Letters Crass To the man m adminislra .linn, who s.iiil. exsentialh and proliahh with .1 siniti'. These protests ,mil delaysmily post I hr mr\ ll.ihlr. ! hav r rv er\ intention of building the (Alder SI.) parking strm lure I low i .in \ on hr mi ( r.iss and irresponsible1:’ Hunt von v\ .1111 In do something good lor the world instead ol something had ' Think ahoul il. please \\ hat s one ol the biggest proh lems ur hue here and Kugene and elsewhere:’ Among the oh \ ions ones there's no was vou (an avoid admitting that too mam ( ars hills right up there Don't vou realize we need lew er [leople driving to woi k si hnol instead ol more '' This is not the 1‘Tids when in niariv wavs soi iet\ 'didn't know hellei l Tenting more tratlii and i nosing more pollu tion; no matter how mm h 111011 es it might bring vou. and no matlei how nine h "easiei it makes it tor laz\ ..pie to gel to work school, is downright wrong. There are simplv no good reasons lor huilding a new parking structure on ( umpus |e11 Harrison Knglish Vacuous ( '.eitaink it isn't tlliprei e dented hut the lengths and ex pensive-looking Ihiilw eisci ad 111 the \ov -0 I nirmltl de serves i.ummont It would he unfortunate to see this information medium go by wav ol television, with vai uons and insulting advertise meets lor products which need no further ini lease in popul.111 t\ It disappoints me to think ot the endless list ol worthwhile products and serve es w lie h re ( eive little it alls advertising w lull' 1 heap hei r and ghl/.\ lifestyles are what the l inrr.ilil selei ts to promote No doubt the lunvrtild re i civi'd sigiula ant Imi ks from this ad hut w hat are its pi ion ties ' I i ertauik am no udvoi ate tor 111tei hut fortunately lor iln insert (i’ll out •fori' il had to be \nmr I)ih In aid Slmlrnl Congratulations Saltirdat Not IH lw i j torn Iii■ iso 11 teams ill rumpuler si i I'liir si uiii’ii I s travelt'd to I In* I iiimsiti lit Portland In partU ipate in tin- I'lH'i \( \l I'm gr.miming ( onlest 11*.h itie Re gion) 1 In- Him! In Iimsh seven pro gramtiiing prohli'ins of model ale ililtii tills in sis In ii 11 s with unit inn1 i omputi’i av ailable per team This then tin aiilo an exercise in resource manage Itienl group d\ iiamii s and inei'l mg lime i onstraints (aim peting si IhhiIs in llie region lunged Irom llie l imersilt ol \ n loria southward In Slanfoni .ind Herkelet I )ne nl (lie I 'mversiU s teams did udmirahh well. Imishmg three nl llie prohlcms within llie time limit I the average among the in competing loams was (lose to nne pn ililem solved) Tins garnered third plate hehinii two teams from Stanford, and ahead ot a learn Irom Belkelet and one Irom I’ai 11n Lutheran m I'.ii mna Sim e no si hooi mat send more Ilian one team to the in tern.ilniil.il i oinpetition the ()r egoii team has earned the i ight to go as one ot the two teams TH r»r»o K. i :l»lkt ' llll|»*t\|t I n.ut> i- 1 \m«Mk lilt). In I * K«k k A K-'ll V.i !: r.h i a k.»ii Wv-ii I’M k-h. k I rt l ’ M I'.-.vh K<*k Sul 12 1 fi K .. > A N-.li I Music Stal ls at 10:00 | THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON representing the I’at ifn region Nssuntnig the liimis i .m be nbt.imrci graduate students Hill \il/boiu anil \!u belle I In b.iull ami undergraduates I lave koblas and I d kilhatn. along w ilb iai till\ nth iser John ( nnt■ r\ will be attending llir internalional lompelitiou in U ashingtun I) ( al tile end ul i ebrnars \s the lust tomersi tv leain tn dn mi well, thev de sen e big i i niy; rat ii I■ ■ t a ms lames Drew ( (impiltel Si lent e Kettle black In Iterl Tr\ ba s \. i\ letter U Inrling den ish I rvba said I'avne spins Inrth id ab strait words into an argument III little Sllbstam e \\ ell Tt \ ba w bat vs e has e here is a i ase ul the pot i ailing the kettle IIIa< k K * III* lldl k* II* 11**1* I* I .111*1 I | m iw * i 't 1111 all In* \ ml \» hi n iiit 111 ii I I** ,i m* at I* |»i i* * * *i i ! 11« I’l d H Mf A -• i n i* * \ i* I* I n »m ill llii' i io| it n* m 111« i * an -1»« < i.il ~a\ hi"- *»n tin* * * *1 111* hi* M |>* *jhi In 11 *M I *n »| *imil* i Kill till" < *ll* r lik* tli* linliiiav - \\» *n I la>l !«»n*j * I Ml* i * ml- I *1 »r 11 a i \ I > I' M l t • »|» in I* **la\ !*s J \|m«1# | ill JH<» I Ml* nirmnrHlL’Mh ( |M \|11/j j»f«h • —«>r mu i» iih li «11 - k* li« •!» ixi ( I l I Ml») *MI» 11\* •! ili'k Jr m II i M M. *i i H »l i I nlur I »i'|'l.i\ I H >> I.n \|irriH»li * W ni«l«»\% - .’Jif» Wnnl » n * * III M \\ 11H|<»\%- | \i»ri III M \\ hhImw- I .mil hi N \\ 11nln* • —«*i 'Hi* i » 11h h ili'ki ll* ilflM (I I I Mil) iU\|ii livril ill-ls ill i\. \1n n» < li.iniM I .in Ini*« f(ii* I I'iM H 11 » < > ■ >1 | M J'' | II Mi. ro-4.fl \\ iihImw ,’i U i \\«if 11 • < • * * 111 M W Iliiinw | \ | III - 111 H Wllllliiw- \|.in.l;fi .uni 111 M \\ 11nlim - * i*)*) I )|-|»I*IV :!■ Oil S —^ ^ ^ I*'' \|*m|. I * • >\ 'Ml. m. iiiMfs HUIH(»S\ !(» Mil/) pMN »—•»» <*n* 5. i 11 k li«11 *» k« 11 • Hr»v« 'I llMli) f H >M h ||\I || «i)-k < lnv« \ 11» m 1 li.ii me I .m hiln I nr * MM \ 1 * mi - • • H *1 * < oloi Mi-j*I.i\. I H ^ I U Mu tn'iili \\ m* low- IH(». Won I * u • * | \«, | • * |i | h \\ imlitu-. | \ j ii * ■ - hlM W imlow' M.ih.iu* i .iml h I M \\ iimIovvh ( oloi S.J, Ilow'iv \ou ‘join*' to do if? PS/2 it T Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing C enter Monday-Friday 9am-5pm 686-4402 3' handling lee added to each ofde? 1 t?t "• -tmj!:. ; !»(■**•■ J .*.}*■' '* ' i* /.• -• »»•* i r*.* ’ V •f (fc '•«« ,,W- < uf - j »><1 * pf* <••,•.<*} h')r •.-# A ' '• ;.i !'■)!’-' I \i-C I i!HM ■ I. «• * " *.*• , ''A '-I mil: ■■ 1 i . . A. ,i >- f !'j • f*M 1 ■- • . .*•••• . 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