Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 07, 1989, Page 16, Image 15

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    |~)1p| Continued from Page 1
h. ilm .irlmns .mil lie.ivv mel.ils
11s v\ .mli". |lossiI>I\ tilli iril ,il the
I hr istf’Mi I' uf tin- w.tsles
.mil tin- I.ii I n| .m impending
I'livliiimni'iiliil assessment nl
llii' sih' originally iM'ii' .m
ninini t il .11 .1 hastily i .illfil
news i imli'n'iii i* Monday \o\
.Ml At llli' Tlru s i Dllli ri'lli i'
which w.is i lusi'il In students
Williams 11>I• I the |in'ss lh.it nl
I ii i.i Is ill hi I know w h.ils
ilnw ii (hrii' .md ih.tt die ,is
si'ssmi'iil w.is being i ( mu 11 ii 11 *i I
Ills! In in.iki- surr
The |ii ini.ii \ Iih .iiion nl the
i lieinii ,il w.isles is 111st smilli ill
the popular si ii i ei I irlil ■ 11 ii I
mirth nl the Southern I’.u ilii
i. ulntad 11.ii T- Aiiililiitn.il
■ lie.is III lie examined lilt hide
dll' Nllv.l I )ri It,till will'll' pesli
i ide residues ma\ reside .mil .i
I diversity owned site wheie
die huge lit* U.ltei .111(1 I lei ll'K
Hu.ml stores old Iraiisliil mers
.md II11111 \ poles
1 K Sipme .i I’oiII.iihI geo
lei hull nl engineering Iirm h.is
lieen lei.lined In (In the Mlltl.il
.issessllieill .mil lei ominenil
i le.iitup prui edores ,il .m inili.it
esl i III,ill'll i usl III $ , IIIII1
\ 1(11 111.ll leipiesl lul .11 l ess III
pt I 111 it In mils under the (lie
gun I'uhin Net olds l.,iw w.is
died w llh U dll.mis nil ii e
I ui-sd.w In ASI ( I slndont si'll
.tinr Brian llmi|i I In- ftirm.il n
t|iH‘st si-oks tin- n-lt-asi- nl adili
1 ton.il information ini IiiiIiiik
• A ' ■ -
.mil i>1 hi-r dm it mi nis assi-m
lili-il In tin- I’mvi-rsiK ilnrmv!
its i 11 vi-si i f4.1t ititi inti) I In- dump
• lln- ..... ■.f inlorvit-wui-s
tli.it wi-n- ili’li'lr-d limn lln- out?
p.iKt- .iimin.m
• I In I m.11 |irn|n i-..il limn I K
S11111 n ■ ilrt.iilmit lln- inrllmils In
In- 11si-i I hi I In- I i-\ i-l I i-nv iron
mi-ill.il .issi-ssini-nl
l ln- (intsp.i^n Minim.irv was
11• 11-.isi-tI In Willi.mis nlliii .il
11-i .m or.it ri-i|ni-sl for informa
lion In .i 11■ |mirli■ i \\ ln-n aski-d
tin .iiiililimi.il s|ii-iilii inform.i
III ill Mill 11 • I |.ll k S. Ill .issisl.llll
\ n i- 1111-s1111-iit li ii .ulminislr.i
lion n-spondud with .i li-rsi
on |.ii k son lain im ul if n il
In-i si,on i .it ,i |>i1111 ii fm mil
li-lling lln- audu-ni ■- I li.il u.is
■i |>i<-Iim• ii.ir\ .mswci Ii.isi-i! on
in\ In-si mn-ss .is in u li.it mu ri
spnnsi- uimill Ik
fait ksim said lln- Im in.il ri
qni-sl Im |inliln in mils would
in- Imw.ndi'd In I imi-tsili law
i i-rs for rm ii-w
\\ linn .i|i|n.iisi-d ol lln- m u
inlorin.ilion llnup.md law sin
di-ill I fan Slot In i imfrmili-d
I'nivi'isiH I’ri-s Mvli-s firand at
Itis mmillih shniinl luiiiiii .mil
iliMiiiimlci) th.il In- ii'Ic.im <ill
information anil rnai I "'.mi
linns' against .ill ctnpIcjN«*«••»
I'ligagihg in tin' u itlilmlrlmg nt
mlurni.il mu
Hi,uni iflnsi’d in .nlinil
wrongdoing In si.ill iiicmU'i'
Iml inumiM’il tli,it II then- lias
lii'i'ii withholding nl mlurnia
liun m llif pasl Uf will follow
tin* proper |iro< rduri's'' lor m
dressing am i nmplaint
V\-I'.li until IlldiU itluif (liIVs
Itclnrc tin1 press ( onleieiK rl
..ini Kusennin Piyoi who Inin
dies public rchitiims fur the re
'.c.m li |>.irk fur the Kiip'rn
I'l.mmnvt .uni I )e\ clopmedl lie
( 11\ ( mini ilor Sh.iw n Unit’s
s.i\s he Inst In-.ml of the situa
linn whfn Pryor called him
\m -’I
Hr.uni spe.iking .it the slu
dfiit Inruin. .idmilled In' Wiis
"If them has been withholding of infor
mation in the past, we will follow the
proper procedures. "
— Pres. Myles Brand
Stotlrr alsu represents < III
/(•ns for Kcspntisihle I ,md I sc
.1 ( ill/.rlt gruup lli.il filed .11)
peals with llie si,lie hind 1 se
Hoard of Appeals against the
iuiidiliuii.il use jieruill the i ill
granted to I lie l im ersil\ -
I tlgene < il\ iilln nils lulled
us lull partners in llie Kese.iu li
i’.irk development were lint ill
li ii med i il llie i hemic al waste
in the cm ircniiiienl.il assess
menl until |iist three davs he
lute llie press c untereiu e
I hadn't lieaid ahuiit idle
not informed until "two or
three weeks prior to tile news
( onterem e
H\ ( outlast \\ illianis said lie
first heard rumors' of the
( hemic als 'three or lour vears
ago "
I rankl\ ivr didn I want to
rideasi' the news" until lire .is
sessment had been completed.
\\ illi.nns said in a pri\ ate inter
\ lew
The I iepni'tnient ol larviron
mental (JnalitN was unaware of
the wastes or the impending as
■ of America
I *W F- * ypii'l
S4‘>.‘>5 II \KI)(ON I K
I 'his exciting eueptional volume captures the sweeping panora
I ma .-i \nui k an hi slot v from d u ! ■
Mi.hi thiouch the triumphs .nul tragedies of modern times Pic
scnicil in Jramalic lour eoioi illustrations and compelling .mi
vies here are the Mu/mg battlchelds of levmgton (ietfyshurg.
and Okinawa the stirring words ol Patriek Hem\. I homas Je!
lersoii \he I ineolu, and I 1>K technological achievements
Itom the eai to the airplane to the computet as well as trends in
musk . liternluu tashi.m Ilk art-' and Jut!) hie \S hether used
i 11 »r blow sine or research, ll . .s a must lor ever) lamil) hook
• \ i-aiali\ slmmmc -a illi *1 ■ x r ' • MM' - . 'ut and > • <i< *i
• \ . • aiph -a ilh near i\ Iihni |m;. .‘tst.Mie and
• Broken out b\ eras Colonial America the Civil Wat Industry
and l*io;.!fess \\ ai and I V.k e \iik i k a as a \N < r Id Power
• Absorbing human interest sidt lights on the people who have
shajVil our lustorv
13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686-4331
sessment until Nov 20. tin*
Siltin' dal I Ilf ( ll\ (ll!l( l.lls Ul'll1
Williams decision to with
In 111 i information .ihout t In •
wastes ina\ atli’i t the t until
litinal use permit prot.ess retro
at tiveh . Stutter saitl
In tile I niversiti s upplii a
11<in tin a t tintliliunal use per
nut and during tile l niversi
l\ s presentation to the hear
mi’s i ill it i.tI. It w as nev er men
tinned that till' general jmlilit
would lie exposed to hazardous
t lie mu als during Researt h
Park t iinstrut turn though it is
clear the 1 niversiti knew til
the situation at the tune til the
hearings. Stutter said "In the
interest nl tallness, we request
that the i itv I it 1111 another puli
lit hear mg to t tinsitlei the lat Is
the I niversiti t tint e.tletl
I list i ug till pul it i requires
site spet ilit soil surveys and
genltigit sluilies where poll'll
tial prohleins exist Attorneys
lor the environmental group
1.lino I i lends ot Oregon have
agreed to researt h whethei
land use laws were violated In
the non 11ist Insure
Hoop has suggested that the
Student Senate ask tor a t Insure
ol the area until the assessment
is t nmplftf
We re Your
Holiday Headquarters’
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New Rentals Only
At any of our three locations.
Expires Feb 15. 1989