Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 07, 1989, Page 13, Image 12

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Initiative helps walk-on succeed
H\ [)av id S. otl
I merald ( ontrihutur
These days junior walk on
guard Hrett Johnson is ton busy
to worn it there is still a
{ ham e ( begun basketball
coach Don Monson \\ 111 rut
him Irum the sr|iiad
\1 lit li has happened the post
month and a hall
Johnson, all 5 loot ID-inches
and 1 5 8 pounds of him
showed up lor pr.u tit e ()i t 1 5
played in his first game against
the (innhurra 1 .unions a mouth
later and llew to I itlle Koi k
\n\ 25. u here the I)m ks
played Arkansas It was John
son s I li st plane lliglil
A psychology major. Johnson
is no longer just one ol the
many Oregon students who
dreams about play i ng lot a I h
vision I s< liool Rather, he
seized the opportunity and has
slioyvn the coaching stall lie s
i unlimited to |) I a y mg
"I figure (other studentsl had
the same ( ham e I had. " John
son said "I tost took the initio
Monson. too has noticed
lohnson's initiative and said
Johnson's ih imes ol sinking
with the learn the whole year
are improving each day
"(Johnson) very yyell may
stay the rest of the y ear lie
said "lies becoming more a
part ol the hall (lub all the
Vlonson said hei ause guard
Tony Hargain. a wide ret civet
on the Independent e Hoyvl
bound I tin k football team yy ill
still lie play mg football |i>hn
son \y 111 stii k through (dirisl
unis and The Far West Classii
ill Hurt land at the y Cl y least
‘ "(lohnson’s) i lie xperte need
and it takes lime to pit k things
up." Monson explained “Hut
he's done yyell as yyell as can
be expel ted lie s got some
(pin knesx and he pit ks up
stuff reasonably well, lie's deli
tiilely helped our ball club yy itti
the practii e situation
W ith Johnson. Oregon has 12
players on the rostei and John
son rei ently helped lake lip the
slai k yy lien junior point guard
Mike Helms yvas out rxitli an
ankle injitr\
lohnson. tt !tu last plated or
gani/.ed basketball .it Roosevelt
High Sihool in I’ortl.iml tlni'i'
tears ago. said hi' hail niton
considered trying out tor the
tram Ins first two t rars m t ol
lege hut krpt putting it oil
I II is \ rar hr ai Ird spontane
ously a trait lohnson applies to
other aspri ts ol his life as woi!
sin h as his dri ision to attend
(begun in l'tlt '
I hat s the tt av it w .is tx it It
i nllege. too. hr saiil At lust
I wasn't planning on going
lohnson. who drst lilies him
sell as a tun spontaneous
person, also has mitten used to
prac In lilt; six limes a week loi
three hours a da\ while pig
glmg a lull i lass load
(airtis Wilson, his roommate,
experiem ed the same bust leel
inn three tears ago when he
tt alked on
"He's muni; to go through all
that stuff that I went through
knowing that lie's going to step
out on the i ourt and all litis
sweat and pain is worth it
said W ilson, who now foi uses
Ins athlelii energies on Irat k as
.1 tilt) inetei runnel Basil ally
you're on a job lor six months
and you still hat r to w all h
vino grades
In the meantime lohnson s
teammates i ontinue to plot idr
support respn ting lus hard
work elliu and ball-hawking
< 111 It k l less
Starting forward i etilei Kii h
aid I in as thinks highly ol
"We think of him as being
part of the team not pis! the
‘walk-on I lit as said I ill
definitely pulling tor him
I out.ml Keith Reynolds the
top returning si orer from last
year's squad also spoke posi
lively ol lohnson
Brett tt ill hit the outside
shot, anil he will drive to the
hoop Reynolds said At this
point he means a lot to us I le
works hard, and lie makes our
ol liei guards w ork
At lust tt e were like {Jang
he's still with us lie's still
working hard, and it was like
we were pist going to hate to
ai i ept that Reynolds said
Reynolds needs surgery
Oregon forward K < • 1111 Kevn
olils will undergo arthroxiopit
surgerv today to repair liga
nient damage on Ins right knee
lie is expected to miss .it least
two to three Weeks
Reynolds. .1 senioi from
Springfield, was injured in the
Dinks' f>H tit win oxer Arizona
a week ago He aggravated the
ingiiiN m the 14.11111' with Ari/.o
n.i Slati* List S.itiml.n .mil iIiii
iii)4 I ui'sil.iy's Kiiinc .1!
\ 1.1I1,ini,1 HirminKham
Ki*\ iiuliU Inis .ivri'.iui'il in 1
points .mil ! 2 irboumls in tin
I tin ks 2-2 st.nt I In 1 .mu- to ( )i
1-14011 1,1st si-.tson .is .1 junior 10!
II -141 ■ ir.msfiT from Southern lil.i
ho ( olli'KO
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liri'tt lohnson
Inhllson s«i i < I m ime i )t tin1
people lie knows I mm hi«li
sc liool Inn e .1 Inin I lime lielicv
iilK lie m.nil1 I In* ( Iregon Ir.im
I lii're were these vl11\ s w ho
were stars in hijjh si.liool. ami
wlien I 1111(I them I made the
team the\ trieil to look lnipp\
blit all thev i otilti sa\ was \o
I don't helievi* vim lohnson
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I is tlu- season to save- up to >H<)
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Art( arwcl is
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\ l])cpn'*il UcquirctU;
THURSDAY, DEC 7 AND FRIDAY, DEC. 8 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.