Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 11, 1989, Page 10, Image 10

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    Closed Calkins House to sell within three weeks
Clients dispute accessibility
H\ David K.iu/i
i incr.ild ( ontrihutor
Hv the hi'nimunn ol Iasi
AI >r 11 extensive tiusiness ( usls
ni.inauellielll problems and
drained innnet.irv reserves
i ansed ( In isl i.in ( amlhei nun
er ill tile ( alk Ills I louse and
I lie (ire.it Sim iet\ ( ale iMII I
1 11 li A ve to i lose li is di Kirs
While |ieo|ile who used to
gather .il llu' ( ate wonder win
il i losed (mother is < leaning
the grounds preparing i !»«•
house for its nest tmtiers
file sale is two to three
weeks .iw.n Intil then .is per
bm t | s re(|lles| their lili'IitllV
tin1 s.ile pi n ■' anil the Inline ol
the house are being u itllhehl
Ihe problems starleil. (am
Iher said with 'mismanage
merit in the ear I \ ui< ml li s Ue
pl.neil i ati h of) from then on
If Our
Ten Lines of Sunglasses
Weren’t Enough Reasons
To Visit Us,
Here’s One More:
25% Off
< nnt.ut lens wearers lor proieelion against
(lie harsh winter sun. i house from our wide
selection ol sunglasses, including Vuarnel.
I sprit Porsche < arrera, holle < hristian Dior.
Serenm ti, Both (ilove, Sun < loud anil Kay*han
And when you hrin^ in (Ins ad we ll f>ive \ou
iS , oil our regular retail price It's our way ot
saying Merry < hristmas
Lens Clinic
Of Eugene
Dr. Philip B. Stockstad, Optometrist
<01 K. 10th. Suite 3W) • Phone: 08.V222-#
Open Monday Fvenings
Now Accepting SelcctCare Vision Plan
In the end In' said 11u- inistrik
rn <!<■ i ision wiis m.nil- In i rente
,i Inn' dining establ isbment
rather tli.in .1 simple i ate
(mother (iprni'il Iln‘ < .ili‘
\||\ 2H PIMM l\ ill) tIlf mil'll
linn ill providing .in .illiTmilivi'
In other ri'sl.ninmls .mil i files
" We hnpi'il u '• i infill si'ivi•
!hf working i omniumlv In il.tv
.mil students In mglil (.1111
11 n ■ r s.inl ' ll w.is llie iile.il
p|.n i- fur elderly people lo
linin' III fol 1 ollee .uni p.ist 1 \
.mil in llie evening Im people
In poimil beers I hev did sei'iii
In 111 imsl
Management problems .nose
due lo large lulls anil overspill
ilift problems
\i 1 onlmg In ( lunlliei .moth
er blow lo llie 1 ale 1 rime in
mill I )ei ember I le 1 laiins llie
I ugeiie 1 11 minis si on on Kiglils
1 it People u 1! Ii I Jisabilities
sponsnrrcl .1 iKiy* nil 111«•
i .ilr due In l.u k ul li.miln .11>|u-il
,n i I'ssilnlils (iimthrr said hi'
slum'll .i prnmissors noli' sas
HIH v\ Ill'll hr .ii i|ilirt'il llir liiinls
In' svnuld prnvidr .ii i i'ss
In spilr ui in\ i lisir inli'ii
linns nl pros tiling •<< i rss
(.nnlhrr s.inl llii'v sl.irli'il .i
tinsi nil .mil It hurl ns
Ain ia I las s In-.nl nl I In
linildmg i nnnnilli'f lor till’ ills
.ilnlils i nmiiiission. s.ml I In ■
i nininission • IuI nut anil is nnt
alilr In i all Ini a tins i nil I hr
i nmmissinn is an advisors
liuaril srl up In pi ns ulr mint
mat n m In ills i i in in 11 mem
hri s shr said
IlnsvrviT. Hays said, the mi
availaliilils nl ani'ss angerrd
priiplr not mils thosi* svlin
ssrir illsalilril hul also prnplr
s\ hn kness nr svnrkrd ssilli
snnii'imr ss hn is disahltid
Shr adilrd that l.unlhrr list'd
5jAUinin all gamis work
^ TU«MI«MH4»4 ^
Photo h\ S«-an Poston
Alter a short-lived existence ns an ei let tit collection of shops
ini lulling the Great Society Gate, the Galkins House will soon
afiain be under new ownership.
cviT\ legal .i|ipl]( ation hr
i milil so lie didn't have to
miikr it .ii i rssihli*
' |l)isatilc(l a<a rss) was not .1
Inn priori!v |to (•unllier)." H.ivs
s.iul llo spi'iit <1 lot of nioiitu
on noun.ition in.mu 11 ri 11 ^ the
I.tuns paving Ihi' parking lot
Ai (i'ssiliilit\ wasn't impor
In April ( hintin'! hired Ini al
restaurant t onsultants to advisc
him on narrowing his < lientelf
foe us (lunthei then revised the
menu, improved the kilt hen
and hired a < lief The result
was th.it the i afe lost its identi
ty Students felt the tale had
i hanged into an "elegant sit
down restaurant" while the
business trowtl still assotdated
the t afe as a "neobohemian
hangout '
Valley River Center
I —— |
■ Hours: |
| Mon.-Sat. *
* 10am-6pm |
l 726-9176 ■
| 1124 Main St. I
* Springfield "
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