Community_ Vh\ si i til 1.1 In) i nuikrs 11/> mm li nl Dimitri s ,i\ m ,n;r hi n k |~~)|"| || C iiiilimn'd Irom I'.igt1 *>_ low M trallil pausing Otllv III bl,is! .t passing friend with a long lean on the horn, or flip through .1 i a refit I ly arranged i lip of notes attar lied to the sun visor At Humble Itagel ill South Eugene. Douftet pii ked up .1 hag of 1 rent h rolls then Inis I led tu make it hai k to the warehouse in time to deliver that night's dinner to < .ithoiu ( oiiimuinly Services on West Sevenlh Avenue I tout let worked as a mei han ii and auto bod\ tei Inueian he fore joining l l l.t and makes all lit tin- net essarv repairs on the organi/a!ion s equipment Hut i toutlet said the satislai lion gained in working with people outweighs Ins previous pnites sion bv far 'I gel a great deal of satislai lion from helping people, lie said and to that end Dontlet is 1 onstanlh anah zing and 1 ah 11 lating looking lor am 1 ornei to ( lit I le keeps a 1 omplete log of the weight location date and expense ot exert load he lias ex el 1 .il l led ' It as a game how much 1 an I gel done tor the vert least amount of gasoline7 he said I was alxxavs .1 trend settei ill the Alim Whatever (hex said was the minimum 01 maximum I «ou 1*1 *> I just Ini'il Id sci' il I i mild make i ss hiilc ness i hurl Ini cm I mine I1 iimmds lor evers ul iptsolilie he explained ’ Ini'.id dairv pnid in Is i nnkii's I lotions’;.i /lues rt*triVsi'r.ilnrs. .ill kinds ut 111111 s's I know livers reflei tor mi the siii-i*ls I i .in ri.ivixf.ili- ,im tin n .mi cm 1111 in in 'ill with mi damns’!- DuidhM s.ild iidmit 11ui4 1,1 hiiv ini4 broken .1 i uujilc ul bottles ol splight'lli same (line. Iiul adds ipiii kI\ that tiles were dropped 111 tile ssnie 111 111 si - "I drive a little Iasi lint e\ tieinels sale Ms dris mu rei urd IS exi ellen! ! kndtel added Ouidlet also is assaie of lie. tisvti limitations lie is tartdul In stas lielimd (lie si cues re mus ed Irillll till' ai tual l.n e In lai e realities nt tinnier and poverls on the streets ut I n Ui'lie and beyond "It's sers sail uni there I k in iss dial and tin ins pel sonnl prulei t iuii I don't ss ant In k in ns at tills III11 ■ il lulls Duulfet said I lease dial fur the pen pie deal ss itli il one In-one I lei the people vs 111i tnili Hull die best there du that he said I believe that I function die besl at ss hat 1 in dinny WE.SHIP GIFTS IF YOU WISH, WE'LL PACKAGE IT TOO! Boxes & Packaging Supplies Computers • Stereos • TV's 1 to 1000 pounds • Insurance available 344-3106 440 Charnelton (back of building) • parking available > EASE the stress of FINALS. Be our guest for one FREE TAN at SUNSHOWER f on campus Good for Dec 7. 8 \ 9 * \iH lor Appointment * Pie,.-..* bring photo ID v'.ith thC< uj m 1 WE'VE GOT GREAT PRICES ON AUDIO-VIDEO FOR THE NAUGHTY AND THE NICE! / '4 M Wi l l M il 'XI Hew 9leui l l .11 1-120 \ 11)10 I \IM t )i « i ntt i < >\\ I\ 1 l1 R i isi i \ { kviu'i I*K1( I I ()\V I’KICI SALE PRICE SONY WALKMAN 140.05 100.05 9T 5 : \\ M -Vi02| • c ASM I I I ( AM Sl/I • At [M KfM KM • MX (,A It \SS I M • (Mil.UN It JVC DIGITAL PORTABLE STERKO k - 239.95 199.95 17995 •in i'i k mass v n m) •t asm i n ki cukin k • I>| I \l HAItl I MM \KI Its AIWA PERSONAL STEREO W/HEAOPHONKS US I >70t 139.95 109.95 • m-ru tii v i ksi < Assr h i rt \i i k • AM I M II SXK • ' It Win.K U’HK ! (.) 9995 SONY CASSETTE RECORDER ns 149.95 109.95 • wi i m n si.k • V 1 1 AM) HI VII tv UO-Boo 13th & Kincaid M F 7:30-6 00 SAT 10:00-6:00 686-4331 Have a safe, relaxing winter break!