Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 11, 1989, Image 1

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■ This issue is the last issue
lor fall term l‘IHU and the
decade. The Emerald will re
sume daily publication tor
winter term on |an. 8. 1 !><)().
_ _Oregon Daily_ -
Mnntl.n . Dei rmhci II. I ohm
Volume m 1, \'uinl)i‘i I
Structures lack
adequate alarms
for fire warning
Bn Stephanie Holland
I morale! Reporter
The lark nt a centralized lire alarm system, .is well .is in
operative warning devil es. h.ne lelt many t'mveisity build
ings without the ,ihihl\ to alert people to evat uate building
such as Mi Arthur Court whii h eould roll.ipse in a toe altei
1 "1 minutes
Steve Boosinger. i il\ deputy lire marshal, made alarm
system inspections at the University Irom Aug. I to Sept H
and sent his report to the ()tti< e of I’ublit Safely l )i t '8 M.ii
( ourt was one of the lilli Id ings n\ it ft i ode violations
I he only pull station in the arena is lot a toil near doors on
the south side ol the budding It a tire were to start someone
would have to find the station break the glass and pull the
s» iti h
The arena should have a pull station at eai h exit and
should be fully protei led In a sprinkler system, Hoosinger
The building contains wall coverings and i filings made
ol I irtex whit It is low-density cellulose fiber that burns at
the rate ol M feet per sei nnd, lie said
When it burns it burns at the rate fastei than most peo
ple can esi ape he said
"Steel supports gusset plates and wire i aides are not lire
protei ted at cording to Hoosingei s report In a fire sitiia
“Steel supports, gusset plates and
wire cables are not lire protected. In a
tire situation, it is estimated that the
building might collapse within a 15
minute time frame. "
Steve Boosinger.
linn it is estimated lli.tl tin- building might i ollapse within .1
I ‘i minute time frame
When Hoosinger tested llii- alarm (luring Ins inspection,
no hell or verbal warning was ac tivated to alert visitors of a
Kartdv Mamin alarm s\ stem i nordmator lor the t Iff it e of
I’tlhlii Safety said the lai k ol a buzzing svslem is not uni run
mon in buildings that hold large numbers of people Buzzing
alarms might panic people and 1 reate evai nation dillic ulties.
lie said
However. Bnnsmgei said en rv building should have a
warning system An ideal warning would he a voice an
nnunc eluent which calmly instructs people In leave the
building, lie said
Although warning signals were not ac tivated inside the
arena I lie test signaled an alarm system in the ()llice of I’uh
In Safety Hoosmger said
He said he also tested a memory unit located inside the
communications box that was built in l't.'i In former Mai
Court events managet Steve Mi Bride who is now direi lor ol
1 ompiiter services (or inlerc ollegiate atliletii s
The ( aidaphone unit, w inc h is designed for memory dial
mg for a telephone and not approved tor lire detei lion, was
connected to provide us with .1 little higher level of protec
I ion "Mi III ide said
II Mac Court's pull station was .11 tivated during a lire the
unit would signal a pager worn by the event supervisor, who
c mi Id begin evacuation ol the building liefnre c ampiis sec uri
tv and the tire department arrived Mi Bride said
However. Hoosinger said lie tested the unit three times
and rec cived three busy signals from the pager
(Mac Court) hasn't informed us about (the unit),
Stamut said "Anything to do with the alarms should he
c leared with the Offic e ol Public Safety
"Any alarm system that's done without a permit or that's
put in not according to code is wrong. Hoosinger said
While 1 hec king the tire alarms, he discovered hundreds
ol violations and hazards, some of whit h are not direi llv re
lated to the alarm systems
Turn to Tire, Page lb
)'(>' /he IdSOs arc < ndiiii>. and with them, a < ra:\ </<<</</< of huil^ct cut\.
child killers. dr\ partus ami edm atum leadership struggles. Sounds like
fun, ripht ‘Join us as u< hud funk (with v omc rc^itt) <m
Our Top Ten
news stories of the
Bv Denise C lit!on
Hon Walker
and I homas Prowell
liming thi' Keagan kissed years ul tht* post
modern lottos, tin* I’niversilv buttoned down ils
laid hack, repulalion to bniimr a more conserva
live, professionally orienled institution
Or did it? Though the tills brought student
growth. .1 new $45 million si.iem e complex and a
howl hound fnotiiail team, the campus reflected
the ( vuiMsm ol the delude Student dissatisfai
turn grew as budgets were cut. a president was
forced into early retirement and the I'niversits s
Anim.il House p.irt\ tradition was i ut short
And now we i nreen into the kmdler. gentlei
'Mis \n\ pn'siilrnls jh*«hI horn flit* l nrv(*rsi!y
.mil I hr ii.it i<»ll. .Hid Ihi* depths lit llir I'lttlls soon
will hr foiKOtten Mill before We so < rasslv i losr
llir (lours on lllr (liinillr Delude the / mrl.lhl
like rvrrv ( llllc s( llol.lt .mil analyst must ( omit
down its l op Ten news stories from the I'lltOs
I l lir sl.dr ho.ir«l just sals no to I’aul (Hum. I In
(lit 1*IH7 llir (frc^on Stair System of IUghri
Idnc ation proi l.nmrd its plan to oust I nivrrsity
I’rrsidriil I’.iul ( >1 nm three full years helorr his
preferred retirement dale ot June 10. 1‘ttiiJ Fhis
unexper led amiouui rnienl initiated a haltle hr
tween llir (omhined ton es ol students, faculty
and many admiuislrators and llir stale hoard
Hundreds ot students rallied to support
Uliini and the Student Senate railed lor a (lass
Furn to 80s, Pane ">