Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 08, 1989, Supplement, Page 2B, Image 21

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    Sports C rew.
EDITOR: Tracy Sumner
Conklin, Cam Sivesmc)
PRODUCTION: Sandi Daller.
Elisa Lichtman, Angela Mu
niz, Michele Ross. Ingrid
Cover photo by *«;
Martin Thiel
Alpine Import Service
I he VOI VO Spec i.ilisls
I 2lh \ \A.nn
uo ¥3. TULSA
DEC. 316
We've Got Your
Celebration Gear!
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i’litiluliv \mlit Kdiin i i
( hi is ()ldh*im who h.is i,\(i,lhtd *is both .i ilotcnsiw b.n k .ind .i kii k ri>luriu*i tot tin* Ihuks,
will fil.n Ins lost i;.imc in .in Orison uniform ni^uinsl I uls.i l)rt Hi in thr Indrprmbm llowl
Ducks big play man ends career
B> Ashley Conklin
I merald Sports Reporter
It ()rvgon football Ions
bought tu lo ts soleh to sec one
oi two i'\( itmg pl.ivs |ier gaine
It's .1 good bet tiles got then
money's worth in senior ( liris
( lldham
Whether it s running l>ai k a
kit koll lor a tom htlow n, inlei
icpting .1 pass to stop .1 drive
01 blot king a Held goal ()ld
bam lias always made the big
pla\ s toi the I tin ks
\nd w bile the (tregon loot
ball team might not retire mini
Imts it would lie bard to find
anvboih who (.mild pliiv alls
better tb.in Oldham lias weal
mg \o 2
Pulling togethei an Oldham
highlight film might look
something like this
* | wo plus s slant! ' ail in tins
seat's Washington State-Oie
gun game as \ tillage ( Mdliam
()u tile third |»las ol the game
Oldham pit ks oft a pass at the
Cougar O \art! line and returns
11 21! v<irtls to tile six. giving Or
i'Hiiii .i TO lead after a field
i asi torwaid In the fourth
i|iiurter and Washington Slate
semes to go ahead 14-24 On
the ensuing kit hot! Oldham
breaks the t untainnient up tile
middle and goes It'l vards to set
tile I tut ks up on the Cougar
six Two plats later Oregon
SI ores to I III 11 w illiin !4 I I
• \gainst 1 I I A m the Rose
Howl the I Jut ks (rail 2U 14 and
the Hrums are threatening to
si ore on the opening dr ive ol
the second halt An Oregon
loss would kill ail! hopes o! a
bow I appearaiK e or a sex en
w in season
()11 toiirth dow n. Oldham
blot ks a field goal and the tide
turns in the I tin ks tavoi l'he\
go on to w in IK-20
That (tldhain is w here he is
toihw might be surprising in a
w a\ I le liked baseball mill b
more than football, and didn't
even go out loi football until
Ins senior year in high s< hool
I hen (tldhain was sidelined Ins
tirsl StMMOIl 11S .1 I )ll( k line to
Proposition 4 ft i>uiilrlinrs
I had always played base
hall from when I was real sin,ill
in I hall," Oldham said "I
was ahuuI a foot-7 and I!»tl
piiunds. and didn't think I was
big enough In play louthall My
senior year im best triend said
l et s go out lor football’ and I
said OK
(ildhain ( hose (Iregnn
where his father Hugh played
in I ’to i over I tali. because I
w anted to pla\ ill the I’.n lit
and I knew I < mild come in and
play as a rookie sini e they had
lost some defensive bar ks
While silting out his lirst
yeai due to Prop ift Oldham
knew it would he an uphill
i limb to make it in the Par 11it
III ( ainfereni e and gay e a lot
of r redif to strength coach Jim
Kadi litfe for his sui i ess
"I only had one y ear of high
si hoot football so I was really
inexperienced Oldham said
We had three other guy s yy I10
lorn to Oldham, Page H
Precision t uts would like to congratulate tin* •
Due ks and wish them good luck in the ^
Independence howl! ^
PmcisioN Cuts !
2001 Franklin Blvd.
*2 < *2 *2 4 *2 < *2 *2 ^ *2 *2 ^2 '2-'2^2^0
Every Day!