m the next six minutes
and grabbing a 37-77 lead The
Ducks held on to a nine point
lead at 40-11 with -1:11 remain
mg in the half
The defense fui Oregon svas
slow !n rent I .ill night .mil the
end nt the first hull ssas .1 per
let t example .is the Pilots rat
tied oft eight str.light points to
1 lose I he g.ip to one .it It) t'l
w it h It set onds to go
Oregon's sophomore svnndei
gti.ird I’errell Hr.indon 1 nun
teretl w ith .1 three point pl,i\ it
tei being hulled on .1 1 ri foot
jumper That was .ill for first
halt si oring .mil the I lulls
went into the lot her room leatl
mg 44 to
Hraiidon led Oregon si tiring
at the halt w ith 14 while Dunn
knot ketl m It) bowers led the
Pilots ,it the break w ith 14
(Iregoii began the sci ond halt
as it did the first w ith a si tiring
run. jumping to a 40 4 1 lead
Pile lint ks sputtered defensive
l> out e again, allowing the Pi
lots to t lit the lead to four .it
u> 40
Portland then took the lead
ei 1I1 behind a three point pi.IS
bs senior forward Will \h I loss
ell. a breakavvas las 11 p bs l oss
ei s and a 1 ample ol tree throw s
bs sophomore guard Ink
SpOllCSt I .1
The Pilots went nn to thou
largest lf.it t ot tin' game .il
vv ith i Ml tu pl.iv
Tin* Ducks 11.111If• 1 h*m k vvilli
some help off iho ! ii * in It from
junior guard Mike Helms who
tied tin' sturi* .it 7171 vv ith a
111mi■ -jit lint pht\ \ liaski't In
Mixon .mil a pair nl (rot* throw-,
from 1.lit.is gave tin- Ducks a
77 7 I If .ill w ilh t'l If ft
A thriii' point shot hv Mixon
,i free throw Ironi I an as ami a
driving lavup from Hrandun
provided the IHicks with a six
point cushion with 11 seconds
A three pointer In l.owen
etiopped the I)m ks lead to
three Dunn sunk i free throw
to up Oregon's lead to tom
u till lli set nods It'll
l ilt- Pilots nave Uirgon fails
tils aflri forward Pun Mnblrx
i annod a thri'c pointer making
tlif stun' Hli It I with six sis
mills Iflt in I In* 11,11111'
(irrgmi sui i I'sstulU rail mil
the i Ini k uhfii ilt'lms dribbled
his wax free of Pilot defenders
III Sl'.ll till' U III till till' I tin ks
"We knew that thrx writ'
i.inning ill pumped up but mil
ilrtriisi’ was terrible Mixon
said "(till transition di'tfllsr
reallv wasn t working tor us at
all Ur writ'll t grtlllig bai k on
llir di’tiiiisr was rallirr lai k
luster tin tin- I tin ks ( it tin- Pi
lots lti shots madr in tin' lust
hall I I ot |hosr IX rrr lax u(ts 01
l >111 transition ilrlrusi' xxas
rral had tonight I don I know
it it was bt'i uuxr xxn wrrr
lin'd. Hrlins saui I think a
lot ol guxs wrrr |iist la/x We
played in spurts and didn’t put
Ihi'iu aw.ix xx tien xxi> should
Munson desi nbed his In,tin's
tr.insitlon delense .is 'liurren
"When ivc gut ID up in oni
mv n pl.ii u \\u it gut to pul
people ,iu ,|\ Monsun s.llil
W e i .ill I keep letting them
hung in there .mil li.ing in
there Kverv g.ilue we ve won
has been r lose It just shouldn't
lirandun led all si oring with
J 1 Mixon added JO lor the
I )ui ks and I hum i hipped in ! 7
As a team the I hii ks shut an
impressive no 1 pen ent Irotn
the field
rile Ihlols were led h\ I.uU
er\ with JO and Mi I luwell with
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