•BOWL SUMMARY► Tulsa overmatched in bowl game Bv Tr.u v Sumner Emerald Sports Editor The post season has nut linen kind to Tulsa loolliall < na< li Dave Rader first. it was annount ed that Tulsa's opponent for the Dec to Independente How I in Shreveport l.a would he Ore pm a team that tied tor set ond in the powerful I ’at ilii 10 t onferent e Now the 0 ') (iolden I lorn t .me w ill hav e to deal w ith the Ducks without the services of one of the nation's host rei eiv ors All American w ide ret oiver Dan Hitson will he sidelined at lei a i ai t rash last Monday that left him with two broken legs and a broken wrist There was talk that Hitson. a junior would leave si bool a year early to enter the National football I eaipie draft Now there's some question whether he will ever play again Tor the rest of the players, football life goes on Hut how w ill it go yy ith the (iolden I hit rit .mi1 already an underdog play ing without its best player? "We may have to change some ol our philosophies Ka del told the Assoi iated Press There are ideas I don't know it I i an answer light now We ll lust have to adjust T.ven with the passing ol ipiailorbai k I | Kllbely and the receiving of Hitson, Tulsa would have been overmatched Hitson is a great receiver, but three very good receivers are better than one great rei eiver any time In receivers Terry (Mitre. Tony 11.irgnin and |oe Keit/ug the Dm ks have one of the deep est. best receiving corps in the i ountrv Running bai ks Derek l.oville and Latin Kerry will also i ati h then shale i oinmg out of the bar ktudd Tight ends |oe Meerten Jeff Thomason and st oring spec i.il ist Kolya Telit (five touch time ns on seven receptions) giv e ipiarterbai k Hill Musgreve three more targets Before the season started football writers all over the country predicted Oregon would make post season play // Musgrave staved healthy Mus grave did stay healthy and the I)uc ks with some lobbying by athletic direc tor Hill Hv rne uerr invited to the Indepen deni *■ Howl Musgrave doesn't have the strongest arm in i ollege tool hall Ills passes are rarelv text hook spirals and often his re i elvers have to make adjust ments tor the i .iti lies Hut Musgrave is a winner He knows how to do what it takes to win on the I’m 1(1 level ot plav And most importanllv Ins teammates helieve in torn Klltilev piled up some nif e numbers this season for Tulsa Hut it was against some lesser i .o in pet it ion At last ( hei k Howling t.reen and Wake For est weren't exaotlv ( otisidered llottietls ot college loot ha 11 And again he will he without Hitson I he I tin ks hnv e the adv an Inge at qiiurterhai k Tulsa was able to move the hall elfer.tivelv on the ground tor most ot the season I uilhai k Hrett Adams led the alt.it k wilti 1. tIt 1 yards on J-.'.i t urries lot a fine I li average lailbat k Mark Unis, an Fdnionton. Alberta na live added tat v aids on 1 10 i arries l.oville rebounded from a horrible start this season to r.i< k up tt 7 v aids rushing Her i v chipped in a 10 yards despite mid season injuries the I links discovered depth in the olfen sive line ktield tins season ill se mor llondre Hausley and \galu kelemeiu. vv ho combined toi too Vtirds Oregon lias the advantage at running bar k Ixn a use ot so peri or depth and be< ailse itiev have tai ed better i umpetition tins season Thev put a lot ot pressure on you with Musgrave and ( lliee and then thev ( ome at von y\ 11h I,o\ 11It- mi the ground Katier said I li.it makes it really tough tor .m\ defense tu stop them Oregon s strength on defense is in the li.it ktit-itt Senior i or lierh.it k ( hris (thill.mi .1 set oml te.im .ill \me-r*t .111 pn k le.ltls .1 strong secondary which .ilso |c,itures senior tree s. llt’tV I teiek 1 lortcul ( tlllll.Illl .tinI Horton let! the I hit ks in in ten eptions with sis .mil Ine respet ItveU 1.1 neh.ii ket Mark ke.irns It'tl the te.im III tat kies u itit 1 .'II to tal stops on the season Senior nose t.nklc It.o id < iis.mo vv.is set t ii it I on the te.im u ith "1 to t. il t.i< kies int 1 tidiiiv; lout i|ii.u terh.it k s.it ks I ineh.it kel I’etel til .Hitler led Oregon with in t ' sacks fol lowed In Andre Williams with sis .inti M.dt Oiliounly with t I 2 \gain. it gets h.it k to i mope tit ion Oregon It,is spent the season facing the I ’.it It) while Tulsa has lieen busy at him mg mediur riiy against a question aide si hediile They should have a hard time moving the hall consistently against the I hit k tie tense Common opponents don t mean unit h Hut it should he noted that I ills,t hist to Iowa 10 J'J rh.it s the same low a I )i egon t i ushed ill. ill Seplem tier m klimit k Stadium in Iowa (aty This should he an easy w in lot the I lilt ks And It needs to he a big w in too Alter all the lobbying that vy.is done to gel the hid anything less than a blowout ovei a team like I ulsa yyoiild do more harm than good to a program begging loi na tional exposure In Pac-10 Pigskin Prognostications Rose Independence Copper freedom Michigan Oregon Arizona Washington vs vs »s » USC Tulsa NC Stale Florida T Sumner Michigan ♦ 3 Oregon ♦!/ Arizona ♦ 7 Florida ♦ 7 A Conklin Michigan ♦ * Oregon ♦ 10 Arizona ♦ 1 Floridan 4 C Sivesmd Michigan ♦ 1 Oregon ♦ 9 Arizona ♦ 6 Florida*3 C Blair USC ♦ 3 Oregon ♦ U NC State ♦ 3 Florida ♦ 7 ''mtte feoptf tfset' {. IJ &$£&- 7a.«-rt/p, 3** Jh^ aJ '.i*1 froi/5* / Mv^W/ ^ > S. /Jhjpt> SEASON RECORDS TU 2.T JO F> ) > I i \4 U V! 17 45 uo c> 44 17 H) T8 14 41 58 50 at Texas-EI Paso OKI \HOMA STATE at Aikansas NFW M! \l( O at Iowa at sV\ I ouisiana M W Ml \IC O ST A 11 IOUISVII11 .it 11uiisiana I ech at W akt* I ori'st BOUT INC, OKI I N ( \l IFORNI \ at Iowa at Stanford \RI/()\ \ WASHINC.ION si \ 11 at Washington at \ri/ona st.itc lONtl HI \( H SI All at I5RK ,1 l\M\l H J N (, at UCI \ OKI CON SI All OPP II 10 2(> 55 TO 21 I T 24 54 20 It) OPP PI () I8 II) 51 20 20 > i I OHO Independence Bowl Oregon [Tut ks vs. Tulsa Golden Hurricane Saturday, Dec. 1(>, 5:00 p.m. (PST) Independent e Stadium Shreveport, l ouisiana congratulations ducks on your trip to the Independence Bowl. We have Independence Bowl T-shirts and a great selec ol OREGON Russell Athletic Sweatshirts. downstairs Reduction Store Savings Galore! We now have Oakley Sunglasses in Sloe The Best of Luck in Shreveport! GO DUCKS!*. 0233 athletic n am ' H 1ISM ,n t" '■> 10 ■»"' ‘ 11" • I •" • ‘ ' 1 i Bi Klway •'