I Mil.iv I )t‘i t'lilliri H, ! lHI‘l I 111‘«■ n«• l Jivgun \'ulmni' '11, \umlifi ’ll — _I nside_ ■ Bloch speaks on science. Page 7 ■ Soviet lawyers. Page 14 ■ Wood suicide. Page 15 ■ Ducks take down Utes, Page lti Wheelchair users praise access Eugene still has room for improvement B\ |.inis )oseph Emerald Reporter Stepping up ontci sidewalks ( limbing stuns or re.nling signs is something people do even day without thinking twice However for people with disabilities these same activities tan pose major problems People w ho don't use (wheel) ( hairs, don't have that awareness all the time said Mark Hansen, w bee It hair user and stall member ot Mo bility International, an international e\r bulge or ganization "It you use a wheelchaii it's something that affects you every day." he added lingerie is a fairly accessible ( ll\ tor people with disabilities, and bane Transit Distrii I is one ot the best transportation s\ stems in the country I lanseu said "When people hum other countries (nine here, they are amazed that every Inis on the route has a lilt (tor wheeh hairsl said l.tnda Phelps member of the Spei ial Kei realion (iomuultee 1 have nothing but good things to say about LTD. They've been very helpful and cooperative toward me said kelly llodgkinson a liuversily senior who takes the bus tvy n e a week in a w heel i hair bn gene is a unique com mini it \ known loi its ai ( essibilily Phelps said Many people in the ((immunity are arvaie ot the problems that people w itfi disabilities laic I hey demand sei y n es to ini reuse huge lie's ai ( es sibdily and they understand the ■ ity s ai i es-, pa Initial This understanding is a catalyst lor ( flange Phelps said People realize what they should hay e l ast ye.ii several Kugene committees dealing with access issues fought to get an elevator in (•'itlli Slri'i1! Publii Market ll took ,i long limi1 hut people realized lh.it thi-\ had .1 right In .11 1 ess mil did not give up. Phelps said \llhmigh laigene s reputation lor .111 essibili Is is good. Ilirri' is always mum fur improvement s.uil Alu 1.1 I l.ivs \\ In> has .i dis.ihilitv mil uuiks (ill dll' I ugene l nimmissintl on dll' Rights n! I’m pic U llll I IlS.lllllitll's Miil'c 1 mb i ul- .itul 1111 nsiscd at ( essihditr m pi1 \ .ill- In is 1 nesses .mil un tin l'niveisil\ 1 .in 1 pi is .ire improvements Ihigene needs tu in.ike liars said I l.inseii said lie did nut know d f.ugene has guild at i ess bei ailse 1 it the large numhei ul pen pie with disabilities who lire here m it good .11 1 ess attrai ts more people tu I ugene "It's the i hh ken and the egg svndruine he said Per 1 apita there are a lot ul people u ilh ills abilities 111 laigene Hausen said When walking on the mall a person might see one or two people using wheeli hairs rrhu h is unusual m othei 1 il ies. I laiisen said l or the last s 1 \ rears the i ilr has used a SaO.IMKI federal giant to improve an ess in I n gene Ini people rr 11li disabilities l ast smumei the limner rras used to i rente a 1 ompletelr .11 i es slide plar ground it \nia/un Park said lamia Dawson stall meinhei lor the ( ummumtr I ter el iipment ( nimmiltee t his winter the i Ur is using the limner to build a spei iali/.ed rei leation i eulet she said Dawson said the i ninrnittee is also working tu promote building at 1 ess m laigene The 1 urn-nt building 1 odes are lire bare mini mum needed lu be legal However people need tu look bemud the minimum and do rr hot works best tin people rrilh disabilities Phelps said lurn to \i i ess, Page I "> I’hiiln ht \mlir Kamm Senior histnr\ m.ijor Krlli lloil^kinsiiii. ./ rrituhir I.mr l r.in\il hits //(/it. /i.k/ inilhini; lull i;iioil things In s./i .iliniit I I I) anil it* scri 11 r Ini />#•«»///(• it illi tlis.ihililir’* Wide group of students to celebrate Earth Day By Brian Blot h Emerald Associale Editor Tl»e K«»rtti Dav WHO Coalition geared up .1 note li Thurs dav as representatives from a wide and diverse range of stu dent and community groups gathered tor the first time to disc uss plans for tin; April 11 celebration The meeting was ,1 giant success tor coalition planners u ho ve spent the last mouth and a hall meeting uith repre sentatives (d approximately 41 ( student and community groups, manv of whic h have never been involved in envi ronmental issues Brian Hoop, coalition coordinator. said planners have placed new emphasis on reac hing out to groups that tradi tionally have had no involvement in tin- event or any envi ronmental issues "This year we're going beyond traditional environment tal groups and listening to some noil-traditional views." Hoop said "We want to involve the women's groups, inter national student groups and ethnic and ra< ial groups in Karth Day." According to a coalition fiver. "We .ire inviting your partic ipation at this early date to insure Karth Day WHO is truly representative of a broad spectrum of the student body population We are encouraging the participation of student groups and individuals who have not traditionally been rep resented in the environmental movement or who's c nntribu lions have gone unrecognized groups who share manv common bonds with the environmental movement and have contributed much toward social and environmental change." Non-tracliticmal representatives from the (I reek system. Jewish Student Union. Muslim Student Assoc iation. Worn en’s Center. Student Campaign for Disarmament. Campus Interfaith Ministry. Students Against Apartheid and Slu Turn to Earth Day, Page 4 Couple awaits family housing decision B\ ( tins Kmmetl f me raid \ssoi i,ill- t ditor I'm Natasha Brads and Rob crt Ineiiei Ilf extension ut thi-ii I In .a. ev a Iii111 dalf limn thf I’niversitv'% Westmoreland I amilv I lousing vv ax vseli min' IleVV s I’hf i ouple ailing vv iili N.ila sha's 'J-y ear-old sun. Breiuinn I’alrii k Iliads livi' together in a Westmoreland apartment n served lur I adversity studi'iit I,mills housing Until attend th*; 1 adversity and Imlli an: raising liii'iidon \atasha, J. I. ami Kobei t. .!(> appear In lie a family from an nlixersel's point id s levs lint the University doesn't see it that VS.IS I n live in the Univ er sits's lamilv housing. von have to lie part nl a family and the University uses a marriage i er tifi( ale to define vs h.it a family is The Inst evil lion until e i nine in late ()i toher when I 'niversi ts housing artIs lot U i-siriitiit• I.mil ami Ain.i/nii l.imilv housing and the I'nivei sits •telilliMistri 1 s mi tIn Ii. isis ul .mi- I i.i I ii IH .ip il.iliini.il i it i VI> n ■ l.il*' religion si'\. si'\ii . 11 i il irnl.it ii ill in in,ml,il status I’lir rule also prohibits ills i ninilulli(ill in all highel edui a linn programs ami smites lull It Is mu leal SS liolilei ilisi mill nation is .illovved in Iannis housing. I’hf Oregon statute is more spei itu II stales that in renting oi leasing properts the renloi i a11not ilisi runinale liased on marilal status However tile law In passes this statement In saving a rentor i an ilisi riminate against leiitees it tiles ale ol the oppo site sr\ and are not related oi in.it ried I uik aliout i lards A |*)7ti dei ision In the state .illumes general, sslm h ss.is re quested In the I ms ei sits and the OSHIII in response to a si inihir situation said the I 'ni sersits i an disi riminate against unmarried i ouples ol the oppo site sex ss lien renting t.nulls housing units I he uttornrs general s opin ion. however. ssus issued lie line the idea ot doiliestii part tlersilips ssas ever i onsidered I Ills raises some reads lull damental questions ol whs were in this business ol pro Iurn to Familv, Page 17