Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 07, 1989, Page 12, Image 11

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Thursday nighl is COMEDY NIGHT!!!
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Mlh .s Kim .ml M F ! JO b 00 ' ■ A 1 1 n 00 00 6B6-1331
Teacher shortage is Oregon myth
University cuts back education programs
B\ Brenda Heinsoo
I mernld C ontribulor
Students vv lin |)l,in to dive
intu (lie field of te.u hing lu st
\e<ir should not hold their
breath while looking loi jobs
espei iallv il they want to st.iv
in (fregon
I’he inui h |>uhii< i/ed te.u her
shortlife slltiplv does not exist
in most ol (fregon or in most
ol the nation lot tli.it mattei
laist vim i roughly r.tKHi
(nullified Oregon leathers ai
lively puisued the 1.200 avail
able teai hilly; jobs in the stale
according to Sarah Davies
counselor foi the I'niversitv s
( alt er I'lanmng and I’lai ement
Servile These ligmes do not
ini hide applit ants from out ol
stale, so the ratio lit teai hers to
|ohs IS ai luallv e\ en highfi
Most (.(immunities in Oregon
have more teachers than jobs
I lav ies said \ arums pot kets ol
demand exist throughout the
stale hut these tend to he in the
rural areas ol eastern Oregon
< begun is a v ttv desirable
pi,ii e to live and a lot ol people
vv ailt to teai h here I lav ies
Knughlv 1,20(1 teai hers are
i citified to teai h eai II v e.it in
Oregon Main ol these new
teai hers w on III like to stuv III
the ((immunities tliev attended
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si hi tot in liei .nisi* they must n*
turn to si hnul |ti■ tiudi< •< 11s in
order In remain i ertilied So
i 'immunities with colleges ot
ti'ii i*\| ti-r ii * m :e teaohei stir
I.ih .ill\ !lm University turns
nut more ill,in Jill) teai hers
imi h vear into ,i r nmmunity
lli.it is already teeming \x ith ed
in ators Kei ent budget i ruin Ii
es and a del leased student pop
illation oyer the past lew years
lia\ e i aused i utb.u ks ut teai It
els ill tile si hinds
I he legislature has required
state schools with teacher edu
i ation programs to i ut bai k on
enrollnienls hei ausc of the
teai her surplus a< i ordillg to
Kathleen I'y lei ( oordill.itoi lot
admissions and advising in the
1'imersity s leachei education
program 1 lie I adversity has
i ut their sei ondar\ and ele
meiilary edin ation programs
hum Hit) to 70 students in ear h
program per \ ear
Kim entlv the iminhei iit ap
pin ants loi the programs has
mi leased due to the i ll.llige
from a lour year plan to a live
veal plan and rumors ot an up
coming teai her shortage in
1000 I'y tei said
Obviously the legislature
doesn't beliey e the tumurs ot a
shortage or they wouldn't have
required the ctitbai ks she
Substitute yyork is oiteil a
holding pen tm people trying
to get into leal lung, hut nor\
even substitute yyurk is hard to
lind I lieie are approximately
Jill substitutes loi Kugene
schools, and the district has
stopped taking applications
11om people wishing to substi
tute teal Ii until a need lor mule
substitutes arises
I he Kugene si bool dish id
hill'll less than td lust year
tear hers lie the ltlH'l ‘10 si bool
year according to the human
lesouil es department ot the
si hold dislm t
laigene has never been in the
situation where concern was
expressed about him null Ii a
tear liel i osts, yylmll means
more experienced teai hers are
hired more often limn flist year
11mi hers ,ii cording to the hu
mail resources department He
ginning tear hers ret five a sala
r\ ol S I'l 000 a veal. vv dll the
pay si ale rising depending on
how mm li edm ation the per
son has and the length of time
Ihe\ have worked
It s an example of market
demand '' said (Ireg Hrotv n a
biology teai her \\ ho has been
searching for a tear liing job in
Kllgene tor three \ ears '' I'he
dislrii I lets all the tear tiers it
could u,mt to i boose Irom It s
really frustrating tn mg to get
hast ye.ii North Kugene I ligh
Si bool did have three positions
Idled l>\ first-year teachers lor
the foreign language, business
and home ei onomii s positions
hut only one ol those positions
remains this \eat due to budget
I Ills
Intis i an be found hut start
mg tear heis might end up in
rural pl.u es or urban, iinier1 i ity
areas I)avies said
In ordi't to find a job tear h
els need to he verv competitive
and start looking early. Davies
said l he\ also need to he llexi
hie and ready to move I'lie I irst
pili might lie less than optimal
hut getting experience is ex
tremeh important
I’vfei agreed mobility is a ke\
tar tor in finding a job This ere
ales a problem for many ot the
oldei returning students in the
education program who have
families and are tied to the
I ( ertainh feel I hat I he best
and brightest are always going
to he able to find |obs I’ytei
said You need to make your
sell special
One way to do that is to gel a
certificate in a specialty area
Right now. schools are crying
out tor spet ml education tear h
els. sail! i’vfei I'he mildly
bandit apped tear lung program
at the l adversity has a 101) pel
i eut placement. she said
()thel areas th.lt are more
marketable light now are tor
eigu languages, niusii matin'
ni.itit s and the si lent es
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