Family Continued from P.ige I vuling housing for families and married mu pies." Williams said Domestic partnership contrai ls are not wide l\ .n i epteil and have not ro.ilh been tested in the i ourts before said I’eter Swan legal adviser to the president "A few counties or municipalities have passed ordinances to that effect (of recognizing domestic partnerships).' Swan said It certainly is not widel\ ai i epteil Swan said family housing is subject to tin' landlords and tenants ai t but it is unt lear how or if the law prohibiting disi rirnin.ition in rent mg properly applies to the I 'diversity Natasha. Robert and Itrendon will be able to stay until the issue is resolved, but il the I Sliver sity decides against allowing domestic partners to live in family housing, they will be evicted Brand said "We yy 111 take steps so that the slay yy ill be in effect until fall of next year " Brand said "We don't yy.inl anyone to suffer w bile yy e re yyorkmg through this The discussion administrators are conduit ing goes beyond the domestic partnership issue and delves into who has entitlement to I 'Diversity family housing. Brand said But for Natasha and Robert, the issue be loines one of where they yyill live il they are fori ed to leave their S 1 ai a month apartment "We just feel like yy e le little kills being told to get married bei ause we're living in sin Nala she said "The lai t yye sleep togethei is nobody s business Natasha and Robert expressed their desire to get married mu e they lintsli i ollege and gel then i areers started In the meantime they del iiieil to enter into a domestic agreement to legally define their rela I Kinship II you look .it the facts of Robert and Nala sli.c they are as rnuc h of a family as you i an be. said Marlene llrescher director of the oflii e ol student advocacy, who advised Robert and Nala sha on their situation Drescher said tenants of Westmoreland and Amazon have tried Id make provisions for nun traditional t.imdies to live in lamilx housing pro \ ulcd tlicv had proof of a sustained relationship I mversitv housing re|u< ted the proposal and then adopted the provision of having a marriage certificate as a requirement to live in the subsi di/ed housing. I)resi hei said I here was organized com ern that housing residents not fraudulentK appear to tie in Innu lies and that housing administr.ilors not abuse their disi return in some < ases In allow mg e\< ep lions as lhe\ have llresi her said Itresihei said a domeslii agreement is more spec itu than .1 marriage 1 ertltii ale hei ause it out lines the obligations ear h person has in the rela tionship "lake any other 1 onlrai t this should be a le galls enforceable, binding agreement, llresi bet said I he pi>111 s behind tamils housing is to pro side housing to accommodate the need ol site dents living in a Iannis slim tore and it an 1111 tan and incite! live was ol allot ating llus lesoun e to make it (ontingeut upon .1 marriage 1 ertifi 1 ale ' she said llehraOgara a law studentiiilheslmleiit .nl voi ai s off'ii e said the I 'Diversity 1 mild be break ing up a Iannis it tiles dei ide ag mist rei ogni/ing domeslii partnerships Thev re basil alls giving Kobe it and Natasha three 1 hoii es move out get m.lined 01 Kobeit mos e out • )gal a said Natasha and Kobeit said I lies will light tin eviction in court to lest discrimination laws and the vnliditv of then domeslii partnership it the t ’niversits dei ides against them We re liappv that we got an extension. Na l.isha said "We're not going to do anything but tight it We don't have tiiiuls to move right now The couple presently is living to obtain an eviction lavvvei loi advice and to represent them it the t niveisilv undertakes ev ii lion proi edures "We rr going to lie homeless and that's all there is to it Natasha said about the Ibliversilv dei iilmg against allowing domeslii partnerships 111 family housing I'lt..1.1 l.s M.i i k \ Irll Rohrri Inrhrr .mil \.il.isli.i Hr.nh . shown hrrr with hn 2 son \,ilh.m. I.n r rxittinn il I hr I ni\rrsil\ hoosini; tin nlrs ,n:umsl .illimnn; thrill to li\r in t.unih housing Mailing \ddmi Room MO, EML P C) Hot 3159 Kugenr. OR 97403 __Oregon Daily- v Emerald CLASSIFIED Placement Order < all I S'' :_____ Today s Dale_ Z'P PO Time placed PDF CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ILLEGIBLE HANDWRITING' Fill out this form and mail it in! 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