J rfuilM T.x \T.. I VI, , I.dlin Hrrn . ()rri;un s loothall anil tr.uk star ranks ninth on thr all-timr si hoot rushiiiu list, is thr si liniil muni haltin' in thr liniM /uuifj anil ha» upriu-il hull's Uu u hunt riu.uril huldur Drick Ixnilii1 hi his turn wuwun as a Dm k. Learning Latin ( ontimu-d from *> N.lili "People si,iili'il lii sas lit' si .revved tli.il oiif up ’ I'm ,i I.iilh.it k von kunu w li.it I m s.iviiiK. .mil I was mils lull ]•)"» pounds. .mil < ii.H Ill's .iri' saving gel (limn in a three point and him k I hat gus Herrs said As a luniifi Herrs pus sfssi's a cross d pleasing si\ If nt straight ahead locomotion I ni delimtels nut a slash or I'm not going to dazzle llifin II I ni in llif opfn Iii'lil I might throw a I it t !■> dah, hut it that doesn't work I in not go ing to try," Hurry said Herrs has nothing hut re spi'i t tor i lassmale teaininate and If I low i mining hai k Dm ek I.iiv illf I lif fact that law ille has set the all-time rushing mark |a leal ai i onr plished last year) and is the all time scoring leader leaves no had feelings on the part ol Herrs I )erek has got a lot ol pub licity lie s earned all that I le s got a lot ot that on Ins own." Herts said (letting hit at the line ol si rimmage and breaking lac k les and being shifts he s done a lot ot that on Ins oss n and I'm glad lor him." Herrs said The two most memorable moments lor liens other than the hosvl hid. both happened this sear The first was the game against California where Herrs compiled lit sards, and the second involved the game at Arizona State where teammate l.oville ran up 211 i sards "The best part about the game that I remember "as when Derek got his longest yards and ran tin yards inr a louchdow n That < ami' off of mv blot k I hc\ showed it on films and it was like awe some. Hern said Hern s sm i ess at luolhall would he enough to make him worthy ot this feature hut In is also an outstanding tret k athlete A three tune All \mei ii an and w inner of the I’ai III long lump i ham|donshi|> last year. Merry is one of the most versa tile athlete s to wear the green and gold i olors tor (begun I i ante here on a football st holarship hut it was talked about before and I III.life sure tfiat if I did come I was able to do both.' Hern said Idle scholarship money was com ing from football, hut it was agreed upon that I would do both ( boosing between football and tint k is something Kerry has never had to do, but he adds that whichever sport lit is currently involved in lie misses the other Kerry’s strongest events are tie- long jump and the triple lump Heing .1 three-lime All American and Hat 111 champ is not enough lor Hern though Merry said he wants to he the \< \.\ t hnmpion in both events, and il not both then at least sei ond in the other The ()K mpics are also in the bni k of Merry's mind Her rv fills been invited to a con pie of Olvmpii trials, but lie declined because of football 1 omimtments "I want to do it just to see how I fare with the best Met rv said boothall is the main motiva huii lui Hni\ 's lullin' I would like lu play siimc |irn lull Herrs s.ihI It ill.it doesn't i»n well, I il like lu ul i nurse gel m\ degree anil si.ul w ork mg s\ till students in i nunselmg In hetween luutli.ill .mil Ir.n k. Herrv Inund lime lu keep ,i 1111 d’A m si Imnl liens said d is nut easy hal am mg si liniil and allilelii s Her is (eels lui k s that lie even remained in si hi ml ss ilh out having someone there to supervise him or mslrui t him at home ' 'Seriously I think I s e heeli lui ks enough lu si,is in si.hoot I’m links to si il I he here hei ause I haven't had that reads i aring person there In look out lor me Herrs said All ut Herrs "s .111 omplish ments have led In a Seiv sails Is mg i aieei at ( begun and those that had the pleasure ul meeting Latin Herrs knoss that he did it on his oss u lMiulo> In hill ll Jim *.