FOR BOOKS IT’S COURSEBOOK BUYBACK TIME > DEC. 7-16 7:30 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. ENTER TO WIN SUPER PRIZES!! MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SONY DISCMAN MEGA WATCHMAN TV CD COMPONENT SYSTEM ELECTRIC INTELLIWRITER VHS RECORDER/PLAYER GRAND S200 UO BOOKSTORE PRIZE GIFT CERTIFICATE 20% OFF SALE DURING BUYBACK WEEK, MOST ITEMS STOREWIDE ARE 20% OFF! FAST SERVICE ENTERTAINMENT WHILE YOU WAIT WE RE DEDICATED TO GETTING YOU THROUGH THE LINE IN 20 MIN. OR LESS! FREE CANDY CANES! SA" 1C 686-433 _University_ Coffee hour, open house slated today Feast ol Our I ad\ (it (pH,id,i lupe \\ i 11 he ( elebraled S.itm day night .it 7 at SI Man s Catholic Church, K)h7 (iharnelton Si Mass will be < el ehraled in Spanish, and .1 des sert pot I lick will be held atlei wards All are invited 1 1 u smore information. (all d I 711(7 nr M42-1 I d _Et als_ International Coffee Hour e held every Frid.n from 1 to n p in 111 the f Ml1 I .oimge Flee 1 offee. lea and doughnuts will he served, and e\ ervone is well nine Holiday Open House w ill h. held hv the AS l () Iwei III i\ e In day from 7 to > p in For more information. 1 al liKti 1771 I lend line for sohmittinif I t ,ds In tin■ Fmerald front desk I \ll ’ Suite tut), is noon the ii,i\ hrlnre puhlii ,ition f t a/s run the d.l\ of tilt' event unless till even/ 011 urs hrlnre noon /’/ease submit f t .1/s the r/.n hr turr they are to run only Xt it it es of r\ ruts 11 itb a 1/0 tuition or ndniission 1 luirpe will not hr .uiepted f ampus I'Vl'llt.s mill those srlwditlt'd nearest the puhlii .tlinn d.ih n ill hr phrn priorit\ I hr I an erald reserves the riplil to edit notii es lor pr, .mil style BMBM C/HIMl Sf kf S[ AURANl $»}•'*? « > i * Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs G Try Oui Dinner Upstairs Hour*: Downstairs Hours Upstairs Looking for work? c . / Y\ RESUMES Get your resume done professionally at Letter Perfect Graphics. 686-4381 " . •T YPESETTII»G•PASTE-UP'• ! LAYOUT.DESIGN-CONSULTATION I