Letters Questionable The I incr.iltl .irli( le ot N'nv .!'l entitled "St,lie Wastes * ill i misrule was dangerous mis leading and xx rung There are over JO toxic waste (lump sites ill the Lilgene S|>r 111viI ic• IcI area The Oregon Department ol I .iivironmenlal Qualil\ has c until med toxic re leases at tja dump sites m the states many requiring costly c leaniip ellorts The DTQ has c ontirmed that I a million pounds ol toxic c hemic als were released into Oregon's air in 1 • IH 7 Why did the luntvnld print this story There are mam groups on < .impels OSI’IKO Survival renter. Lux lronmentel Studies Library , yvhere the I in rr.ilil c mild have c hec Ted their Tac ts. This type ol mindless re iteration ot fluffy pap. spewed out hy the feel good folks isu I journalism it's sc n• nc c• 1 u tion \nn Reed (.engrapln Neglect At ilines wi I,ii r sitn.itions yye must comment on. heme the follow mg array ol ( ommeii Ian to I.ii e the plethora ol mis management sheltered thought and overall neglect I have seen in the l inrr.llcl this last month |l won t tout h the ret ent w hilling in this set lion h\ students who need to justify their complat ent v m apathy with Don't Koi k I lie lio.tl log it I The photograph ol a spra\ painted Swastika to draw attention to an article on rile (lungs ol huge lie W Itll out referent e to w here this gr it till appeared is nothing short ol sensationalism and shows no sensilivit\ to those w ho sut ten'll, anil still suffer, from \a/i hate In t ovei mg the protests to stop CIA recruitment at the 1bii versity youi reporters anil editors showed what nicoin plete reporting and editing leads to covering a press t onferent e instead of a major rally. lot using on Shannon ()li ver s grievance the lust day ol protesting hot lie gift ling to mention her the second day (both front page news) not re porting on the violent actions ol the ret ruitei and Ins refusal to slate the "agenr \ 's' objet lives; nor realizing the Kingian objet live ol the protesters to stop / \m JH|. you must present the illtrii ate t oncepts winch form the real crisis H\ simply ottering up the views ol the industry without peeling ayy.iy the layers of propaganda you only mislead, not inform. ..ivev the 1'iiv'iioiiinent.il ists' i misery ationists1 and preservationists points of y ieyy . I propose ,i next am ielit Ill tuifsts mtii’s What i.s rralh iug on. and whine v\«• i an out |nn«ih Hookstrm l*hilosoph\ Attitude Ret mth tin' h'mrr.ihl report cil th.it Oregon's toxic waste problem is 'miniscule and lh.it tu\u dump Mil's .nr nut pai lii ularh dangerous lu people | l)l)h: Nov _”>| These state llll'llls .lie 111,11 i III,lie .mil l If.lie tile illusion that Oregon has not lit'i'll 'alter ted In the poisons that have heen dumped into our ait land and w atei I n dale the l begun I Jepart iiient ot I.n\ iroiiinental Quality has lonlirnied s_’"i hazardous dump sites in the state and it IS Siispct ted that there ma\ he as mail v as 1 I Kill 1 here are .1 • siii h sites in the Kugene Spi inglield area I n add il ion tlie I )!\Q has nlenlilied 17t> instant es ol groundwater contamination Many ol these contaminants liar e heen linked to i am er biith detei ts (11 sol del , .1 the nervous system, and mam oth er serious illnesses I ileum this con t rad it Is the i barge that these sites pose lit) threat to publir health. Another problem that has vet to be addressed is the tail that j 2 million pounds ot tovit i hetnii als w ere dumped into t begun s air in 1‘IHH (ISI’IKO has i ol lei led this data from the the ( lit 'go 11 Stale lire Mat shall s oltu e and has made ibis inhumation available to the ()l)i but it has nut been utilized Cleartv a large number ot students are concerned about ibis issue and are at 11 vel\ working In inform lht‘ public of fin- problem .md promote sold lions I hope !lml in ill'' lullin' tile ( >P! w ill help to report file Iruth vs huh is tn.it Oregon t.ues .1 dangerous toxn vv.isle problem lh.it w ill onh gel worse it ue adopt the altitude that all is v\ ell 11.dene I in in OSI’IKl. Civil liberties Ket eiit IV I not u et I a letlei (rum |oii Udllamlei |( II >/ I )ei 1) staling that i iv il liberties should be taken away. starling u tth an anti abortion bill Hie feminists volt talk about exist solely to eouulet your lair" views o! taking w omen s rights awav lliey seem In have a reasonable [ilea I don t need any government's hand plaving around inside nie I in si 11 e at tel v oui fust sei les ol government reipiiied anti prostate earner tests you will i hange the \ lew s v ou held bar k in 1‘ifi‘i Please, mind vnui ow n bust ness I hesitated to Wllle this letter her arise I know its not my plat e to dii late w hat should happen to any temale s Irodv And it's not votn plat e either And. all I 'diversity students have a right to i omptuin pro test i oilei t anything they want I hev ie protesting an is sue that alter ts them eipiallv U ho are \ou to sav they are 'dissident university slu dents’ I dually don't lake your preg 11ant wile to a potentlalIv dull genius protest Non are ’ erty The t ■a Daily Ein« gh F fid ay d Publish!! -vl', with i t ditoi ' Managing l ditor Editorial l ditor Graphic*, Editor Encore Edilor Associate E ditors N«*ws t ditor Sport*. I ditor Supplements f ditor Night Editor Tracy Sumner Dana Jackson Dun Peters Community .. bludent uovernmeni a< nvin**-. Higher Education Administration feature*. Reporters A i ; t iHltff Cathenm* Hu.*.Stephanie* Hc.h »n' • " •' Advertising I V '! M Ay* . A"'. 1 I. I! Mfi . l N< . 1 ." ■ P.if =V ttiM* Sharon Y' si. St .th«»r f lA.mJ vs. - • * Production r V' General Staff Advertising Director Assistant to the Publisher Production Manager Advertising Coordinator Classified Manager Ki.i-.iV Piinse :1 Fl.‘ «v A' Rembe. Wendy M irr.s Anij.-a Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphic Services 666 SSI f 666 434 i 686 3712 686 4381 "25 Years ot Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mi'h ."t.". • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd 342 2912 Eugene, Oregon 97403 no voi. 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