Editorial Court should grant people right to die This week the 1 >.S. Supreme Court takes on iIs first i .is<* i oncoming voluntary euthanasia Kuthanasia. llt«‘ right to r ause death so .is to end suffering. is a topic of great ••motional controversy Since the first rase in more than ">() cases have been (ought around the countrv with most states ruling in favor ol those who would r house to die instead of liv e in a \ egetati ve state The r ase before the Supreme Court. Cniy.in t •• Missouri Ih'p.utnu'nt of Urulll). concerns Nancy Cruzan. a 12 \oar-old woman who has been in a vege tative st.ite lor almost seven vents Her parents want her doc tors to remove the feeding lube whit h presently keeps her alive I he dot tors sav she c ould live another If) years in her current < ondition It is estimated more than 10.0(10 people are being kept alive in a similar inannni Countless others are kept alive In mac bines and drugs Still others are el derlv and ill and gist wish to die The Supreme Court is not expec led to make its de cision on Cm/.in cs Missouri Dvfiurtmont ol llrullh until this suinniei The dec ismn mav dec ide whether the Constitution protects the right to refuse medical treatment It also mav make a decision concerning who • an dec ide to refuse medical treatment — the' patient .md or family members Choosing to die rather than suffer from vegetation or painful illness is a very personal private decision In the Mill of Rights the "right of privacy" is secured: the dec ision to end one s life* due to a basic, inability to live it should be up to the individual lav mg wills arc* becoming more and more common in states that allow people the right to refuse medical treatment and nourishment. These people art! making a personal and responsible decision People who are hospitalized for extensive periods of time vv ith no hope of recovery put a tremendous emotional and financial strain on family members, not to mention the medic al system. Skyrocketing health care c osts are partly due to the extensive costs me Hired hv people who are permanent hospital inpatients Most families cannot afford life time inpatient c are and hospitals often have to pic k up the bill If a person can no longer live, use his or her brain and communicate with others in some wav. why should his or her body be forc ed to stay alive? When the* Supreme Court makes its decision this summer, we hope it will dec.ide on the constitutional ity' of voluntary euthanasia. Although for some it may be considered murder, for others it may mean long awaited peace. NAVAL ARWd CONTROL... PROMISE m YOU'LL THINK ABOUT IT 7/ : f ^ li* f AV . H/s. v, ,•% s< A'» ’ t Earth Day planning needs everyone's input Their is ,i inert 111(4 going on tonight we helieve people should .ittend The l'niversit\ Larth l)a\ < d>.n is meeting tonight .it ill in the !•!\ 11 lien Lin del Room I lie in.ililinii is pi,Hilling events tm Larth I). 1 \ lO'IO on April 22. .ind all are u eh (line (liven the growing interest in envimu inenlal issues and the worsening rnndition ol the planet we hope people will find time In show up and partii ipate in planning up 1 (lining I larth I ).n .u livities Those who attend the meeting will he given a sliml intruductoi \ spent h about the da\ itselt and a rough idea ol what events w ill happen on ( ainpus and in the Lugene area Then, the meeting will split into small ei groups with cm li ol the partit ipants giv mg then input as 111 what events should take plai e and how tlicv should lie undertaken Suite the lust Larth l)a\ in turn, much has happened in the world ol en\iionment alism The energy that went into Larth I)a\ sparked interest in environmental issues, and led to the t reation ol the Lnv 1ronme11t.il I’rotei I ion Agency, and subsequently the ( lean Water and Air acts. lint concern over tin* environment has had to grow again following apathy in the early HOs And the 2()th anniversary ol Karth I )a\ is as good .1 time as am to reflee t on the progress of and hindrances to the movement This year's coalition is actively seeking the support and involvement of an array of i ainpus groups, representing ethnic groups, women and people of coloi Ian ironment.il issues affect us all, and Karth Day should re fleet this bv getting as many opinions as possible Karth l)a\ has been celebrated .it the I'niversity every year it has been in e\is lent e one of file lew college campuses in the l ulled States that can make that claim Kugene itself prides itself on being an "enva ronmentalK aware” community We hope this year's Karth I) edi linn 1 ley yy ho said \un i ouIdii t no! sonic good learmn .it .1 univcrsjtv I usl oil. yy ho i i>iiId11'I he mi pressed with those list .tI liners manning the I Ml board of ill rei tois I n 111.111 % the I Ml s de i i s it in to allow the i out timed sale ol i igareltes looks like real h.udnosed business Anyone w ith the slightest bit of business at timen iiuild east l\ see how the hoaitl is nothing more than a hum h ol feathei weights II the hoard is really interested in selling dangerous drugs and making a prolit then they ought to get on down to where the real action is and learn the art ol selling dnngei ous addii live drugs tor some bigtime profits That way they i mild really lower prii es I let k they probably kneyy this all along That's v\ hy they tried to yvin us over with the appeal lor the rights ol snuik ers It y\as tom lung to learn how mm h they cared about the human rights ol smokers \o doubt .ill ol these board mem hers yyere on hand to protest tin- ( TVs V isit to the f:\ll 'l)r vv t * n • they ■ Hul say I host* ( ! A hoy s prnhahh ,iren I .ill ill,it hin|>>im-nt rather tli.m tlir si*\ U.lIK <• x 111 H it ( < >1111 >< >1II-111 III iii.iss media imagi-s whir h mr relates with Milisi*queilt vuili-lil behavior "i’lirnograpln is tin* theory, r.ipt- is tin* prat in <*" is t i*rt.iin In a message worth heeding hut also one important enough to amend as our know ledge ol the situation ini leases We now have strong reason to believe that violent IK! and N rated films non pornograph ii magazines. and prime time ti‘le\ ision are as mue h the "theory'' behind the ' prai In e" o! rape as are the offen sive magazines from the Hook store and I.Mt' Main Itesk to v\ tin h Ihegleman objects The solution isn't i ensorship While I share Uieglemans deep objei turn to the dehuman i/.ation in these magazines I re llist* to follow Meese and Ills mem pranksters down tin dark windy road ol what the former Attorney tieneral calls "common sense" prosecution of pornogr.iphers Is this the same "common sense” whii h so sageK die tales polio\ on abortion, birth con trol. sev educ ation. and fund ill)* tin AIDS researi hV Those i oik erned .lhoul tile objectification ot women ,md h.ite i rimes in general should he nar\ ot i omenient i omplii it\ with o»m ive government, no mutter how hnet I’ll** solution is education, l et us inform the reader, not eliminate his reading Mark fellows fnglish No substance Regarding Bert Tryba's tie t|iient letters condemning reli gion Despite Tryha's claim of reli am e on reason. Ins views are lull ot as mam emotionally m spired opinions, and are just as open to min ism, .is belief in the ( aid he dismisses Belief in t aid .s indeed a mat ter ot opinion, hut it is a belief that demands so* nil a* lion. i underlining apathy Atheism, i onversely being essentially a refutation of theist ideas;" has no substani e or foundation for i renting a better world Atheism is a lot ot pseudo-in tellectual masturbation fester ing in its own relativist ghetto. refuting everything and prom ising nothing Atheism is .1 so i ml neuter, i.apahle ol making onh the motions ot soc ial 1 tiange. hut ini apatite ot ai trial h prodm ing anvthing ol value Th.roughout historv. it Iras been tile 1 hurt h w hit h w as the stronghold ol literature art and historv itself Kvil Ii.is been done in the name ot (aid. hut it has been done b\ individuals acting in spite ol religious as sertions. rattier than in accord am e vv ith them Hut sin h aberrations are irrel evant (amsider only what is liappening lodav right now in that corner church I hat church is a good place full ot good people. doing good things Ohurch membership is up "Mere tradition" you call it but it is more Religion is alive Alive not only bec ause we want it but bec ause we need it And (aid who graces us with it is ever more alive, for (aid has at lowed us to strav . welcoming our return to discover this truth oil our ow n (ason Maas Kugene