( nnt’ratulations to the l of () foot hill I team and st ;i I IT GO DUCKS! I nun Ihc Hmu'i Ilium si.ill .mil I lit Iti links I.tin11\ .1 ill <) alums. urn's vuAoe Krst.Hir.mt and I oungi* I •» ’MIC V» C CM ! ' /I inn icon r ° ° ^ ( )KI)I Ks l( ) (,() *43-4480 *>-4 ' l r.inklm HIvcI M<»n flmr I I (Ml .1 m to III III p in In I I IMI .1 m Ii» \\u|im;|it s.ii Nunn Id Imv'lil Sun Soon lo Ml (II p in The Guns of Independence Hill Vustfruvr s simsii/i st.it s 20H ( ()MH. Hi 2 \ l l. 2.7ti l ) I )S. 14 l\I. .575 l*('l. 2(1 11). 25 I ) l*(» I I Ktibln s srason shits: 1.1.1 ( (IMIKill \ It. 2.1112 > /).S. « /.V/ .10 I l’< I 22 I I) 2IIII I V/’N UP PROBABLE STARTERS ► t 1 (Mil \ NI SI- - (> Jot* Rt il/uu s 10. I '0. It i 0 I 62 ( url l)t ki*s i>4 >0 sr i 1 (. - (»ll ( litis lliisko ,i< ' ' 2 Sr ) ( - 53 < olio Hall ft ■ M' 0 ) R(, - 7.' I odd Kun/man <> • 'So. Si i Rl - 75 Ihitid ('ollinsttmlli o> 4. 2Sl Fr.i I I - HO Jot Nlttrltn ' 4 24s. Sr.) OR 14 Rill Mus^rati- r- ■ Ji I R - 32 I)tTfk Idt illt s i" 148. si I It - 42 I alio Ri-trt s 10 2o~ Sr.) I I • 82 I t i l t (lin t 'll IS V Si I’K '((iit'tm Mt'( alluiii s‘< s s' IM I I I I -1>0 Mall l .aBminlv (6 4. 240. s.> i N I - 4.1 David Cusano in 2 260. Sr i RK - 30 \ndre \\ illiams (6 2 2*s Sr i ID- 95 Kjarne Jensen (6 3 242 Sr i Ml 37 Mark Kearns (6 2. 2ls. Sr i Wl. - 51 Joe Kartell (6 2. 210. I r i RO - S5 I’eler Braude) (6 4 235. Ji i SS - 3 Ron Dain (5 10. |‘)5 Ji i I ( - 2 ( Inis Oldham is v iso Si i k( 26 Dan I Reed 6 | |‘»2 Si > I S - 10 Derek Horton ' II IS4. Si i I’ - 23 Man I’enso i0 I 102. Sr i TULSA PROBABLE STARTERS► <>1 I I NS I SI' - IS Vrchit* Mallo\ iv l*l) Ji 1 Si - 55 Jem Ostroski h>-4 H2 s ' S Ji TF - S6 Can Treat (b 1 240 5, 1 (JI? II T.J. Ruble) Hi 4 I ns ir 1 11? - 23 Mark Urns m 1 214 I' I It 43 Brett \dams •> 11.72'' Ji I I 14 Mari us Mi \ a> s i1 I "s Si I’K l)a\id I ness n |u l s' v 1)1 I I NNI DI' - 42 Kii hard \N ali-s >t> :v- li Kl - 74 Dan larahn-lla <- ii N(i - f»X 1*1)11 HolllHs (1 I. '*> I l T - 90 \likt-Rnssmi i'-> s OI.B - 40 Derru k Williams *> . * J MB - 44 Mike \Miih dll. 24S s.« > MB - 58 Matt l.tiki- if' ' Si i Ns - 7 1 rum \\ illiams “ s I ( • SI i it Barrs t< I I s4 h R( - 27 ( rain Xndirsnii ■<> im> s I N ,'S ( In is Brisiau >f> I’lu-lps s i ,’n; ii GOOD LUC K DUCKS! Get a Taste of Louisiana Before You I lead South Inside Taylors Tavern I liyh Quality Ingredients All hood Made I rom Scratch At I uyene s Only C ajun Restaurant Hy 1 I ! ilh • ill I 2 2 2 • < Mon N.h • 1 1 .1 in *> \> in i«ii. n ■ ii.it i »• Kit>«,' i.V" i*«wt'• v-i Winter Wonderbed You won I i{ct snow in your tlrayvrrs with our slot! licil it hits umler IhsI storage. .1 lifftuilf warranty and it's <-\i Insivrlv ours lake It hotnr lor a sony!1 h7iY)''» IV .Ml • IM 4ti\4 . • I -»■' M - ') KN • IN' • I 10«> WilUunHtr M M.’ I7»>.' FOOD VALUE I960 FRANKIJN HIM). \l)| \( I \ I III! WIIM Sll\ I K WKI IN III\l) GOOD THROUGH 12-16-89 FRANKLIN STORE ONLY GOOD LUCK DUCKS! ANDRE CHAMPAGNE 750 ml s2.79 HENRY WEINHARDS 12 12 0,? Bottles CELEBRATE THE INDEPENDENCE BOWL WITH FOOD VALUE! PEPSI 2 Liters 690 plus dep* 485-2909 6th 6*. Willamette (acros> from the Hilton) GO DUCKS! BEAT THE GOLDEN HURRICANES! THE SHIRT An Incredible Design printed in four great colors to celebrate the Bowl! 100% cotton white T’s $ 1 poo Super Weight Sweats $20°° Available at the blew G of O Sportswear Shop! 720 E. 13th CAMPUS OWKTION (in-xi to Dairy Queen) 344-3439