Sex doctor found dead from apparent suicide Solicited sex from University students H\ P,it Milton •\ssoc iated Press SOI 1 HAMPTON, | AIM \ Pong Island phvsic ian convict ed ol sol it iting I )regon c ollege students to have ses with his vv ile m .t phoin h [irei ject was lound dead Thursdav m ,in apparent sun ide police1 said Southampton \ illage polic e Sgl Pars King said police were c ailed to the home- id I h Rod ne\ Thorp Wood, tai about I p in King said Wood u as found dead in an apparent sui i ide A polii e scum e w ho de c I hied to be identified said Wood apparenth shot himself in the head Wood and Ins w ile. \ant \ Steffen Wood. PI were arrest ed in September in Kiigene at ter offering to pa\ male stu dents at the I hli\ ersiH to havt• S«*\ W llll lie! Both pleaded gniilv ()i I .! t lu prostitution .iikI i'.icIi was fined s; idii I nder lerms nl .i plea agreement neither was sentetw ed to time in prison comnuinitv serv u e or prolia lion Wood was suspended as ill rt‘( tor id anesthesiologv at Southampton Hospital on l ong Island. \ > attei the im idenl Ins ame publii Ihe sm lalK prominent couple were listed m the Hlue Honk nt I he I lamp tons lived in a mansion and ow lied a vai lit Wood w as a member ot the e\i lusive Mead im t duh I heir lives ( hanged w hen thcv were cited Sept Hi at a 1 Ugene hotel I our students testilied hetore .i grand jury that they wen asked to have se\ w ilh \au( \ Wood I’olii e said at least one student had se\ w ith her and that lilt' dm tor photogr.iphrd ,mtl l.ipf in orili'd tin' rni oiin trr tor till' stllili'ilt p.liil S td III sol it Itlilg stdili'llls till' i dtiplf s.iid tIII'v vvi-ri' i dililtti t mg ri'si'.in li min tin- m'mi.iI puti' id tin- m.itiiri- lr Mill If pul II I' S.llli \ sourin' i 11 isi■ tn thf l.i mi I v ss In i spukf mi 11 mi I it ii >it ill .mu 11\ ituly s.iid W ddil .mil Ins w iif rftnriifd Iriim .1 I'lorid.i \,n ,1 I ion Wfdiifsd.iv night \.im s U mid If It fin .111 nut dl si.itr niffting I hid ninriimg thf I.mills smiri f s.iid .mil u ,is si Itfdiilfd In ri'lnrti f s filing \ 11 k*ii(I unit In thf liniiM' will'll \\ 111 III W.IS tlll.llllf Id if.n li lift Inisli.ind In pluiiif .mil llif It if ml i .d Ifd I lif .111 thiiril if s ,11 1 in ding In .1 pul 11 r smiri r \ I.mills spiikfsin.m I (.flu s.iid Ilf lirrn in 1 1111 1.11 I u llll \\ mill f.irllfl lilts ui'i'k Ilf s.inl WiMui \ r r\ ilisiirsM'ii t liri mvthi ml this whole I'jiisiuh' |iui I linin'! ilr li'i I hi' ,m\ limn' ths II. 111K hi In- hii'ii in I In - p.lsl Whi'ii voui mime .mil rrpu t it it hi .in' ill.iu^i'iI llinnixh tin' iiu-<11.i .mil vnui i Irr .mil • 11 in It n I .in' i .illml min i|iii's linn .mil min lih' s uink is Ihii'.ilrnt'il lilt’ll i h'.ulv tin-, is 111stiI’sshli; I n’t11 .nlth'il I ht'ii .illornrv Kit I 11 ulm in.uni.tmi'il the Wmiils »i’ti' fiiK• ii I l.nlh .mil il is i Ir.i^inK 111.11 thin iniv\ i min' mnli'r .i i loud ul suspii inn ,nnl lun f lift'll stllljt’i I In If |mrlm,u m I In- press I i ruli.i dllfi' the sfinifni mg Police said (lies had ('sidoiut* tin’ i imple intonded In i arrs on tilt’ll iim'.ik h al olhei U i'sl ( uast i .imposes ln\esligiitors i harged that the i ample svere nnl doing sex re scan 11 Ini .m Oxford l imcrxits pro|ci I as Iln-\ i launcd lint u ndei look I lie ai I iv it ics tin then nss ii giatilii atinn I lies (mild lint al t li (dale the icsc. h tiles were slip posed tn ne i ni id IK ting, said Vsslslant I lisli ii t .Mini lies Seall I In,II when tiles pleaded guilts NalU s Unoil distributed let tel s ut llltlndlli tinn ex plaining the supposed lesean h pi n|ei I tn s i ill ng men nil lain pus I iigeue poll! e Sg| Kit h t .illiam said I’nine (nu ml a list of si.hunts nu hiding ( )rt*gun state I ins ei sits the I uiseixits ut Washing lull the I 'ills erslts III Vji Ini la III itisli I nlilillhla and the I ill seisils ut I alduinia al lleihe les (lillium said . * m Kudnr\ U noil, u ho < omit it'd in Ot labor .dm iti i» ith his witr \.uu \ tm sol it dim; sr\ I non .1 I nivi-rsilx sludrnl. .ipp.m-nth t nminitti'd sun iilr in his Smith.ini/itim homo I hursd.n Helly-Tech Waterproof. 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