Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 07, 1989, Image 1

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    __ Oregon Daily_ _
Thursday. Ilet ember 7. I'lHO
Kugene Oregon
\'olmne 'I 1 Number «>'*
Crunch Time
\> Hn.ils n <■<! .ippnuu hrs, f/ir / A// .si \ //lj/j/ /•> honir to lli.nuh (hint's llrlll. ( hrist\ Hillm.m ami
Xnim.m llw.i The tlirrr stud\iiiL; st.itistu v mass nwtli.i ,nnl Inglish. rrsprclm-h tin-nil Wrilnrsil.n
night with thrir muiH hirs luniks .mil lit.000 tithri stmlrnts \ e.imini; lot liintls urrk to p.tss
I’huli) In Mark N leu
■ High school diplomas, Page 4
■ Recycling tor renters, Page 5
■ Teacher shortage myth. Page 12
■ B-ball player walks on. Page 13
Truth of toxic
dump at river
may be worse
H\ K< >Im• r I VVolte
I merald ( onlrilnilor
I In* rec entl\ public i/ed dumping nt (brim
■ . 11 .1 in I other wastrs .it ihr Rwriliont Kesearc li
Park site* nui\ have* burn niorr extensive than I tit
xersitv offic nils ongmalh aibmttrd
\ doe umrnt ubtamrd Inmi (hr ntfic r nt Man
Williams \ k r president hu aelmmistratn e sri
\ li I'S 1 oht.lilts llirsr statrmrnts (names ot tin* m
terxiewers urn* omitted bom the one* pavv urn
mat\ ot mlorm.ction)
( blank) ■aid hr dumped approximalelv
h B times jprobablv c losri to right tunes) ovn a
period until i*i t or 1 ‘> ’ \ at a freejueut \ ol about
r\ ri \ three or fotu months
l he\ went out when tlit*\ had .i t I ton
true k load tilled up to edge ot bed hut not heap
mg Phvsic al Plant hue klioe « ame ovei. dug slial
low holes approxiinatelV » hest height oi \ » feet
said that whatrvn i ontameis the i helm
cals came back horn the lairs in is what the\
dumped, i e glass one gallon containers small
glass buttles tin metal c ails etc
i HI,ink | knew ot two. poss|bl\ liner times
when Iwigene toe trucks came because tires got
out ot control, said the chemicals exploded and
flic* i nrdhoard l»o\es < anght tin1
\shestos waste oil. sh am plant me ineraloi
ash and spent hatteries were dumped .it the site
according to the1 document Officials at a press
conference in response to reporters* imjmiic
mentioned onl\ snipluiiM and nitric acid
lorn ter I himmne. Pace I h
Task force researches racial issues
Brand promises better affirmative action
Bv Kim Mill hell
I mer.ild ( cmtributor
List January. rac ial incidents
on a n.it loiidl anil hit al lev ■ • I
plumptrd campus administra
tuts lu lake .1 closel luuk at
u lial was happening in liunene
and al lilt* I 'niversits
Kujtene a i uinmumlv wlm li
.duals has prided itself mi its
apprei ialion ul cultural diversi
|y. saw racial slurs directed al
indii iduals burning i russes un
lawns and housing disc riniiiia
I uni deemed as rill iall\ mull
ugement strategies Ini respond
ing In i.it ism .<ikI aw ureness uf
ethnic i tillur.il diversity
"Ur pride ourselves nil be
iny> .1 i ullinallv apprei lative
t onununilv hut l.ugeue ,iIsn
has problems sau I (In.ini
Mnsrlcv VIII provost Ini sill
dent wrvii.es We ve Ionised
into it anti we have inlnrina
"The new president (\tvlrs
Brand) will t.arrv forth a new
aggressive platform Moselev
added "We ll use polic y mate
rial frnin nllin institutions, task
“In the future, we need to express inter
est in ensuring that racial equity becomes
a reality through planning. "
— Nancie Fadeley
\ alt'll I lie task tori i1 v\ .is i if
.ilril to rt'sisan h lliosi' issues
.mil In plan strategies t" i nmli.il
rai ism .it ltn* l !niversit\
Tlir l.isk ton i' v\.is tliviilfd
into live siiIm omniilli'i's I'lu*
first developed .1 profili' ot the
I'ltuin m.ikrup ol stuciiMits. 1.11
idly ,iml staff
Thi' oilier four groups exam
iiieil polii les regarding i lass
room curriculum, i ampus life
external In the classroom, man
tou rs, ami publii ations to dr
trrniine how to prut■red
\.1 nc it- I atleley assistant to
the provost, dost ribed the task
tori i' as ,i fundamental part ot
tlm overall planning proi rss
"In thf future, Ur need to e\
press interest in ensuring that
rai ial eipiitv hei times ,i rralitv
through planning," I atlelev
[ he original sulw oinmittees
have been absorbed into
Hl.llul S ill fit m.lilVI- .!( I Hill I n 111
i v wIni !i 1.1 ki• - a tough -.lainI
uii rat ism I'lii" altirmalive ,n
linn budget li.is ln*i‘n nearh
iloulili'il under Ins .iilmimslra
tKin. and Brand lias gixeu at
lirmalive at Hull dim tin Diane
Wong lieu resptmsiliilitit's and
III! leased autlint11N III three pH
ITialA areas ul leadership
Brand said rei rinlnienl and
retention ul people ul t olor anil
women in the student body
fat ull\ and stall is ol primary
iniportani e
Vloreovei the 1 im ersiH i in
tii iiliiiu will ret lei I the tiiversi
l\ ol mil i tlllure heller New
t urrii ilium reijuireinenls will
UK lude exposure to null west
ern and non w lute i ultures
In .idtlilion. Bland hopes to
i lilt i\ ate anil maintain a i am
jins environment whit li is sen
silive to anti supportive ol the
needs ol people ol > 111 t llllliral
bat kgrounds ethnii groups
phvsii:al abilities anti sexual
oi ientutinns
The offit e ol affirmative .it
lion has ret eivetl substantial in
t leases tin data prut essing. re
t ord keeping and travel lot re
t mitment ol minority graduate
students and fatuity
Training lot fai tillv and stall
promoting sensitivity in affinn
alive at tion issues also will he
University upset by article
By ( hr is. Bourn'll
Imer.ild Asmx iate Editor
I 'Diversity .cirninistrol<>is
.uni athletii deparIiriuiil otfi
rials .ire upset over .in aili
i le appearing in U I'lini".
days Keg/s/rr(iimnl III.it
suggested I hr I 'niversily
\\ as misusing funds li\ invit
mg lot al |>< 11111< inns In llii
I Its |i. Intfrr|><■ ncit-ii< i' Bou I
I In- slm v I 1111 nk. u as
piemutme anti not at all
wulI rescan lii'il said San
tlv Walliin. assistant uliilelit
diri'i tut lut inltiriuil maiiagr
incut ' Tlii'S in.ill' it snuiltl
like a lug parly
I Diversity President
Miles Brand also lull lliu ar
lulu was missing ussi'iitial
lai Is llial would hiivu pie
sunti'd a dillurunl im.igu ul
wliu Was paving lur Ini al
|inlitii tans and higher edu
cation officials to at loud the
gamu m Shreveport I a
The article. appearing on
the trout page of the K’i'gis
tar(Ui.ml, left readers with
the impression the t'niversi
l\ was using its own money
lo finance trips for siu h otfi
fiats as the mayors of lui
gene ami Springfield and
memhers ol the Oregon State
Hoard of Higher I 'donation.
Walton said
Brand said the artit le net
■ r mentioned that the athlet
it department ttii)iu'\ bind
mt: the trip is »i alblelit
In in I ions mils .mil i .inuni
llr 11,1 llsll'l rcil In .11 li >l 111'i
I ’nis i isils tli'p.iiIment
I Ini li 'i mi,in.ik.i sprt i.iI
assistant lu lilt' .illili'ln til
n’t Itii s.titi tin1 t tisi nl tin'
li ip already is IiximI In i .nisi
,t pi.iiii- ss .is t bartered f.ii I hi
fm tin' i inseisils s ImihI
I iii' t tisl SV ill I M’ I 111' s.llllr
(•Still if llisilt'tl tifllt l.lls tli'
t lull' lilt' IMS 11.11 1 > 111 III .Itll'llll
tin' game '> amanaka s.ml
Hi.inti s.titi llif I ins in sils
is ii'tpiirt'il Its tin' terms til
.it t eplmg tin* Imss I bit! in
Ii.iSi .in ntfit i.il parts ii pii
stmlins’ tin si bool anti t nm
in 111111 s
In iiilditimi In mayors jfll
Miller and Hill Morrisette.
tile i ham film and stair
board members were nflrred
expense paid trips In
The officials, d tiles at
i ept Ihr ins lint ion. are per
united In bring their spouse
nr one guest I Intel < osts are
$’>') a das for two people
\\ niton said
(aiv Neil C ailtlst hllildt
and Oregon's congressional
delegation svere offered tree
game tickets provided tiles
paid fm their own transpor
tation and lodging
Turn to Bowl, Page