_Universitv_ On-site recycling bins make project successful B\ |ulie Andrade 1 merald Kt'|)(trli'r Apartment duellers in the i .nn|iiis area nou ean rer \( le waste produr Is on-site thanks to the l\ei \r ling I’llol I’rojet t sponsored b\ the Oregon Student Public Interest Kese.in h ( doup OSI’IKO began a study on the extent ol lei yt ling in I ugene apartments timing winter term t'lH'l I lie purpose ol the slinh was to find out win sut h a lar k of rer veiling exists among apartments ami what r an lie done to make it easier loi managers and tenants to re cycle said Kyle Anderson, OSIMKCJ project leader I he 1'IHd Ket ycling Opportunity V t provides people who im n or pay lor their ou n homes w ith tree curbside puk up ol most rer tr iable items \nderson said I bis ,n t does not apph to laigene apartment renters and r an t reale problems lor those who wish to rer v< le lie said Ar.cording In stuck reports, an p«*ri ent tif tin IH apartment owners m.in.liters mileil it least one harrier In apartinfill n*i \ t 1111it I'he must common reasons were lack ut mlorma linil (21 portent) I.II k III leu.ml interest (til 'lenentl ,iiul mi omen lent e i 1 l pen enl). Xuilersun s.ml l liirtv eight apartments p.nln ip.iteii in the stink which mi lulled phone survevs nl managers and door In door leu.ml inter\ leu s ()SI’IK( I s (,'tin/e to It aste KciIih lion was given In ten.mis along with an information sheet listing uli.it items are rei vi lalile and where In deposit them An dersnn said \i i ordillg In slink reports on Site ovieus were i niidui led In Inal silftii lent sp,n e fill lei M le hills Sam I'.a Oregon l.td a pmale sainlalmn and re i u Inn; . oiler linn agent s donated garbage i am. tin ie i \c Img Anderson said A follow-up studs one ninnlli after the pro|et I he '-•..in shout'd o |n'ii fill ol llif 1 ‘ Ifii.mis p.irlit ip.ilin^; u fit- its si |iii[t m,lift itil.s ( itrif 1111\ It .ipiirtnifiiN Mill K.it f Ap.iitlOfiils Alilcruootl M.iiioi \\ootlsitlf M.iiioi (Ainpus (oml IJu.itls Harris li’n.ii t-,iikI 1 no I li.iriifllon SI .in p.irlit ip.it11is4 m tin- pilot pmjft I, Antlfison s.utl I )ifit(m ift vi It* s ill it hi t .in pt'it fill ol its u.islf llif Imjlifsl m llif nation. Andfrson s.ml .ttlt 1 mvj lliiii ;A pi-11 fill or niiirr i i in lit hf rfi si Ini il ii'iis.ililc m.ilf i i.ils Ufif iisnl lot p.n k.isimv proilui Is nthfr i otiTilrii's sin h ,is |,i|i,iii .mil I iiropf rn si If id to Mi pfii fill ol tlifii u.islf Amin son s.ml U f (()SI*|K( .1 .n f i iillinn lot ,i i ils sviilf ss si fit i •iii/fil pi,m lot .tp.iiinifttl buildings through ft onoinii mifiitisfs loi ouiifis .mil niiin.igfis. sin h .is tnlin I.. 111 '.'.-tili-i'-'.f i.ilfs Atitlftson ' Oil I )SI’IK(, u ill in.ikf piopos.ils lo tin- I ils I oiiiu || m llif hf\l i ouplf ol months, Aiulfisoii s,till. Earth Day meeting set mi.i n\(.s I Diversity Karth l),n ( n.ili tion meets tonight .11 to in the I'M! Urn hinder Hoorn All .ire well oinc Family Housing task Innr w ill lia\ e .m open meeting In clay from 2 to "> p m in I In i'. N11 ( l.ik Kiimn I hr meeting _Et als_ will hr an o{> | >< >rt u 1111 \ Ini Asm repn-si-ntativi-s anil oth i-i interested parlies to give lev limonv on the l.nnilv housing gm. eriiam e ( In Alpha i hi ist i.in 1111111s11 \ meets tonight it 10 ill I NK t lentur\ Koom A Nil are nn it ei I Student Senate meets tonight at l> in KMt < a-nlurs Room 1) SI'l.AhKKs AM) I I t'l l RF.S l)r. Ku hard ( ullen >1 Monash I 'niversitv in Mel bourne Nustralia will speak on lederal-state relations today from 1 to ' to p m in Room 22 I ol the I aw Si bool ( n11nr,iI Status ol \ii haeo logu al Kesean li nn the Oregon ( oast" . the title I it , |ei tine t. be gi\en hv Ku k Minor a I in versiH graduate- and ttieinbei nt a lot al an haenlogti al ( onsult mg lilm The slide lecture will t.ike pint i' toil.iv ill I .10 |i in .it the Must'iini ul N.itur.il History 1 (ifil) I’ ! nth Ave. .mil will i 1iv cl tin1 v.mishing .iti li.ieulogn .il resuuri i's ut tin' i iiiisl Mist 1 I I A\| ()I S Pnlil■ < Relations Student Sn ■ ii*lv ot \mi-rii ,i h.i\ in ,i holiday party in tin1 1 All1 M.i 111<- Room I viTvimr is vvcl limn* .mil urged to tiring .i vv rapped u bite I'li'ph.inl gitt \uilitinns tin (tut .it Sim" y\ ill lie hi'lil tninghl .it ' 10 hi Room -O- Vill.ird live .n tins men nr women. are needeil The .luititiun will i (insist nl ■ iiliI re.tilings .mil impriivis.i ttiin. .mil is put mi by I’m ket I’l.ivhiiuse lirntllinv tar submitting I t tiis tu tlm l.mei.ilil hunt ilrsk I Ml Suite lllli- i s muni thr this hrforr jnihhi .itinu I t nls run thr this nl thr r\ ml Ulilrss thr r\rnt nntirs hrhur naan I’lrnsr submit it uls tlir il.n hr turn thr\ urr In run uri/i Slitters nl ri ruts with n tin nut tan nr ntlmissitm t /i.irge n ill not hr niirfitml (nm/itis cl nils .mi/ thnsr si hrtlulrtl nrnirst tlir / mill it nl n in ilntr null hr git m [inuiit\ I hr I in er.ild Irsrrvrs thr rtf’hi In rdit until rs Ini gr.l/ll/ll.ll mill st\ lr $ \ “BEAT THE CROWD” Attend to advising needs NOW. An adviser is waiting to see YOl at 164 Oregon Hall. - n Special Hours: K 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.y Review of Progress Report, etc. Roumo, hnnhiiris, business cards, stationery . . .we do it all. Letter Perfect Graphics 6N6-43H1. FOR BOOKS IT’S COURSEBOOK BUYBACK TIME DEC. 7-16 7:30 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. TWO LOCATIONS MAIN STORE, SECOND FLOOR EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE (DEC 11 14, 9 6 4 DEC 15, 9 3) INSTANT CASH 5 WE PAY HALF THE NEW STUDENT PRICE ON BOOKS NEEDED NEXT TERM DAILY PRIZES ENTER TO WIN SUPER PRIZES!! MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SONY DISCMAN MEGA WATCHMAN TV CD COMPONENT SYSTEM ELECTRIC INTELLIWRITER VHS RECORDER/PLAYER GRAND $200 UO BOOKSTORE PRIZE GIFT CERTIFICATE 20% OFF SALE DURING BUYBACK WEEK. MOST ITEMS STOREWIDE ARE 20% OFF! FAST SERVICE ENTERTAINMENT WHILE YOU WAIT WE RE DEDICATED TO GETTING YOU THROUGH THE LINE IN 20 MIN OR LESS1 FREE CANDY CANES! _r^LS'sL^L_ UO-Bookstcre i** K H -i ! M F 7 '\0 ft : •>'’■ SAT if; ■ 686 4331