fjaf"th Day Continued from Page 1 diMils for (aivernment Inte^rits attended as did representatives from tin' Survival ( Voter I ni versiH Outdoor I’roKrum ASt '( ) ( Iorum < )rej>on Student I’ulilu Interest Ke seart li droop .nt the fin irunmrnt but In i Husf thf'V oft(*n' other time innstraints thin don I net illVolvOil I think a lot ot them have other priorities like language (lasses Mohammad said I think il they had the tilin' they'd u«'t involved I’he 1 '1**0 Karth l).i\ in.irks the joth anniversary of the in ternational i elehr.ilion Ai c ord to tin* coalition tl\er. tin* original tort) Karth l)a\ was one of the l.«ry»«‘st organized demonstrations in history with over JO million people |iartii i SHARP ii*\ mihmi • • t \ • • \ i H \ » • I Mlf Our I i\| | \i-r\il.t\ 1*1 K i I OH I * r K 0 |‘W»5 160.05 PANASONIC ,k\k • ' : • \ • It It \ < •- \ir < V 239.95 179.95 PANASONIC .k\K > • l i \ • N!. _ _ • -ii n , \ 259.95 _29.95 SHARP • \\ : C • I > I 1 ! • 'I1 . M m ( tuii,iiU‘i Oispi.n 329.95 299.95 PANASONIC kxksu, • Vv I' • " * M M • . It • ' ' 1 ’ : • V , I’ I >: 399.95 349.95 SALE PRICE 12995 17995 19995 24995 31995i • • • OFFER EFFECTIVE- ! :::::oec:a is.^98g::: U O-bdtfkst o r e 13th & Kincaid M-F 7 306:00 SAT 1000600 6864331 paling world wide The da\ will be marked .it the I'niversity with speakers music. video presentations workshops, svmposiums and i lean-up projects The coalition will also loi ns on a < amptis environmental an dit to "examine what position the administration has for deal in^> w ilh environmental is sues.'' 1 loop said In addition, students are or gamzing into com mitt ees with in the coalition to handle event';, speakers, fundraising and media relations Hoop said about 00 countries have pledged at tivities tot the celebration. < omplementing the nut ionul and local Karth I las el forts 'Karth I las 1 'l‘ltl is being 01 gaili/.ed in response to people -• desire to .11 t and then uni et taints about svhat they < an do ai i ording to the diet It is rooted in the belief people working together cun accom pli,sh exlruoi dinars tliings FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 11x17 • 50-400rr enlargement or reduction. • Color copies from 33mm slides, negatives, or 3-D objects. Open 7 Days kinko's Great copies Great people j 860 E. 13th 44 W 10th 344-7894 344-3555 \>RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Kide Share brings together people needing and. offering rides anywhere m Oregon or throughout the country I-* >r more information can 345 7600 * MJNKRUNC * GREAT f OB PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 5«tUinCn ALL GAMES WORK V¥,UCU WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION >1 so STH STREET PURIIC MARKET EUGENE • (13-14(4 Lose 10 to 14 Pounds in 14 Days! Only Oust is Food. 19 Years in Eugene. J 687-0500