Encore! Decade never lacking in musical innovations Many trends come and go, rap breaks onto rock scene and artists begin making social statements Bv I .n no t .ikolish Ent ore Reporter As the decade draws to a i.lose there's one thing that’s perlectlx ilf.it the 1‘Utlts v\ 111 go down in musical histor\ . There was never a dull moment limn the record breaking release td Mil had |ac kson s /hrillri to the skvroc hiding popularitv ot rap. the last ten xears stand as proof that musit i an and does make hislorv It has been a dec ade of voic e Music bee ante an out let tor thought, and albums bee ante statements l ake Sun (,'it\ lor example With such artists as Hruc e Springsteen. Ringo Starr Pete l ow nshend and lack son Browne. Sun ('it\ protested South Attic an apart heid The album raised over a halt million dollars to support anti apartheid movements rills record, along with other benefit etforts sui h as lie .Are tlw World and \mnrst\ lntHnuition.il. proved lh.it making music can also make a difference the 1‘IKtis marked a dec ade when artists worked together using musit as a vi hie le for i liangc Single artist albums also made strongei statements this decade both political and personal the lug selling rec ords by sue h artists as |od\ Watlex and I ra i \ ( diapman. along w ilh the music al group 1 prove that It has been a decade of cnntroversx It max have been ()/z.y Osbourne's 1'IBO demonic stunt of biting a dove's head off at a OHS stall meeting that did it It max have been the incredible rise ot heavy metal bands like Metallic.a and Poison that did it It max have been sirnplv the liberal Ixrus of the decade But. whatever the reason a whole new musical era of conlroversx emerged In PUTT. Parents Music Rexourc e ( eiilei formed with determination to change the wax the music iiuluslrx operated I’MKO wanted the industry to start plac ing warning l.ilirls on albums that t ontained explicit Ivr ii s l ilt's later extended Ilnur proposal ever further. urg ini; tli.it the snmi' t\ p*■ ot warning appear betore tin brnadr ast ol explu it inusir videos I.ven though noth ing r\cr i ami* ol their light it was still a light out' that w ill go (low n m 1'ightU's hixtnrv A not her controversy popped up onto the st cue in I'lltt. alti'i ill NIK V/g/lf/l \ i' i v s spii nil mvestign ttod I In- report tohl ot radio insulers that were heing ottered "cash, cars expensive uati lies drugs and nights with women" to plav i ertain new in md n leases It was the totals pavol.i si aildal all met again I he scenario is as billows Record ( onipnnv \ pa vs a tree la ill e pro motet up to S 1 III Id a week toi getting a prestigious radio station to plav new releases Ihe treeluiu e promote! however, uses some ol the mniiev he or she is lining paid to bribe ladin station employ ei's to plav the new rei orris \lt( s report suggested th.it in some taxes a new rei ord's air time was dependent on how in lit h monev w as being rei eived Iti add to the i ontroversv \H( s set olid report xug gested th.it there was a link between some ot the top freelance promoters and the matin Sill i laimetl that Joseph Isgro one ol the top promoters had previous Iv de.st i dled m.ilia t npotie Joseph Arinone as Ins part uer \lthougb the Mouse SuIk omuutlee on (Iversighl and Investigations uni overed no i redihle ev idem e ot spet ilii mi idents ol improper or illegal at tivitv this i ontroversv also put the eighties onto the music al Ins lorv time line It has been a dei ade ol origin.ditv In l‘IH I it vvusii I lorn to SUtsit, Page I I 1 out Ii-nv photo Imlt W.illn is unr til m.in\ issue < misi inn r ,irtists In lirr.ik hii Ihr si fnc iluniiK the tills 1 9 8 9 ★ 1 9 9 0 A MUSICAL v'AUPEVIi Book by Fred Ebb & Bob Fosse Music by John Kander Lyrics by Fred Ebb Directed by Joe Zingo December 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, & 16, 1989 Soreng Theatre "Theaudience adored it... One of the best musicals of the season... brassy, sassy, raunchy..."— New York Times CALL 687-5000 2 FOR 1 December 8, 9 & 10 (on available basis) with Student ID FOR EVERYONE!! We've Got Popular Videos For Kids And Adults (NEW AND USED VIDEOS) Humy- Jhey'ne Gmiq Fasti UO-Bookstore _'3th & Kincaid MF 7 30 6 00 SAT 10006 00 686-4331 _