Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 08, 1989, Supplement, Page 6B, Image 24

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On his own, Berry succeeds in football, track
Ninth leading rusher in Oregon history
8v («im Sivosind
Fmerald Sports Reporter
No one i .in sas tliey helped
I ..it in Hen \ got v\ here he is to
<l,i\ t he senior (ullb.u k for ()i
egon h.is done il .ill on Ins
I he I foot HI ..’07 pound
Herrs h.is not h.id .1 slorshook
• illllete S hie \\ itit tile hither
s\ ho showed him how to 1 ,iti It
.1 toot I I i and the mother ss ho
led Inin Ills \ ogi't,lilies In mow
lug and strong
I've li.isii alls been on ms
oss n sun e I've gotten here and
a 1 ouple ol seats In dole in high
st hind toil, so as nun h as laiui
Is I h.is e 1 rI had ans kind ol
support like that Herrs -.ml
I has e had lo depend 011 ms
sell in terms ol mimes and
making ms sell he sui i essttil I
never had the lather and the
mother lo sas look out lot this
and look out tin that
Athlete s has ahvass been
Heirs s asentle loss.ml sm 1 ess
end has allowed him in find a
new famils in Ins I)ik k le.im
1 lie team is hash alls im
family People alssass s.i\
limits like th.it. Ilns e, ms
family this is all I u<>t ' Kerry
said In mv i ase that is h.isi
i alls true I (hin t hase a hit nf
friends nr nothing like that
The |ien|ile I assor late with are
hasii alls people on the team
Herrs who is < nrrentlv ninth
no Oregon's all time rushing
list has lieen a lifts i Ollipelllni
Irom the beginning
I've had problems in terms
ot doing things for tun Im i ause
as a k id I alls as s tell th.it I had
to esi id Herrs said I had to
he one ot the hest It lieS'ei ssas
just lull lol me
I ssas setting the ha.se lol
my future I hat ssas going to III
im mi nine
lining on Ills nssn lor so long
ssithoul that Iamilv support he
hind him has made liens an
esen tougher competitor almse
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ami Ireyond (hr natural in
slim.Is hi' was burn with
l ilt' I i tft \ arils Horry lias
gained in his four war stint
w itti (frugnit not only put him
ahead of Mel Renfro's Jfltil (it
iaieer rushing mark, but lias
him knot.king on the door of
l on\ ( hem S eighth pla< e to
I,iI nl 1 i\ arils in 1'IH-t H i
1 bat i oulil easily be done with
the Independent e Howl re
I li.it makes me feel good
bei aiise you want to do some
thing to be iemeinbeied and to
base your name in the book
Heir\ said People are going
to look at that loi a w Idle and
Mill hope tin a while it will be
there and they'll see Ultili and
they i an say who is he and
w bat did be do w bat kind ol
person was he
I or the season the t aldornia
native raiked up ijn yards on
oj i juries for a i 7 yards per
i any mark and a seventh plat e
ranking among I’m ifit It) t on
fere in e running fiat ks Berry
yy.is set oiitl in yards gained
among I’.II 111 fullbat ks
Merry s totals would have un
doubtedly been higher had lie
not missed |yvo games hei ause
ut 111|111 ies \ knee injury side
lined Berry early in the season
making lot some rough times
It yy as tough to i w ert nine
iii)til M's tills ye,ii hei ause I was
a senna and it was supposedly
a serious injury It yy.is to the
knee and all running hat ks
dread that Berry said "But I
gist stayed positive and real
i/ed that I wasn't the lirst per
son this ever happened to I
yy.is I III ky enough to he aide to
i imie hai k and I pist thought
yy el I I 'm going to play again
A slumldei injury at last Sal
unlay s prai tii e has Berry list
ed as questionable fin seeing
ai tion in the I fin ks appear
ante in the Independent:!'
Boyy I Herry is i onfidenl le
vy ill lie tfieri' and play mg
I popped il out Saturday
I in not hay mg a lot of pro!)
lems w ith it rigid now so
that’s good I lie game's not for
two weeks so I II be ready by
then ' Berry said
And pist how does it feel to
be going to ,i how I game'
It feels great ai tuallv I've
never been to one obviously
and quite a few players in the
past haven't been to one. Her
rv said I think we re going
out m style We re seniors and
i'Ii..in Im Miii W ^ li*n
Latin Horn has briunw nnr ol thr hi‘sl Orvgnn alhlrtrs in
histnr\. i nniftrtinif in bnlh football anil Irai L
w •• got .1 Ik»wI bill ami a seven
vs in season A lot of good
tilings have happened tins
\ ear
Indivtdualls Herrs lias mi
proved steadily over his i areei
Item gamed J't 1 sards Ins
Iresliman year li t as a soplio
more 424 last veal and >20 so
t.n tins ve.it That lias made loi
a more enjoyable season lot
Merry tins year
I think a lot ol iii.itunt\ and
having fun lias helped out a lot
In the past it was hard to have
fun because you're always
lighting lor a position and volt
have to light to stav healths
during the season and practit
ing and stuff like that Herrs
sanl "This year ms senior
year everything lust came to
get her It was a lot more tun
A ness offensive scheme for
l begun tins s ear s\ here the lull
but k was more involved also al
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Go for it Ducks
lowed Hens In gam a lew more
vanls and stmt his stulf
"('.citing the ball helped .1
lot HasicalK our offense was
two tailbacks or two running
haiks m the hai kfield instead
ol a tailhai k and a fullbai k So
that was Inn Hern said I
got the hall a little more than I
had m the past and got a few
more < ham es to show that I
i an run the hall too In terms ol
showing im stuff I feel I
wasn't getting the opportuni
Herr\ added it was nil e to get
a i ham e to do something he
sides him k He likes to remind
people that he was once a tail
hack too
"First of .ill. I came in as a
tailback, main people forget
that I had to get down into a
three point stance and start tak
ing on 2 111 or 24(1 pound guvs
i inning m and i lobhering me.
and what can I sav. a lot ol the
time I lost the battle.” Hern
Turn to learning, Page 7
1124 Main St.