Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 07, 1989, Page 6, Image 6

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( oiitimiccl Iron) I’.iuc 4
Vi .ii'. old tin' minimum .ujc re
(|mini In K* t .1 (il l) Marks i ill'
■i.i iii
U lull- tin’ young*’! studrnls
Iiv*• in ianm» dorms mans
oilier students 11»nimute In
i lasses from oil campus
It s Im‘nit (liftii ult lor to
r\ iMi iiliK m tin* durms.
M.n ks I ill- said
Hus vi’.ir I iI I‘ students on
i nmpus reside in I liimillon
(jnii|jlf\ intermingled xv it Ii
t’nivt'r'iHv studcnls unc ul
I lx - program's >{ii.lls Millks ! iff
III 1‘ stuiii'iits in (lie drums
am ri'quiii'il In lullin' lluwsitiu
I>*i|>■<•(mi*lit rulrs in .ultlilion
In HI 11 ruli*s Mark• I il< ,.ud
I in i-xample. use nf all uhol ui
drugs In ilir program slu<ii>nts
is grounds im dismissal In
I Hurls .i! rliniinuling sui i.il
ts<il.itnut ul III I' .tudi iits lias
\s .1 \i M.imls ,M l IK (• It!
1 r»02 Willainelii
Man 1 n It) am o pm
Sat 10 am 4 pm
u i
All Work Done on I'n mivs
mu i ess
me! with mixed
Marks 1 de said
It vou look .i! the entile
unipuf- it's prohabh prettv
llllSlH l essful,' lie s.lld lilit I
would s,i\ It's it .1 ptelts sin
i I'ssful fate nil ill individual
VVliat d it In ult is most
ilurin students are lien* fur .i
ve.ir. .mil im students .in- lu re
fur 111 weeks .uni ihen .i whole
In.mil new set i nines in tile
Ilex! tel m M.nks I lie s.ml
Si i .is I lie friendships .ire
mail*- with I iiiveisit\ students
mi .Ill untiling basis. these pel)
pie i nine in .mil feel ,i little isti
lilted he! .uise li\ u illlei iIT
spring term there’s n lot going
mi lliev re nn! p.irl of I think
the hill ter 111 IS easier hei iiuse
rlenhnill’s hr.111(1 HOW
lii addition, dnnn life often
presents i eit.iin nther iht
In lllties fin the Mill1 students
"It's hard to st iid\ in
dorms." due to const.mt dnrni
.ii tivit% said III I’ student \n
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gehi (i Mune/
Uc p- .1 minority program
mi .i predominantly white mid
dle i <. i: 1: | > 51 - .Hill w" stu I
on! -Marks I ifi- said, adding
that souu ot that s|n king ou!
has inn into rai la! and ei nimni
it |1|IM oik options .Hid prejll
lit) cs
IImvni't lor tin most [Mil
in1 vi' I it‘i'ii loll imtoui (it'd and
unbollifTf'd It allows us In do
wlial ivr do lull il kt'i'ps us iso
kill'd huh II ol llir Iimr
\ lot ol students fi'i'l i.ii ism
a! llir I im I'isilv said I nil hi
sii\ work siiid\ student Kim
lierlex Lynns
lloxvexoi \uiiiv said sliu
had osponeni ml no dil
Ik u It ms at Ihi' 1 imorsily
I )x I'tall. Marks 1 ilr said I hi*
' laigt'iie atmosphere is von
i ondtii nr In tin' program al
though llii'ii' aim t mam op
poriiiiiitii's m I ugone Im am
mu' lot alone .i C .11) graduate
Most of III. studi'iits i mill'
from Oregon outside die Ku
gene area although the llispan
ii population in town is getting
large) Marks I ife said
I he program mill lasts a
term tot students bet ause il is
tile most eflei lue wax ol sell
mg the most people loi the
funds available in addition to
agi ii ultui.il and Lunih im time
i onsideralions Marks I ile
The ideal is lor a lull year
hut (this) is the wav the grant
and the (T'niversitvl terms are
set up lie added
I lowevei Marks Tito doesn't
Ieel the program students are
being shmti hanged Were
getting good time spruit W ith
the K pe ol students we have
we re getting pretty good pro
giess las ause it’s intensified
lie said
Moreover the program has
an average class si/e of JO to IT
students. I \ons said
I his X eal U 1 nix eisilx stu
dents are here winking oithei
as work study through IS
( \IT m volunteering their
time and it grows all the time
I tot ause people have a del mite
interest in this t ulture anil
x\ hat s going oil Mai ks l ife
U e teat h ex ei x thing
hiliiigually and multi i ultural
lx M.uks i ife said
I le del moil mull i i ultural as
"toleration, lespei t and under
standing til all cultures, land)
taking issues .ITTtl looking at
them limn ddleieut i ultural
i ill example trike Ameril rill
history rind look .it il Imm .1 dii
leri'iit pelspe< live. Vl.irks I i!>
said. c ifing tin- Alamo .1-. .in ex
1 iillm.il sensitivity is emplia
si/eil In- said, ridding that
’ people lend In lump a number
11I cultures together with the
word I lispamc' ' w hen in 1,11 t
there .ire .1 lot ot different ( ul
t ures
The 1 nurses taught in I II I'
mi hide si iem e. literature so
1 i.d studies, grammar math
reading comprehension, i areer
development along vv ith .in in
troductorv computer 1 lass and
an elei live The program also
brings in outside speakers and
provides extra! urrii ular em u h
inent including tours. I.CC
training shops and 1 areer tails
The tall term class will bold
its graduation 1 eremonv at the
I Alt' lorn m Room Dec Ul at
p in The 1 eremonv is open to
the pulilii
About Hit pen out ol the I II I1
students graduate from the pro
gram Marks I ile said, adding
that bet ause ol that high pel
1 milage Pi to -to pen enl go on
to higher eiluc ation of some
sort because this is what we
Oriol Vail, a student bom
Barcelona. Spain, said the pro
gram has 'helped me to know
what I i an do after this 111 HP)
to make plans and bow to gel
Vail added that he plans to
attend 1,1 ( and then I lie I ni
None/ said the program also
has given her an idea of what
she wants to do with her lu
lure and she plans to attend
Blue Mountain Community
College m Pendleton next veal
"And they (IIKP students) do
prnttv well at it They re Inghlv
motivated to get some edilca
lion. ' Marks I ile said
"Von don't see a luzv student
in the class. “ Lyons said "It's
almost like .1 gill Ini them to
I time Ill'll'
\\ e don't hav e attendant e
111si ipline or motivation pmh
lems." Marks I ile said "The
prohlem is thev want extra
i lasses and mure tutoring and
1 don't have the resources to
te.11 h them all thev d like to
It’s win I work 111 ulteina
live eiiui ation.' Marks I ile
said "It ins! makes it .1 nil e
plai e to work
1 he HMU Rec Center Presents ...
301 DctltS Thursday,
December 7
entry fee: SI
at 7 p.m.
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I’ i/C' prouded b\
2 110 U 1 lih