MHfStNTED BY THE FAMILY, JEWELS w I \ s j IT S ONE OF THE DIAMOND I ARRINGS YOU GOT Ml I OR OUR ANNIVf RSARY l OOK UNDER THE RE DON I WORRY PE ARI II Wf DON'T FIND IT I CAN ALWAYS RF Pi ACE IT THAT S WHY WE HAVE A HARRY RITCHIE S ACCOUNT ANYWAY I DON T WANT IT R| Pi AGED' TMf V WERE A Gif T F ROW YOU AND THEY RE VERY SPECIAL AND VALUABLE TO Ml 1 f BUT NO MATTFR HOW VALUABl f OR BFAUTIFUL TMC FARMING 15 Rf MF MBf R IT IS ONI Y j A SYMBOl ATOKfNt OF MY l OVF FOR YOU YOU STll l HAVf MF DON T YOU7 m. m SURE IT D^milVo's Pil^aJ IFIED 30 MIHUm LOUIE WS tOHVIHaD THU VINHIIWIS LYING »n« 30 MMB. w being uu. ; 4 , 34 .. . :>v. . ... _‘ . ■ /. Dtiminu s l’i//.,i will ihiiwr .1 In>1 Iri sh, iii.nlc lo-unln' |ii//.i In Mini ilnm m hi inimilrs hi less i >11.ii■,min'd I )nn l hi .im 11111' ti ll \mi dillcmilK ( .11 I Juinilln s l’i//.i NiiIhhK Diiivri's Ih'lln Campus Store Only! 343-3030 Hollis: 4 p m 1 a m Mon Thurs 4 p m 2 a m Fri 11am 2 a m Sat 11am 1am Sun • »H*» I *. '.iMim- • 1*1//.. Iiu 3TopPSlza "off1''®* N . |., r «•»'** ** " Campus Store OnW _ — MR JP* fl|K MMS 1 'l'ir,.s , . 11 /) i| ' “Hfl 9.95 cofce '-'ll-1*- n Cl .* Carr>Pus s, Sfore On/y, si _/ _Encore! , Socio-political consciousness makes 80s art stand out Local artists say styles may change, but love for art never will B\ Kelv in Wee I n< ore I ditor Ail is more Ilian |usl a leu brush strokes over < or .1 few p.its on the lump ol i I,in sitting on the potters w heel In the It) years, the world of art has oven mm' iii.iiin ohstai les most military Ion es sin 1 umfi to budget 1 uts However as the t'mversitN Museum ol \rt's Curator ol Inhibitions Tommy (irilfin said, the loc al communilN has a network ol funding institutions that have managed to obtain mui h needed hinds lor loc al artists Most ol these hinds are from the National l uiilow menl for the Arts be said I think that artists in the trent lies now are feeling more i omlortable nn ill) the fund ing network and proi ess. and are now sub milting reipiests for funding." he said This .iIIonvs more talents to surface from the trenches' and exposes more artists from the area I low e\ ei the NKA 1 a me under lire rei ent In Iin several conservative (longress persons nnIio tell it nn as not appropriate* to fund "oh scene" art like those of Robert Mapplethorpe Mapplethorpe is famous for Ins uitisiu non pornographic photography o| the male nude both In addition. Mapplethorpe is just only one ol the mam artists who have* been taken In the pi.mile ol the (ills Ml IS Mils a disease that has affected more than ion.non Amerii mis. has taken a signili cant toll against the communilN of artists and entertainers Its effec Is been so sig min mil that the communilN of artists have 1 time together to 1 ommemorale their fellow artists in a spei ial A I hi\ Without \it \ l).i\ Without Art celebrated its second anniversary this year with the participation of more* than toil institutions nationwide l oc ally the event was honored In about eight galleries (filler social political issues also have be < omiiig more prominent in art works pro due ec! in the Iasi dec ade l ocal artist I'am Cohen said this is proba bly because there has been a lot of social pressure and .1 lot of c hangers that are bring fore ed on sot letN I think artists are kind of expressing that in their work ' she said "I or myself, I usu ally do work that Is based on nn own per sonal feelings and beliefs ( olien said she believes that artists of the past also expressed these- same feelings and lieliets in their winks but those of the more modern eiu have managed to express it more t li'.irlv because people k; 1, ,t more to (lav than tltev did before We know ,i lot more n v m express the basic human value of people her own life .is well Photographer Nancy Joi a founding member of the Photo/on. i er\ said the gallery is concerned with i; o x t nntempn rary topics "Photographers are more . u lived in poll tical images," Jones said, hut added that people interpret and read into t and photo graphs the way they want to limes said this happens with all media ol ail The world of art has seen a soaring in crease in the prii ing ol d master's" works. It one remember Vincent Van (lough's Irises. Pablo Pic a- ■ self-portrait Vo /'basso sold for $47 u n n. Paul Gau guin's Mala Mu.i lor S..'4 illion while most others go for amounts * 1 many artists todax don't even expei t to i .s in two life limes In truth, mam artist*. ■' i not receive mm h recognition or reim ion for then works while they are alive consider the master Van Gough When I: was painted in 188ft. he got nothin'..: loi In fait, lie sold only one piece of woii- e ring his life lime. Sev end dei ades later, piei e brought the brought a Xexv Nork gall* considered at the va I tie painting would have cost s ; 'l el a few more de was sold al Sothebv s w bv Alan Hood lor S > t 11 I.ocal painter Rod Swe one ol mam artists who piei e of his w orks for S i Ins nm ks sel I troll) S r< to S Swenson said he pain! to paint and sells his w-a they are bet ause he Iiv e allows him to do only dial I le said that art should hi the same time allow tin ai mg vv age •17 the same ; ter nothing Shit.duo (when av s dollar, the 1.000) 1DH7 Irises " w as bought aid lie Is just ii: never sell a •lion I le s.ntl 1 ■ a piet e lose he loves tor the prit es ii area w hit h " a liable but al .I lo make a bv "It's ,is much reason In have a painting mi thi‘ wall .i-i it is to wash vim i is i .in hr p.iinlfil photo yi.iphfil skfti hfil m si ulpturiul I'ln■ rot flit pmhlfms Ihf \.111o11.11 1 ndosvnifiil toi thf \11s t.u fil art* i If.ii f\.iii.plfs Large dogs Srniin Knlh Mihlinll sit' hrhiinl his sculpturr ' icpn-srnts ./ •>/1 college and can Kasu Training, we just miKht have a flight suit yuur size In tiixl nut it you quality tor Warrant l >ltkvr Klik-fit Training see vuur kx ilArmy Recruiter today SFC Curt Mitchell, 345-3377 ...AND WE WANT TO TEACH YOU HOW TO FLY It DESKTOP PUBLISHING • IBM COMPATIBLE • USER FRIENDLY IBM Computers 5$/Hour 1$/Page • PACEMAKER • VENTURA • COREL DRAW • ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR • WORD PERFECT • SCANNING SERVICES • LASER PRINTER • COMPUTER CLASSES We sell new and used Computer Equipment. 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