UK denies outbidding I'OKTI.AM) (AIM I'm s er s11\ h( ()rrf((m Athlrlii I Inn tor Hill Hs rm sas s lie's stunned tliiit lmii‘|icii(lcn( r Him I nffic i.ils dens .1 bid dmH battle It'd In (Iregon s tirst Inns I m\ 11111 in .Hi \ C.II S Hvini' said lie outbid the t niversits ot Kciitiu k s bs .i):iI'cmu li' Inn I 1 (inn 11*■( I .it < 11 tii kcts .it S.' 1 .i|iic( c tor .1 tot.d ot S 1 III (1(1(1 III • t ( )l cgon .111 1 in 1l.1t 11 hi to |d.n l ids.1 m tin- I lei II' him I .it shrcvi’|nirt 1.1 Him I 11 ftii i.ils .mil Ken links Mltldii Dim im ( M Nesvlon dt-nii'd Hvt'nr s sto is \\ ednesdas I min the srrs begin min' I ttiiidi' it i the t nn erst Is ot kcnlut k\ would not Inn itsrll into .1 liowl game As t.n .is .1 guilt.intri'd numlier ot tu k i ts t k would pun base nrvrt spin lin’d lis us \rwton s.tid in .1 prr p.iri-d st.itcini'iit released bv llic ki'titni ks spoils tutor million 1 >11 n r 1 unit's .1 mil stn prise to nn- Hv rni' told l lii' (hcgonian Irom San I t.tnc is 10 ss lii'ii- In1 ss as attending I'.n iln in ( onfricni i' nii't'l mgs "VVlial I said was abso lulcls an urate Hs rile said he negotiated Im llie on it.itnin t\ till Hi.nit ( an lie a Slues epm I dent 1st ss ho is a member ot the In (lependeni e Hosvl ( ommit tee kenttii ks 1 .line in ss ith an ot tel lo bus I(11)0 tii kets and sse had to match, Hvrnr said Then kentm ks i itmr hai k s\ iih t I 000 I v;1111>• ■t mil going to a bowl Kami .mi! I m not going to lot 000 I li krls si.111(1 ill tho SS.IS rile 11kio|><■ inioiit i Him I. uhiih luis in‘itlioi i inpiir.ilo sponsorship unr .i lucrative network television i onlrtn I ll.e lioell mi links fill.IIU I.ll tin it IIIK Mill I" lllsl \ O.II ' s K.lllie lii'tu cell Southern Mississippi .uni the I mi er sit\ ui Texas I ! I’.iso I lie Kiiiiie drew * 1111 \ 20.2 1 spe< t.ilors m Hie "ill tn'I si .il Independem e Stadium (ioyne lie Inld Hvrne I lie Independem e Hull I has In draw Ians uiIIiiik to spend mimes to lie lieneti i nil In the residents til Sim s l pi il I John I lazier indepen item e Hoss I i h.urili.m. said il ssux llvrne's eiilhusiasm messages from ( begun iioosteis and phone i alls trom (begun politii al Iik ores sm li as I ,os Neil ( .oldsi 111111111 and I S Sell Hull I’.ii k ss iii id that pel suailed the i omiiiittee to set tie oil (Jregnn We wanted lo sell as mans tickets as possible lull I in not K"ing to gel in argil menl ss ith Hill about mini hers I la/iei said it Hill wants to talk m terms ol uilinbers that's Ills hllsl ness I'm not going to talk about ms negotiations svilh ans team Oldham ( onlinued from Pam- 2 were Prop lit with me but tin s had more experieru <■ in high m (tool \\r had to adopt in overt thing .il llii' i nllnge let i*l .uni prove nr tv i'll' i’.H 10 lllitteri .1! he said < nai 11 K.hIi I iff !• ri'.ilK helped out l>\ keeping ns in sli.ipi' and helping us gel stronger (llilli.mi didn't sei tin- world on liie his sophomore season as ,1 I tin k hut did mien epl two |i,isses and si,nil'll four games However he has been nothing short of spei t.11 the Iasi two seasons I asl season lie interi opted lire passes to !it for the confei fin e lead and also was the na tional le.idei m kickoff returns. u\ eiaginj' . ‘l 1 yards pel ie turn, a rule ()ldh,un pii fed up in spring prnclit e prior to his junior season Thai happened in spring hall hi said (tin ii'lurilels Iroin the tear betore uele all gone so I tried it and averaged about J 1 vartls on him returns Kelurmng kic kotis is pisl a mat lei ot loi using m on everything and I think I hate adapted pm! It well After such ,m outstanding season as a junior Oldham was a Inst team ali i onferem e dr tensive hack and was a sei mul team all I'ai It) return spe< nil 1st lie was an houorabir men lion all \merit an lit the Sport ma Veils last season and was a pie season all AlltelII an lit /’/at lim tills t eat II would hate been east till ( to tall a noli h 01 two this season with teams throw mg attat from him running hai ks miming to the other side or kii kns kii king the hall atvav from him Hut r.illii'i play It’ll i ni nerliai k .is In' is listed mi Ili»‘ roster In- pi.ivs .ill over the field He is regularly assigned tIn’ opposing le.mi's hfsl re I eiver .nul .IS ... nnlor I hum S< holer pots il lliere .ire no worries when (lid h.illl is i overirig someone Man to defense is m.ide lo order lor (ihris. Si holer said You ran pot him on a gov. and in vonr mind erase those two from the klioard So many limes ( hris doesn't need any help t his season ( ildhani has done even thing that Schuler i t hi Id ask for and more lie has shot down the top leceivers in the f’ai - HI all season and conic .ition nf Nm*• rii .t anil has bruit ,i sci mill tram all - Amcr ii an i hone bv flic Vssni dated Press and Football Veu Despite playing for .1 team flint doesn't get the national 1 ci ogint inn nf a Not re I tame Michigan or I'SO. Oldham feels he still gets tile rrcogni turn lie deserves 'It's hard for one person to stand out at a si hool like I S(he said "I'm not saving we re not as good a team as that hut I think 1 011 ha\ e a little ad vantage here u here you ( an stand out and the media will really until e you After concluding his colic giale t areer in the Indepen deuce Howl on Dei lti against Tulsa. Oldham will give the 7 only hud one year of high school football, so I was really inexperienced. 11V* had three other guvs who were Prop 4ti with me. hut they had more experience in high school.' Chris Oldham up u Ith the kr\ inlert epllulls in plays when tile I links need fd thrni l)11ili< 1 ■ 1111\ "Making thr .ill-Amrrii .111 loams and having agents and ci 1.11 lies tell me I hat I II he pla\ mg m the \I I. is .ilwavs In im mind he said "I need to pul ish up on all phases ol im game because it's such a big step hum 1 ollege to the pros Whether it be .is a 1 timerbat h ol a kn k ret 111 on it seems ( )ld haul should be able to generate the r\t Moment to make it in the Ml. 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