Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 07, 1989, Page 10, Image 9

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    Wednesday & Ttjursdav, December 6 & 7
10:00 am - 5:30 pm
EMU Fir Room
Spootorr* ttw KMU Craft remur ami ( vllarai Konta
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Center may get state
grant up to $15,000
B\ ( .itheriru* H.m!»■>
(mrr.ild Reporter
Du- U 111.1 iix-t(i■ S( ien< <• .md
I'or hnnlogv ( cnlcr will rr<eive
S I 'i.OOO from tin’ st.itc tu In-111 it
meet its budget goals il it (.ill
raise S-liiftit iii’fiirc )uI\ lUUU
tiiiv \i’il (luldsohmidt .in
in>unct'd Wednesday morning
at U I SI I' ( 2 lot) t ,'entennial
Hlvd llial he was offering a
( ballengc grant that w ill con
tribute one dollar from the stale
for every three dollars the mu
scum raises oil its own up to a
total (begun i ontribution ol
$ I a (Hit >
\\ IS l l’t exoi Olive direi till
I feborah Mali hou M( t arl\
also aniiouiK ed that the muse
uni rs ill reopen I eh ') u illi an
exhibit titled byes ol Time
Photojournalism in America."
featuring I'>() news photo
giaplis spanning Amorii an Ins
liir\ from the ( ir il \\ ai to the
present day
/Vie K'egister-/iu.inl will ion
111 bn I e S'. tint) tow ard the i ha I
lenge grant to help hind the
photogiapln exhibit. said
llridget li.ikot i orporate puhlit
relations direi toi lor the A.V
gis/er-( ill,ml
( aildsi hmidt linked his sup
port tin the museum to his do
sire to improve the quality ol
edui ation in (Iregon
"WIS'I I t feeds the minds of
our most important resouri e
our ( hildren ( aildsi hmidt
said I rum plat es like this,
the i uriosity id the next st ion
tisls is stimulated
U 1ST I t is in the midst id
raising STtl lillll for its annual
operating budget alter a lai k id
hinds forced the museum to
i lose its doors last summer As
ol \nv _M U M l ( had raised
Sun.nno from a combination id
puhlii and pm ate souri es
1 hat Si 71) nun is minimal
lust to keep mil doors
open Mali hou Mit arU said
That doesn't uu lode money
toi great exhibits or our next
y ear s operating budget, or any
tiling else
1 ndei the terms id the gover
urn's i hullenge grant all the
money raised by W'ISTKt
through fund drives donations
and in kind contributions aftei
\oy J'l yy ill he riiati hod at a
one to three lalio by the state
In kind i ontrihiilums in. hide
\eil (loldsi liini<lt
goods .mil serve us from tilt'
museum's w ish list" ranging
from i oustrm tion ant) t lent .il
work lo office equipment and
storage spat e
I he S i non donalion Irom
(he KrfiishT-CtianI will cover
.ill hut the shipping expenses of
the pholojourn.il ism exhibit
s.utl Sharon Mi Hurnev assis
Ian! diret lor at U ISTK( I
The exhibit, from the Interna
tion.il Museum of f’hotographv
at George Kastman House ill
Kot liester. \ V . w ill int lutle
an Assoc iated Press wirephoto
mat hint’ that will t ontinuouslv
pilot out photos ol breaking
news events as well as an 8 b\
14 foot walk through camera
and other hands-on displays
and spot i.d events Malt how
Mi ( .artv said
Goldschmidt was persuaded
to offer the grant In Malt how
Mt ( artv W'ISTKG board mem
her Marie limes and state Sen
I at rv llill, he salt!
I made the (let ision w itholit
.t lot of ttmlrov ersv (add
schmidt said "This is worth
l he S ] a.000 w ill ( time out ot
money appropriated In the
state legislature for si lent e etl
ut ation, ( midst lunicit said
lie added that although the
state contributes funds to the
State 1 listoru al Sot letv ar
t (lives, a traveling st lent e ex
liibit and various art groups
this is the first time the state
has contributed to the operal
mg t osts of a private, nonprolil
. S cC
Give a hot winter s m >ak to family and friends.
They'll love you for tf One hour for two $12 00
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