Encore! I IHIfirW 11 M • 111 NU Stepmother is .m Mien. h\ nils simulants. mulil no tlnvxn .is ,i movie i /.issn . In llir < h.ii;rin nl .ill nun ir lo\ ■ ers MOVieS tnHinm-d Irom Pagi1 It (ailnri/atinn U li.it h.ith I i'il Turner u rought ’ \t>u Iii.it we t .m own movit's .mil see llit'in mi TV. mt'di.i mag n.lies will wiint us in bin .is much .is possible Anil Turner believed there w.is .1 whole market of great Amer II .111 movies lh.il people wouldn't bin bet ause lliev \\ ere 111 til.11 k anil u lole Of course, part ol what mailt* them great movies, even bm k then, was the wav early direi Inis look a limit.1 111111 and turned it into a strength believe me |ohn 1 fusion's mo not limine 1 las sit Tlir M.illt'sr inlcnn I l‘l t I | Is better in shades nt grav than pink and blue burner should have noted that some of toii.n s greatest direi tors notaliK Martin Scorsese I Waging Hull], Woodv Allen [Sl.irtlust \lrmm it's | and |im larmusi li |S7r.//i,ger III.in I’.ir.ulisi') still 01 1 nsionalU w 01 k in blai k and u lute rhanktnIK , the go\ern mt'iit intervened to some tlung that 1 mild have turned truK ugh Starting u ith the 1 listorii al I i 1 in I’reservation \i t nl 1087 tin* l.ibrarv uf I t IIIRI'Oss will si'll cl J "> Anii'in ,iii films ever\ ve.it lit,it il considers In lie nl i I.insk and enilurin# ipralitv sii ill,it these films m,i\ not he tampered with The I nbrar \ h.is adopted .1 tinly .ltlmirahle task here Hut when il comes time In pit k the eiulurinn films nl the 80s evpcc I there In tie Inis nt bewilderment and KmmhlinH \\ ho would have thought \/i Sfe/unof/rer i' .111 . \ hrn one dav w mild he .1 national monument ' \nd just hei ause I as a selfimport.ini entertainment critic i ant resist here's im Top 10 list I i iin't sar the\ re the hesl lilms nt the '80s hei ause I didn't see e\ erytldng Hut these were mv favorites in alphahetu al or der Ult'i //ours | loti i|. Hint' \ rl\ ft 11080). Hull Durh.im | 1088|. I>o till' Kirill I'liiu# | l'lti’ll A’,u'(/eis nl thf /.ost \/k (loan Weds | loan /vo/ro/ ’o/r ( I *»M 7’ | St.inlust Mrmurius | IOHtl|, stn/i \l.ik rut; Sense (108-11 / /re/’ur/i/e Wove at I .uni | lott'il luj'/ie/ Bo'h'IGatgoy^ tHobo Bay Bo Sw-jr! San ft ■" ur.; . Hobie Ray Ban i St^’yei S r l ../■ vr fta> fla» Serengeli igeh Sian ame! Bolie oy le1 Hot! it' iy Hr Stv ngeti / Z;a// 1am?! Bo I It goyle' Hobie ay Ba /$• i Bay engeti / Z/ao / | iGargoyie Hob | engeti1 Z/a/v1 Vuamet/ Bolie i ua'.;. , • K'/ •' flay Ban I Now Open' 774 E 13th (Smith Family B'dg 343-8318 Music ( <>ntmut‘ \l.ih.im.i is iiiir nl m.un iimntn rmi^ii timu/is llt.il .11 hiri i'il fioiniluril* in till- HUs HOLIDAYS Christmas & Chanukah s.it., IH-I . '*th AGES 3-8 2ND FLOOR (GEN BOOKS DEPT.) 12 1 UO BOOKSTORE BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR BOOKS... CHECK OUT THE PRICES AT SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE. WE BUY USED TEXTBOOKS, PAPERBACKS AND * CLIFFNOTES ALL THE TIME SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th • 345-1651