_Sports Winter meet allows runners to qualify By Ashley Conklin Imerald Sports Reporter An outdoor Irat k meet in He i i• n 11u■ rIt might lie tl.ir«I to he Iun e hut tli.it s e\at 11\ wh.it happened .it liiivw.iril field Saturday I lie \( A A dllows •ltlili'ti's to qualify' loi tin' outdoor ti.n k i h.impionships anytime .ilti-r I )t'i 1 so Hum's i o.ii li Hill I ltd linger tin idl'd to lake advan tage. allowing Ins long distant e runners still in good shape following the \( A A i loss i ountrv i hanipionships a shot at (|tialifving lor the \l AA and I’acifii HI (^inference meets Since Oregon runners don’t get many opportunities to run It).lltltls during the season. Del linger (let itletl to let I’eler l oll set a Tumult e Mahon and Hat Haller to take a shot .it the It) (Kill meter standard ol 20 O ' behind the pacing ot former I Hu k Art Hoileau Haller dropped out midway through the race hut I'onseca and Mahon benefited from Hoileau's tai tit s to quality tor the \(.AA s as I onset a tame across the line behind Hoileau in 2H .Vi and Mahon was third in 2H:a7. "Art (lid il lor (is l ooser .( said "I really mom lied idl him II was really hard from lllile tour lo mile 11\ e. Imt alter llial I knew I i oultl gel i! "li‘s over now .' he said "I'll probably coin filtrate on the a.000 during the season and hopctullv run in tlx* 11 4lls " The real surprise was Mahon w hum I Jell ingel (alls bis ' ‘sleeper Mahon a redshirl freshman wasn't even listed in the i loss ( ouutr\ medi.i guide before the season, but came on during the season after losing JO pounds over the summer Dellinger said he knew Mahon had at rived alter nnprm mg an in i redible sece/i ininutrs on ins last war's time from the Port land Invitational at \h Ivei Park in Kstai ada held ()i t 14 Not stirprisingK Mahon telt pretty good alter (jn.i111\ ing in Saturdav s rat e It was mi redible Mahon said 1 felt real I v relaxed today and 1 telt it (qualifvirig) was u ilhin tm i npahilitv Mahon said lli.it alter last season he worked over the summer to lose weight and get in good shape lor this year's i loss i ounlrv season I rail tin | miles) a vs eek and |us! kept doing workouts. he said "I just luing in there I he I)u< ks also had two l‘ai It) ipialifieis in the meet in Art Skipper and I limns l.opt1/ Skipper the school record holdei in the javelin, tossed the spear JJ HI to easily ipialds lor the i onlereni e meet and just miss the \i A A standard hope/, normally a steeple chaser, broke the I’m III stan dard in the . IMltl meters i lo< k ing i-1 Jt I t to heller the t oil lerence stand.ud of H 'i Kn k Mestler. another steeple i baser and .in all Amerii an Iasi season. |iist missed ijualilvmg in the a.11(11) running I t 1'i -11! Besides the people who met (pialilving standards. Dellingei also was pleased with till) me ter runners (airtis Wilson and (lliris I homason who turned in times ot -IH i I and III "2 re spec tivelv. impressive early season times \ol much happened on the women's side, lint Laurel Roll erts did i leal . ti in tile high jump despite struggling with her form Damn l.iijH1/ iiiaiitiimiiiiiii KUGN k.d. lang and the reclines WITH SPIT I \l (.1 I S I S THURSDAY JANUARY 18*8 pm THE HULT CENTER Reserved Tickets $17.50 & $15.50 ON SALE DEC. 15th! Ikkcts available al I he Hull < filler Kn\ I Mint ami all Hull ( fillet outlets or charge I" phi mm* f»K7 50011 \ ( I Ol I) V PKI MM ( I ION Working on that mammoth holiday shopping list? Visit the University of Oregon Museum of Natural History gift shop for unusual gift ideas. 1680 East 15th Avenue, Eugene Open 12 -5, Wed. through Sun. 686-3024 “25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugene, Oregon 9/403 \H >\l> \> s IMKt U (.HI kll l \ \ S Luncheon Specials Szechuan Beef Noodle Soup Sushi (6pc) / / >st.llfs \c\t tn ( i)t ( ) 3,95 CHINA BLUE 2,85 restaurant H I Ulh I H2IIIJ GIFTS LI IF YOU WISH, WE’LL PACKAGE IT TOO! Boxes & Packaging Supplies Computers • Stereos • TV's 1 to 1000 pounds • Insurance available 344-3106 440 Charnelton (back of building) • parking available jjurn WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE! at EMU “Coffee Espress” EMU "Coffee Espress Drink Menu Single Esprv*.** C apptui mo I XmbU* F.spn*wo ( ate I attr I Xmhli* ( .ipputtmo t hi* olatt* I attr Hot ChcKoUtr Suprrmr ( ah* Latte (I ramie C appucctno Grande ( hneolatr iattr (irtiule Hot ( tuxolatr Supreme Grande I 2* 1 2S l 2S 1 2S 1 NI I tt) 1 *) 1 N) vov ,W ■ \\V .»ri* proud lo mtv«* Kupressn I h»- ( otf'*** (Jornc^r ! id ,nm COf«l C09HIK l(a GOOD LUCK ON FINALS! 2 FOR 1 ESPRESSO OR LARGE GOURMET COFFEES Oiler good in Skylight Bree/eway, or Fishbowl OHer E xpires 12 16 89