Bowl C ontimu'd from P.ig»' 1 The howl game "ill 'ill*1" I nivrrsitv off it i.tls to < ontm t .tlumm .mil soiit it 11ri\ ate do Millions Hi.oui s.nii Whether ur Iik* it or not thr real world is such that pro pie are more likrlv to make i ontai t u it If thr I niversil\ anti donate mnne\ through our \ isi hililv in athletics Brand said I'hc m.ixHimm size of the of In [i.irtv is lii'im’ kept to l ) people, u I in h is a i imservat ive fimire i ompareci to the number of people other universities semi to bowl names Hrnml sanl I'lle 1 am el sit\ does not know the total < ost of file trip be( aiise tile number of ottli lals who will ,u i opt invitations not lit't'n ilftfrmniftl. U.ilton Stllll I ho .itlili'tn tie part infill fsti matfii a S-’IKI IMMI to S 1110 tltltl ilctu it lift ansf llif I nivftsit\ was rfquirftl to hu\ I I tltltl In kfts lull Miami sanl the s< hool t mild Inrak fvt'ii Irom till' Imw I H.lltlf FAIRHOLM RECORDING PRESENTS Benefit Concert for the HOMELESS STUDIO HAND 1PM with Pat Miller Terry Robb, John Fohl Nathan Waddcl, Butch Cousins JAZZ GUITARIST DON LATARSK1 WITH VOCALIST MARILYN KELLER THE INSPIRATIONAL SOUNDS GOSPEL CHOIR PREMIER BLUES GUITARIST TERRY ROBB PRODUCER OF ALBUMS BY JOHN FAHEY RUMORS OFTHE BIG WAVE Proceeds from this Benefit Conccrl Canned goods will be collected at the door will be donated to and donated to EUGENE EMERGENCY FOOD FOR LANE COUNTY HOUSING, INC. CO-SPONSORS INCLUDE KVAL, KEZI , KXTR. Kl.SR , KXCE, K7.EL, ItUCN. KI'NU KEED/KSND, K7AM, KLCC, ICLCX, KLCC, THE EUCENE HILTON and KRVM Main Floor Seating, $8.00 Balcony Seating, $6.00 Friday, December 8 Hull Center Tickets at all Hult Outlets MAKE MONEY V I Vi 'k/ HanJ ( wi: BUY. TRADE fie CONSIGN ((U.lllt) C lolhmt) itrv* I«* i \IS I»lil J Ki iiii imIm i us *h« n < li .jnmq 'ini J \IIIII I li.s. Is L *1 |HS| - IVITM blDUV I Ihiniiqli out uiiHjm shop | ( .ill 'Ininiinis loi !/>/>f I .344 7().V) I SAVE MONEY j I O <» Mon. SjI HO t ilth | bclMTcn Mill Ge Itiqh * I_CLIP ar SAVE_I Bride SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Ride Share brings together people needing and offering nifes anywhere in Oregon or throughout the country I or more information call 345 7600 Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 r i i How bout dinner & a movie? LOOK FOR OUR VERY EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT —UO-Bookstore— Luin Hl\ tit sJ t'ngeh I ban H, | ChUti yk Hot. H.n B.r Nr I .' r 11 lfair net: Bulk' : 1 ,1 Now Open1 774 E 13th (Smith Family Bldg.) 343 8318 i KEYSTONE j CAFE Eugene's westside neighborhood cafe, fea turing home baked breads and desserts, Mexican, vegetarian, and meat entrees Good food at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special — Friday & Saturday SHRIMP CREOLE, Green salad, rice, cornbread $4.50 W 5th at Lawrence f a m to 9 p m Mon-Sat f a m to 2 p m Sundays Breakfast til 2 p m