Child care center to reopen space to toddlers B\ Daralv n Tr.ipp« f mrrald C ontrilnitor Her ause of the need for more spar e for l.'i- lo .10-month-old toddlers the? Uni versity's tlhild ( • ami Development ( i'iiI»tv will re establish eight todtiler spots at tin' I Mi i enter a site which had been reserved solelv lor older r hi! dieii I'lie ( (IX program lias sis separate centers on and near campus, each re served for different age groups Only one renter tlie Yillard House is r nr rentlv reserved lor toddlers. Although the I Alt' center was a tod (Him program in the l.ilr I'tTtls it has been a site lor i hildrcn ay;ed in months In five \iMrs for llir past lew years I he ( < I M program recently receixed murr' applications from parents with toddlers than the Villard I louse i an u i ommoiiate \l the same lime there lias been a dec line m the mimhei ol oldei c hildren enrolled in the centers Mec a use ( ( 1 X rec eives approximately 7a perc ent of its inc nine trom i hild i are lees paid In student parents lhe\ i all not afford to lie nuclei emolled. said Dennis Reynolds. ( (IX I’m^ram t ‘not din.licit So the dei isioii Has made to i reale a separate toddler program .il the K\U mIi' beginning m inter term nl lie i ause toddlers were pari nl the program mile before it's an nptinn we know is w ni kalile Key luittis said Although both older and vnunget I hddren u ill he m the same i enlei they util maintain separate daily schedules, and the I All toddler program will ha\ e its ow il lead tear her The program < hanges ate due in part to the delay ed i onslru tion of a neyy ( ( IM house in the Westmoreland area ot Kligelle Key Holds said I lie new house will he built to make more perma iii'iil room tnr luildli'rs (’onstrnction is led In In' i i>in|»1 • • 11•i|iii!St s l or .in .ijiptii .ilioi) .mil mori' inlormn lion on tin' ( < ’IK program. i .ill n.Hli I PM nr slop In the iii.nn olln r .il I 11 I Moss Si BLM to use timber windfall for reforestation I1tuber harvest reaps record revenues I’OKTI.AM) |AI’| The I S Him-,hi ill I,.iiuI Maiiagt-n ’’ill Ini|»*‘s iii us*- ,i S in millimi w milt.ill m tinibor m\umii’S in vvhillli- ,in,n ,il si-rii>us bai k lugs m rctuiiisliiliihi •mil timbfi sail- planning m Wi-slt-rn On gun kin- agent \ is waiting bn ,iu thori/.ation trniii tin- (ttfii e ut Managi-mi-nt .uni Huilgi-t In Inn- people lor J7ll temporary positions In oven unit? tin- but k lugs, HIAI III ( ilibi-rli Though tin- money is avail ,iblt- tin- authorization lor the hiring isn’t it-rUiiii. (ilibi-ili s.till. "There's always been rclui l.iiiii- ibrmigh tin- yi-ars tor ill vcloping a l.irgi-r Ii-ili*i.»1 work Imi i- In- added ' I bal s bi-rii a mi urnng tlii-iiii- ul tin- minim istratiun iluwii Ihniugti the \ IMIS " Ki-runl revenues lui tiintrf't harvests in tisi al year Ht8tl pm \ idl'd a \\ i nil la 11 lui HIM ul S ill million, ut vvhii h SI/.ft in 111 ion would In- spi-nl tins lis i al \t-ar. ( iliherti said I In- rt-st would In- iisi-d m tollmving \ ears I'hi- bulk ut tin- muiii-v and personnel would go in over i.ouiing tin- tiai king m mini i-statiun. ulmli lias tall.m two lu thiui- vi-ai's bi'liiml in West urn t Jri-gon t aliberti said I lc said HIM has .1 111v plant ini; backlog of Vi.700 ,n res in u oltTil Oregon With I hr e\li ,i personnel. HIM espei is to take < are iil in non at rrs Ihis \ e.u with .1 cam -over ol I VHtHi ai ms I *ri| ion ill logged-over sites hir replanting has fallen behind b\ 72.200 aims 1 lie target lur this year is 20.000 aims, leaving a cam-over ol ) i 'aHi ai ms (l111U}4 the brush anil weeds that ( iimpetr with voting trees un plantations has (alien behind In I iimi ai ii-s III AI hopes In lake i are iit . I 111(1 ai les (Ins vrai le.u ing I i ' null ai res In m> (aliberli said record harvest levels were the biggest tai.tin in the mforesl.iliiin bat king rhf ll.ll v esl lev el has been extraordinarily high the last two or three veals he said Munv more acres have been harvested than vv e would nui inallv antu ipate Two summers ol severe lores) fires the distraction ol dealing with lawsuits ovei the spotted ow 1 and a IUH-1 i unit order banning the use of hertiii ides to control i orupetuig vegetation hav e also i ontribuled to the bar klog. ( 11ibet11 said l lie limber sale program has been slowed bv having to con fer vv itli the I S lash and A ATARI is COMPUTERS ^j£ ■y/ Q. W ( omputer is IBM anti MA( « oinpatible runs MA( software 2(1". faster than a MA( M ami is easier tu use than both' Bring In This Ad For 57c OOFF A An AI AH I S I f /VpA An AI AM SI \ • of t ourse1 COMPUTER SERVICES. INC 1325 W 7lti • Eugene • 343-9393 t rr M«'rr i - || Un c ' 686 4381 • Typesetting • Design ( onsultation Wildlife Servtie nn u hetllei ,i pailk ul.ii s.ili’ u ill harm spot Iril on I .mil I>\ till' i Ir.i tiun through tin- Northwest timbrr 11impromisr ul i iti/i n ailvisurv bo,mis In1 said I In' larger jitiilili'iii is to get iutrsi*Ivt's ii',ids lor tlif <11 .uni 'i..1 (imlier sale program ' ( 11il)i■ rti s.nil I he 1 I. liilljnii board lect we are miming through i onterom mg .mil the oilier proi ess is pis! about all Hr VI' got av tillable Itl.M mirnwillv is wanking tuo \f.irs m no v.mi »• on .is mm h .is l > billion board tool worth of tinibn *>alrs with a normal annual salr tjuautits ol 1 1 7 billion board tort ( diburti said Most o! tin* now positions would b<* IrmpoiarY and in volvr puoplr to l» t and admin istur i ontiai fs toi tin* actual work as will as propir to vvaU h uvri lh<* » 11v noiiuumtal impai Is. ( ilibi*!11 said It anthori/ation ilorsn t t omr foi luring now proplu that work would ha\r to hi* i*i\»-n to outsidr t-imtr.ii toi s ( dibrrli said !*1AKI Morsi Y ' ,i>r **5! 4 U I III > I K 11)1 {V ( ()>SI(.> I ( . ill 'll U III I • * |N /( >1 >1 >t I 'll '< > w I NAVI MOrNlV t() 11 Mon \lilll I I III (lit to itlt 'lilt iN III «l It I _1 t IK Ar MV t_I FAIR HOLM RECORDING PRESENTS Benefit Concert for the HOMELESS STUDIO BAND 1 PM with Pat Miller Terr)' Robb, John Fohl Nathan Waddel, Hutch Cousins JAZZ GUITARIST DON LATARSKI wrm vocalist MARILYN KELLER •mi-: INSPIRATIONAL SOUNDS GOSPFL CHOIR PREMIER BLUES GUITARIST TERRY ROHR PRODUCER OF ALB!IMS BY JOHN FAHEY SPl I I A! GUESTS RUMORS OF THE BIG WAVE Proceeds from this Benefit Concert will be donated to EUGENE EMERGENCY HOUSING, INC. Canned po i Is will be collected at the door and donated to FOOD FOR LANE COUNTY CO-SPONSORS INCH'D! KVAL, KU.l , KMTR. Kl.SR, KMCF., K7.EL, KUCN. KPNW ttr.rD/rsNO, it/am,,,, the kuccne hilton «•<