Oregon an inspiring place for science, NSF chief says B\ Peter ( o^well Emerald Reporter leu 111 .it es .1 rt’ more ins p i r mg in tin’ world of si inn o thru Oregon said Krioh Bloch. Hi rot lor of fho National Si ience I ound.ilioii during .1 In 11111■ 111 tin* 1\M' (hinivvond room Thursday Bloch, who is the first dim tor of the \SI toi omo out of industrv as well as the tiisl to lie all ellgilleei spoke oil the national st ience polii \ and in vestments in education and re search. file \Sl is a federal agenev involved in supporting Basil resean h . 11 loss all si ientitu and engineering disc iplines and in expanding the nat' in s supplv of si ieiltisls. engineers and science educators Bloch began the lecture In noting the t Benges that have taken plai e in the si ience world ill the last 2 1 years I he 1 ondill t of researi h has 1 hanged 1 onsiderablv in the last 25 gears." Blot h said We (the I ’ S ) had an advantage then th.it we don't have now "111 the past, there was a steadv supplv ol foreign si 1 elite talent coming into the l lilted States hut now a si leu lilii Breakthrough is as likelv to 1 tune in l urope or |a[ian as it is in the l I.S.." In* said This is good for science in some ways. though. Because it keeps American si ientisls form hei inning stale Itloi h said A trend in si ient e that film li likes is the sharing of at ailenni resoUli es " Sharing resouri es and facil ities is another wav si ience lias 1 hangetI Bloch said I se of shared equipment is a good tiling It provides more si ieni e and better si ieilt e Industrv participation is also a requirement for good si ieni e research and education. Itloi h said 'Industrv and universities need to get 1 losei together and both will benefit Bloch said "Research now is looked on as fueling economic growth V A. I.ri« h Him h One reason tin this problem is |>l HI! 11 'ill Il I III! I III till' lligll Si 1IIII it ll'Vfl V\ i• ni'i'it tn 1.1 Isr tin1 stall thirds tur high si bool teat li mg lir said Main freshmen i min' iiitu i tillege nut planning tn tnajor III si hmh e lii'i ausf tin'll high si huul si u - in i' pm gram vvas sh pour Oregon s vuimg people an1 its greatest resourt !■ In' add i'd "\\ li.it hi'tti'i w .i\ tu i i >m 111' 11 * in thu fullin' than tu give tlii'in thi' lutils In i nilipete In si11vi• thu priih11■ 11i ut pihii ti-ai lung nn thi' i• 11• 11ii• 111ai\ li*v id industn and ai adi-nua must lake ,i hand Him h said I omurrmv's discoveries ni'i'd investment Iml.n he said These ,iii' long term in vestments Inn many people look d m i 11V In tuiuorn >\\ Doubling tin- budget ut the \S| is the must pressing issue lai mg Him h light nun lie on i on raged everyone in the .nidi elite tu write their t ungress men and their local science foundations tailing for an in I lease ill the budget \tler Ills lei lure Him It lieid ed ipiest mils bum the auib elite whiih ranged from p.l\ i uni el ns ut teat bilig fat tlltv to how best to ret ruit new hit ttflv " Vnti i an make more iiionev T»p 550 K. 13th 485-9001 Sim llu( Ii I In |.ii kjih Ihl I.llk.lls I In < laii|;i'r\ J .illint Spiko IllipONllT'* iiiurs i: ' \oHlMK Him In I: h K.sk .V K. s.»i i: K.nk A K. vk cd i: m Kn be. College students were settled all snug in their “ £ While visions of danced in their heads They know that a Mac as a ’<, 1S ^rcaf’ For making their projects look sharp and first rate. 'Then across campus there arose such a clatter. All the students awoke to see what was the matter. & It was Til who from atop his red r.*rr*^ ’-aT**' Yelled loudly to all, "Students hear what 1 say!" "If you want a Mac, the best place to go Is the Microcomputer Support Lab; you'll save some dough. Great discounts are offered to students, faculty and staff, Plus a great financing program," Santa said with a laugh. Then Santa drove off and threw these words back, uytjy\0^ to all, Hope you all get a Mac!" Microcomputer Support Ixb 202 Computing Outer M I 9 xin. 5 p.m. 686 4402