Sports Ducks topple Utes, 73-66, in Mac Court battle By Ashley ( onklin 1 merald Sports Reporter (Jregon's .'{ ♦ >i» tb.iii v\ m over I 'tali m VI* Arthiii ( unit Ihtirsday nielli < an bust be des* 111>• *inls 1 hut s a good game for t m tiei alise lie needs that to help his i onfideni e (fregon roar h I lull Munson said and I ife very well i mild have been the different e m the game "It's always important von have ha la ni e be< alise I knew they would ti\ and take mil guards out of it lie said Brandon admitted the Ihitks might lia\ ■ been .1 little tired ■ nming'into the game hut said that was pist something Oregon had to deal w ith \\ r ( ailin' straight liiii k .mil piai tii ell vi' luit vvi* li.ui .1 good ptm tu r in' ‘..nil "We shoui'il hi' were tin'll hut that's ll.r-krth.lll Illi' people ilihi I i .in- it ivc re tin'll hi' I .111 xi- t lll*\ U .lllt In Si'll us plm I hr l)ui k ■ Ini iki il 11 ki I hi'V u11111 blow the ('It's out m tin 14.111ii- s opening imnuti's run mug mit tu ,iii 8 1 li'.ul hut I t.ih i ami* right ti.ii k tu t.iki■ ,i HI H li'.ul ki'illt < starhiit hit ting Imni tin' outside lor I tali .mil whi'ti Walter Waits Ini .i In i' throw w ill) ' i-1 inn.lining in tin fust hall, thi' t'ti's hail a ."l J I ll'.lll Bill III.union and lifi h rtui ght tin- I tin ks u ithin i t nitering thu lot kcmiom as llraiiilon si uri'il sewn [mints in tin- iun anil I ili- si oil'll on an olh'iisli i' it'hoiind I oimm < iiiinoi ipiii kI\ i haiigi'il things hi thi' opi'lillig iniiiuti's ot tin1 si*i und hall scoring sis ol I’tail's lirst eight points as tin- 1 li's opi'iiod up a II III ll'.lll The lluiks answered with a K! it run triggered b\ two llrandiin haskets a I lie him k that led to a three point plav hv Dunn and a I areas dunk oil a ihanduu lei'll III giw (Itegon a i.l« ■b . ^r. 'vi I'hnln In Marlin tlm*l Kit h.inl I in .1 s ili nrs In tlir liimii in i*r llirrr I l.ih iletnulcrs In hrlli tlir Dili As In .1 7.l-l>li nin nirr Ihr ihnrsil.n nielli ill M.ii t mill IK 11 lr,nl with 12 OH Irll I lit* I hit k s iiu rf.i.M1'! tin- If.ill In tit) 4*1 .mil still It'll i>2 i2 in till 1 i t m nuiining I I,ill's 11 is 11 ( ; 1. 1111 VN III l si mi'll to |iuiiils I iicsil.iN night against Washington. st,ntfil In get hot Irinn uutsidf .mil thr I ti*s i amt* UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON. FALL COLORS OF BENETTON. Valley River Center hill k (Irani m oicd eight points in about tlirt'ii minutes ami pulled l 'lab v\ itlnn till ti t w ith 2 *>H to play. but that's whoii liralulon took OVIT Hi,union si ori'il a three point play lot an an outsiili' lutnpei anil helped Oregon control the clock in tin- waning nioini'iits to impiriivc to 12 on the \ear Munson lull that most impor taut part ol the game was how well his team handled the oh slat les they were up against "I thought it a good, hard nosed game." lie said "I thought my kids playeil real compel11i\-fly and they hung in there and did a good job with all the traveling and every tiling Dm k Notes Oregon hosts Portland on Saturday at 7: in p m I he Dm ks Dei 11> home game with Neyada-Keno has been moved up to 1:05 p m. so tootball Ians i .in see the Inde pendent e Itowl on television r 'X We Buy Quality • Stere< > equipment • Video recorders • PA amps & mixers • Portable color tv's fust 2 blocks from campus Stereo Workshop 1621 E 19th 344-3212 M l 9 6. Sdi 10 2 V__/