Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 08, 1989, Page 8, Image 8

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    The Oregon Daily Emerald's Enteriamment Guide
Decade closes with
field of movies that
lack in artistic merit
K\ I hom.is Provvi'll
l morald t (lilnr
ll s mi'sitalllf As thr l.isl
nmnlli of 1 iir Knagaii «i«*< «h!«•
t nl lapsus \iHI I'' n<,mn l'> liu
t iulunud u till si'll 11111it11 f.nit i'll
lurtammonl i rilii s nl I'vciv
slripr trottinn mil llicir Hi
lll'sl III I III' tills I Isis
You’ll si'i' il 111 Thr Vim
York /urn's llnnk Rr\ir\s
You'll ■ i-.111 il in Rolling Stour
YlUl'll l»' S ll I >|l •< ll'll III It Oil till'
/oi/.n slims Hul liufnru sou
l.iki' .mils anamst ,i si-.i nl null.i
gi'iius inlol. 11 ll mi ■ 111. plr.isi'i on
slitl'l tills
(In i'.isS mi lliu pool mm ii'
ri's iusvurs
I In's prnli.ihls li.nl lliu li.inl
Hst |nl> nl .ill Alim < tilling mi'i
I tic lust li'ii s isus Irving In Ii ml
llir Id uiisili'sl i ini'iii.ilii
.ii Inns I'liiiMits nl I In' Hltllls
tin's ii- union In i min' up shurl
1 tin* ut llii'ir mm ms imnlil I"'
■ i Hi i.m I li- I'.ilm.i film Anothui
iuiu.111 ti.ivi' a roman immoral in
llio lillo l.nokmn Ihiuunli llm
lulilnsli Im a mm io llial llsos
alios o llio mm k tIn'S mas pm
Illulo sumo nools iiiilopoiiilonl
Imoinn him that sou so uosoi
hoard nl
l lio ptnhlom limy io far mn is
that llio I'lHIIs ssas not a nroat
doi ailo Im mm io makinn \
look al llio Host fit turn ((stars
thrnunli llio soars i milums
tins Wlin romomhors Onlm.in
I'rnplr ( 11 IHl 1) •’ Wllu i .ill o\
plain llio nth.it turn nl t li.nints
nl I nr | 1HB 11 or ( hit nl \lni a
| PIHa | urns
U lull' mm n making mi!
li’K'il il u .is lilstrnd ,i gir.il
iIim (iilr fui tin' mm it- m.iking
iii(luslr\. whii h i.iknl in mini
i-\ .is it rwvrt Inis iH'lurt* Ami
sililh tin' luu lii'inls .nr Imki'il
.is |iinlits iin risisi'ii llir
ijii.i I il \ went ili iu n
Willi dllllU I'll tills III Ild|l|ll'll ''
U i'll. Ill |ldlt Ur it III Hrl dllsr
vvlii'ii llii'tr u.is guod, visum.u\
uurk nut thlTr. s,i\ .1 him likr
Hr,i/ll ( 1 *>H!» | ur urrr mil
u.iltlimg H.ii k hi llir l ullin'
1 imsidri I II Is vt'.ii I hi llir
l\it’ll! I'llinr: .mil sc\. hi”, .uni
\ lilriil,ipr i .itisi-d slits bill did
Illi't i;iiiss ,is mm II ,is II.II
III.Ill ’
I hi1 s.iil limit; .ihollt .ill
tliis is Siiinrlimi's \vn
lllilik uc ii' li.iviiiK .1 kixkI
linn si'i'in^ this slnll I luu
nisi- i .in mu' i'\|il.nn l‘IHH s
Mil IIM 111 j| \ s I 1111111 hill Still
.1 h111;i• hit-film. I n ins I )i
(Ills visit’s vvinnci in lli.it
non ()si ,ii i iiti>Kot\ I nek
M /ill S I .lli.il III '
( mirtrsx phuti
(thoslbuslcrs II is oiw nl a scries id sequels min ir t nmpanies prudui eil during the lust tin ade In
holster revenues h.imputed In takeovers anil mergers
Ill lai I tin' meilin gi.inls
,ufii ( huying |usl pit lure i inn
p,mies 1111■ \ re Inning everv
llnng Publishing houses te
iiuil l.ihels telev ision i orporn
lions it .ill gels gulihleil up
agenda bei nines m.ikr mnnr\
When making dough now is
the main ohjec live companies
will lake sure investments he
tore riskv ones And in mov ies.
— the sale investments are in
While movie-making suf
fered. it was instead a
great decade for the movie
making industry, which
raked in money as it never
has before.
Sequels riles S e Ini the
HUs m untold numbers
Tiles s e bred I lies II be
tbe ruin ol Kenneth
Hnin.igh's reputed new
m.istei piei e / lrnr\ \ be
i ,mse moviegoers ss ill .is
some tiles se missed lleil
n s I IV
I T1111111> tbrouuli tile hs
Kiilhri Ih.m wasting timu .ind
trnus iiyinn In lind tliu irii must
inlerustiun films uf ttu- dm ,ulu
il might In- mini- instill! ti\i* il
yyI- i onsidnr llm linn miisi in
tuiusting film industry storms
In sit il tlmii' s ,i yy.iy mil of lilt'
muss II um'ii' lin'd lit tliu i r.ip
vim sit mi tliu si [run yy.ul nil
III ymi sun uli.il s liullillil tliu
SI fill's
Industry Murmurs It ■■ nut nisi
tliu siii11 ill \V«ilI Sliuut I unlit
uninnU lug i hi pur.it unis stall
■ is Sum .ind TimuU.imut <iru
Imy inn out tliu sin.dim pii turn
i ump,inius .ind mdupundunts
I Ills provides tin* means Im
hvpe You sav\ the Ihilnuin
logo iMtli its lilllc symbol i'v
eryu Imre liei ausc Warner
( ould pul il every \\ here
U i ll ignore llic implu atioiis
ill .1 leu giant conglomerates
i ontrnllnig all the means nl m
liirin.ition ten mm Whether nr
nut i (iilip.lllies have am hidden
agendas lhe\ all have one puli
Iu line tu make money
And \\ lieu \iiii ( unsulci the
delit pa\iillls these huge take
nvers ami leveraged buyouts
.ue hurdened with {Sum paid
S t I trillion tin ( olumbial the
perhole we know l[i,il si'(|ui*ls
haw always been around And
we know a sequel is never .is
good as the tirst film but it wr
liked tile lirsl we pay to see the
sequel anyvvay We're sot lal
uniters ive want to revisit old
triends We liked (ihostbiislris.
and we hope there's some ot
tile old inagii lett for (Ihost
hnsler* II
With the industry mortgaged
to the lull e\er\ studio is look
ing lor the breakthrough blot k
blister Kvervone wants a
through the root film like K.iid
e/s o/ the Lost Ark and the sur
I'st svas !d gel that through I In
roof film is to remake it Again
And then one morn time \\ ho
i an altoril to take a i ham c on a
Spike I.ee or a (ins Van /.ant?
Video I love (ho stuff hut i
think tin- growing home video
craze is also responsible for the
downfall of the Amerii an nun
ie (Consider: going out to the
movies now is a hig event It
mists five. si\ mavbe seven
dollars There's parking to has
sle with, ( OIK ess ions to pa V loo
mui h for (or smuggle in). V\ e
want to take a date hei ause
we're afraid we ll look sdl\ it
we're h\ ourselves We don I
want to have a had time so liki
the movie industrv. we don t
take i ham es
When we slas at home, ev
ervthing is different \\f < a11
park our butts on the com h
\\ e i an he alone
One more beef with the
grow nig video ini ket It's re
sponsible for the one movie
news event of the Hits that is
trills evil, something despii
able even bevond the i onspua
is theors conglomerates merg
ing into Hig brother
Turn to Movies, Page I f
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U e also carr\ U of O mugs, shot glasses, buttons, pennants,
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tion is incredible!
COWI ( I |()\
(next to the Dairy Queen)
344-3439 <tu
745 8522 • 125 S.W. 2nd Corvallis
Live fade
FRI. Dec. 8th
SAT. Dec. 9th
Dec. 13th
hcftucifu A
MU Hit.
a tie
until 2pm
Sttmk, f'rin
* Salad
I Iwr 'pro